11. Когда апельсины созревают, их собирают, сортируют, укладывают в сп перевод - 11. Когда апельсины созревают, их собирают, сортируют, укладывают в сп английский как сказать

11. Когда апельсины созревают, их с

11. Когда апельсины созревают, их собирают, сортируют, укладывают в специальные коробки, а затем они поступают на рынок сбыта.
.12 Каждый год средняя английская семья выбрасывает тонну Мусора.
13 Бананы не растут в условиях английского климата. Большую часть хлеба в Англии выпекают из пшеничной муки.
15 В какое время подают завтрак в этой ? — Вы сможет позавтракать в любое время с 7 до 9 утра.
16 В объявлении говорится, что этот ресторан закрыт на ремонт, Нам придется идти в другой. К сожалению, обслуживание та Гораздо хуже.
17 Родительские собрания в нашей школе проводятся в конце ка ждой четверти. На этих собраниях лучших учеников хвалят з хорошую учебу и примерное поведение.
18 Новые машины обязательнотестируются перед использованием,
19 Модная одежда поставляется в нашу республику из многих стран мира. Она продается как в больших, так и в маленьких Hax.
20 Из овощей и фруктов готовят много вкусных и полезных блюд.
21 В воскресенье продовольственные магазины закрываются очень рано.
22 Наш актовый зал очень большой. Он вмещает 500 человек.
23 Рассказ начинается с описания семейного торжества в доме английского лорда, на котором присутствует много знатных людей.
24 Половина акций этого завода принадлежит генеральному диpeKTOpy. T
25 Англичане пьют больше чая, а американцы — кофе. Согласно статистике, в Англии выпивается 70 миллиардов чашек чая TOJI.
26 Ежегодно около 10% лесных угодий погибает в результате поЖаров.
27 Во время регистрации и паспорта авиапассажиров проверяются, их багаж взвешивается, а затем к нему прикрепляются бирки. После этого багаж кладется на транспортер и доставляется к самолету. –
28 Растениям для роста нужна как вода, так и солнечный свет.
29 Сегодня все большее и большее количество мобильных телефонов находится в пользовании людей. –
30 осле того как письма вынимают из почтового ящика, они поступают в отдел доставки, где специальные машины ставят дату отправления письма и гасят почтовую марку. Затем операторы cВЯЗИ ИЛИ специальные машины сортируют Письма в соответствии с почтовым индексом получателя. Почтальон забирает письма и доставляет их по указанному адресу.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
11. When the oranges ripen, they collect, sort, stack in special boxes, then they go on the market.12. Every year, the average British family throws a ton of garbage. 13 Bananas do not grow in the face of the English climate. A large portion of bread in England are baked from wheat flour.15 what time breakfast is served in this? -You can have your breakfast at any time from 7 to 9 am. 16 in the advertisement says that the restaurant is closed for renovation, we will have to go to another. Unfortunately, maintenance TA is much worse.17 parents ' meetings are held at our school at the end of each quarter of the spacecraft. At these meetings the best students praise w good studies and good behaviour. 18 new machines before using obâzatel′notestiruûtsâ, 19 Fashionable clothing comes in our Republic from many countries of the world. It is sold in both large and small Hax.20 of the fruits and vegetables are cooked a lot of delicious and healthy dishes.21 in Sunday grocery stores closed very early.22 Our Assembly Hall is very large. It accommodates 500 people. 23 Story begins with a description of a family celebration at the home of English Lord, on which there is a lot of notable people. 24 Half shares this plant belongs to the dipeKTOpy. T25 Britons drink more tea, and Americans — coffee. According to statistics, in England consumed 70 billion cups of tea TOJI. 26 annually, about 10% of forest land is killed by fire.27 at the time of registration and passports of passengers checked their luggage is weighed, and then attach the stickers. After the luggage is placed on the conveyor and delivered to the plane. – 28 Plants for growth needs like water and sunlight. 29 Today more and more mobile phones is in use of people. –30 the donkey as a letter taken out of the mailbox, they arrive in the shipping department, where special machines put date letters and extinguish postage stamp. Then on-line operators or special machines sorted the letters according to the zip code of the recipient. The postman takes the letter and delivers them to the specified address.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

11. When the oranges ripen, they are collected, sorted, placed in a special box, and then they come to market.
.12 Every year an average British family throws a ton of garbage.
13 Bananas do not grow in the conditions of the English climate. Most of the bread baked in England from wheat flour.
15 At what time breakfast is served in this? - You can have breakfast at any time from 7 am to 9 am.
16 The declaration says that the restaurant is closed for repairs, we have to go to another. Unfortunately, the service that is much worse.
17 Parent meetings are held in our school at the end ka zhdoy quarter. At these meetings, the best students praise s good study and good behavior.
18 New Machines obyazatelnotestiruyutsya before use
19 Fashion comes in our republic from many countries. It is sold in large and in small Hax.
20 Because vegetables and fruits prepared many delicious and healthy dishes.
21 On Sunday, food shops are closed very early.
22 Our auditorium is very large. It seats 500 people.
23 The story begins with a family celebration in the house of an English lord, where there are many nobles.
24 Half of the shares of this plant belongs to the general dipeKTOpy. T
25 British drink more tea, and Americans - coffee. According to statistics, in Britain consumed 70 billion TOJI cups of tea.
26 Each year, about 10% of forest land is killed by fire.
27 At the time of registration and passports checked passengers, their luggage is weighed and then attach it to the tag. After that, put the luggage onto the conveyor and transported to the aircraft. -
28 Plants for growth need both water and sunlight.
29 Today, more and more mobile phones are in use people. -
30 After taking a letter is removed from the mailbox, they arrive in the shipping department, where special machines give the date of departure and quenched letter stamp. Then telecommunication operator or special machines sorted Letters in accordance with the zip code of the recipient. Postman takes the letter and delivers it to the specified address.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
11. when oranges ripen, they collect, sort, put in a special box, and then entering the market..12 every year the average british family has a ton of garbage.13 bananas grow in conditions of the english climate. most of the bread bake in england from wheat flour.15 what time is breakfast in this? you can have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.16 in the state that the restaurant is closed for repairs, we have to go to the other. unfortunately, the service that much worse.17 the parent meetings in our school are held at the end of this ждой quarters. at these meetings the best students praise with good students and good behavior.18 new cars обязательнотестируются before use.19 fashion are supplied in our country from many countries of the world. it is sold in both large and small Hax.20 of the fruits and vegetables cooked a lot of delicious and healthy food.21 sunday food shops are closed very early.22 our common room is very big. he holds 500 people.the story begins with a description of a family of 23 english lord in the house, which has many noble people.24 half shares of this plant belongs to the диpeKTOpy. t25, the british and the americans drink more tea, coffee. according to statistics, in england выпивается 70 billion cups of tea TOJI.26 each year, about 10% of forest land is killed by fire.27 at the time of registration and the passports of passengers checked their luggage is weighed, and then to him are tags. after that, the baggage placed on the belt and are transported to the plane. -28 plants to growth need water and sunlight.29 today, more and more mobile phones are in use. -30 after a letter taking out of the mailbox, they do the delivery, where special machines and the date of the letter and cushion the postage stamp. then the operators connection or special machine sort the letters according to the mail recipient. he takes the letter and gives them to the specified address.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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