В последнее время у девочек почти исчез интерес к рукоделию, шитью. А  перевод - В последнее время у девочек почти исчез интерес к рукоделию, шитью. А  английский как сказать

В последнее время у девочек почти и

В последнее время у девочек почти исчез интерес к рукоделию, шитью. А жаль! Это так прекрасно и интересно — шить для людей кра­сивую, удобную и современную одежду. Причём эта одежда получается индивидуальной, особой, если её вам шьёт мастер, потому что сшита на заказ в единичном экземпляре. Поэтому я очень хочу стать дизайнером одежды. Я хочу распоряжаться своим временем по своему усмотрению! Чтобы стать дизайнером, необходимо многому научиться: нужно овладевать различ­ными инструментами и техническими прибора­ми (например, нужно уметь работать на швей­ных машинах с программным управлением, уметь обращаться с оверлоком и так далее), необходимо быть в какой-то мере конструкто­ром и модельером, делать выкройки, понимать их, представлять, как будет выглядеть одежда. Нужно уметь с помощью одежды скрывать недостатки фигуры своих клиенток. Именно это умение делает дизайнера одежды популярным, и он начинает хорошо зарабатывать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Recently, the girls have almost disappeared interest in needlework, sewing. And sorry! It is so beautiful and interesting — sew for people beautiful, convenient and modern clothes. Moreover, this garment is produced individually, if you sew a wizard because sewn to order a single copy. So I really want to become a fashion designer. I want to dispose of their time at their discretion! To become a designer, you must learn a lot: you need to learn the different tools and technical devices (for example, you want to be able to work at sewing machines with numerical program control, be able to handle overlokom, and so forth), you must be in some measure by the designer and fashion designer, make patterns, to understand them, to represent the clothing will look like. You should be able to by using clothing to hide figure flaws of their clients. It is this skill makes a popular designer clothes, and he begins to make good money.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Recently, the girls almost disappeared interest in needlework, sewing. It's a pity! It is so beautiful and interesting - for people to sew a beautiful, comfortable and modern clothes. And these clothes are to receive individual, particular if you sews her master, because custom-made in a single copy. So I really want to become a fashion designer. I want to dispose of their time at their discretion! To be a designer, you need to learn a lot: it is necessary to master a variety of tools and technical devices (for example, need to be able to work on sewing machines with program control, to be able to handle overlock and so on), you must be in some way a designer and a fashion designer, make patterns , to understand them, to imagine how it will look clothes. You must be able with the help of clothes to hide figure flaws of its clients. It is the ability to make a popular designer clothes, and he begins to make good money.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
recently, the girls have almost disappeared, interest in handicrafts, sewing. what a pity! it's so wonderful and interesting to people кра­сивую, convenient and modern clothes. and the clothes at the individual, special,if you sew master because it is custom to copy, as individual items. therefore, i very want to be a clothing designer. i want to dispose of your time on your own. to be a designerneed to learn to take the различ­ными tools and technical прибора­ми (for example, need to be able to work on швей­ных cars with program controlto be able to treat оверлоком and so on), must be to some extent конструкто­ром and fashion designer, to do a pattern, to understand it, to imagine the clothing looks like.need to be able to through the clothes to hide the shortcomings of the pieces of their clients. this ability makes the designer clothing, popular, and he starts to make some good money.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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