Преимущества и недостатки гидроэлектростанций Преимущества гидроэлектр перевод - Преимущества и недостатки гидроэлектростанций Преимущества гидроэлектр английский как сказать

Преимущества и недостатки гидроэлек

Преимущества и недостатки гидроэлектростанций

Преимущества гидроэлектростанций
• Работа ГЭС не сопровождается выделением угарного газа и углекислоты, окислов азота и серы, пылевых загрязнителей и других вредных отходов, не загрязняет почву. Некоторое количество тепла, образующегося из-за трения движущихся частей турбины, передается протекающей воде, но это количество редко бывает большим.
• Вода — возобновляемый источник энергии. По крайней мере до тех пор, пока ручьи и реки не пересохнут. Гидрологический цикл (круговорот воды в природе) пополняет источники потенциальной энергии за счет дождей, снегопадов и водостока.
• Производительность ГЭС легко контролировать, изменяя скорость водяного потока (объем воды, подводимый к турбинам).
• Водохранилища, сооружаемые для гидростанций, можно использовать в качестве зон отдыха, порой вокруг них складывается поистине захватывающий пейзаж.
• Вода в искусственных водохранилищах, как правило, чистая, так как примеси осаждаются на дне. Эту воду можно использовать для питья, мытья, купания и ирригации.

• Большие водохранилища затопляют значительные участки земли, которые могли бы использоваться с другими целями. Целые города становились жертвами водохранилищ, что вызывало массовые переселения, недовольство и экономические трудности.
• Разрушение или авария плотины большой ГЭС практически неминуемо вызывает катастрофическое наводнение ниже по течению реки.
• Сооружение ГЭС неэффективно в равнинных районах.
• Протяженная засуха снижает и может даже прервать производство электроэнергии. ГЭС.
• Уровень воды в искусственных водохранилищах постоянно и резко меняется. Наихберегахстроитьзагородныедоманестоит!
• Плотина снижает уровень растворенного в воде кислорода, поскольку нормальное течение реки практически останавливается. Это может привести к гибели рыбы в искусственном водохранилище и поставить под угрозу растительную жизнь в самом водохранилище и вокруг него.
• Плотина может нарушить нерестовый цикл рыбы. С этой проблемой можно бороться, сооружая рыбоходы и рыбоподъемники в плотине или перемещая рыбу в места нереста с помощью ловушек и сетей. Однакоэтоприводит к удорожаниюстроительства и эксплуатации ГЭС.

С учетом всех проблем использования природного топлива и ядерной энергии для производства электричества почему бы не сооружать больше гидроэлектростанций? В мире огромное количество рек. Разве не стоит строить как можно больше гидростанций?

Большинство мест для строительства гидроэлектростанций уже используются. Количество плотин и водохранилищ, которые можно построить на реке, ограниченно. Энергия, отбираемая электростанцией у реки, уже не может использоваться ниже по течению. Если на реке построить слишком много электростанций, неминуемы экономические конфликты, связанные с распределением энергии.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power plants The advantages of hydropower• Work hes not accompanied by carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, nitrogen and sulphur oxides, dust pollutants and other hazardous wastes, does not contaminate the soil. Some amount of heat generated due to friction on moving parts of the turbine, is passed to the flowing water, but this amount is rarely great.• Water is a renewable source of energy. At least until the streams and rivers do not peresohnut. Hydrologic cycle (water cycle) adds potential energy sources due to the rains, snowfall and runoff.• Performance HPS easily controlled by changing the speed of water flow (volume of water supplied to the turbines).• Reservoirs constructed for hydroelectric power stations can be used as recreation areas, sometimes around is truly a breathtaking landscape.• Water in artificial reservoirs are generally clean, because impurities are deposited on the bottom. This water can be used for drinking, washing, bathing and irrigation.Nedostatkigidroèlektrostancij• Large reservoir flood large tracts of land that could be used for other purposes. Entire cities were victims of the reservoirs, causing mass displacement, discontent and economic hardship.• Destruction or accident dam big HES almost inevitably causes catastrophic flooding downstream.• Construction of a HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION inefficient in lowland areas.• Long drought reduces and can even interrupt the production of electricity. HPS.• Water level in artificial reservoirs is constantly and dramatically changing. Naihberegahstroit′zagorodnyedomanestoit!• The dam reduces the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, because the normal flow of the river virtually stops. This can lead to fish kills in the artificial reservoir and threaten plant life in the reservoir and around it.• Dam can disrupt the spawning cycle of the fish. This problem can be dealt with, by constructing rybohody and rybopod″emniki in the dam or moving fish in spawning by using traps and nets. Odnakoètoprivodit to udorožaniûstroitel′stva and operation of HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION.QuestionIn the light of all the problems of fossil fuel and nuclear energy to produce electricity, why not build more hydroelectric power plants? A great number of rivers in the world. Isn't it worth it to build hydropower stations as possible?ResponseMost seats for the construction of hydroelectric power plants are already being used. The number of dams and reservoirs that can be built on the river is limited. Energy taken power station by the River, can no longer be used downstream. If the river build too many power plants in imminent economic conflicts associated with distribution of power. http://www.enersy.ru/energiya/preimuschestva-i-nedostatki-gidroelektrostantsiy.html
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power plants advantages of hydropower plants • Job hes not accompanied by the release of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, dust and other pollutants hazardous waste does not contaminate the soil. A certain amount of heat generated due to the friction of moving parts of the turbine is transmitted to the flowing water, but this number is rarely greater. • Water - a renewable energy source. At least as long as the streams and rivers is not dry up. Hydrological cycle (water cycle) adds sources of potential energy due to rain, snow, and drain. • Performance HPS easily controlled by changing the water flow rate (the amount of water supplied to the turbine). • Reservoirs, under construction for hydroelectric power stations, can be used as recreation areas, often formed around a truly spectacular landscape. • The water in artificial reservoirs are generally clean, as impurities are deposited on the bottom. This water can be used for drinking, washing, bathing and irrigation. Nedostatkigidroelektrostantsy • Large reservoir flood large areas of land that could be used for other purposes. Entire cities became victims of reservoirs, which caused massive displacement, dissatisfaction and economic difficulties. • The destruction or failure of the dam a large power station almost inevitably causing catastrophic flooding downstream. • The construction of hydropower plants is ineffective in the plain areas. • The extended drought reduces and can even interrupt production electricity. GES. • The level of water in artificial reservoirs are constantly and rapidly changing. Naihberegahstroitzagorodnyedomanestoit! • The dam reduces the level of dissolved oxygen, since the normal flow of the river is almost stopped. This can lead to the death of fish in an artificial reservoir and jeopardize the plant life in and around the reservoir. • The dam can break the cycle of fish spawning. This problem can be combated by building fish passes and fish lifts in the dam or moving the fish into spawning using traps and nets. Odnakoetoprivodit to udorozhaniyustroitelstva and operation of hydroelectric power plants. Q With all the problems of using fossil fuels and nuclear energy for electricity generation, why not build more than hydroelectric power stations? In the world of a huge number of rivers. Is it not worth as much as possible to build hydroelectric power stations? A majority of places for construction of hydropower plants already in use. The number of dams and reservoirs, which can be built on the river is limited. Energy power plant were selected by the river, it can not be used downstream. If the river to build too much power, inevitable economic conflicts associated with the distribution of power. Http://www.enersy.ru/energiya/preimuschestva-i-nedostatki-gidroelektrostantsiy.html

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the advantages and disadvantages of the advantages of hydropower hydroelectric

- the work of dam is not accompanied by carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphurdust pollutants and other hazardous waste, does not pollute the soil. a quantity of heat from the friction of the moving parts of the turbine, is passed to a leaking waterbut this number is rarely high.
- water is a renewable energy source. at least until the streams and rivers is not пересохнут.water cycle (water cycle) filling the sources of potential energy from rain, snow and water.
- performance gas easy to controlby changing the speed of water flow (water volume подводимый to турбинам).
- reservoir facilities constructed for гидростанций, can be used as recreation areas.sometimes around them is indeed breathtaking scenery.
- water in artificial reservoirs, generally clean, since the impurities are deposited on the bottom. this water can be used for drinking, washing,bathing and irrigation.

- big reservoir затопляют significant tracts of land that could be used for other purposes. entire cities were victims of reservoirswhat caused the massive resettlement, discontent and economic difficulties.
- destruction of the dam a dam or an accident almost inevitably cause catastrophic flooding downstream. the river.the construction of the dam was not in plain areas.
- long drought reduces and can even suspend production of electricity. dam.
- water level in artificial reservoirs and constantly changing.наихберегахстроитьзагородныедоманестоит!
- dam reduces the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, as the normal course of the river almost stops.this may lead to death of fish in artificial reservoir and jeopardize make life in and around the reservoir. the dam would disrupt the нерестовый
- cycle of fish.this problem can be addressed, constructing рыбоходы and рыбоподъемники in dam or moving fish breeding grounds through traps and networks. однакоэтоприводит to удорожаниюстроительства and exploitation of plant matter

with all the problems of the use of fossil fuel and nuclear energy to produce electricity, why not build more hydroelectric power stations. in the world, a great number of rivers.do not need to build more гидростанций?

the majority response of hydropower has been used. the number of dams and reservoirs, which can be built on the river is limited.the energy отбираемая power station by the river, can no longer be used downstream. if the build too many plants, неминуемы economic conflicts related to the distribution of energy

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