ЗдравствуйтеЯ со своей супругой проживал в вашем отеле с 3 по 11 сентя перевод - ЗдравствуйтеЯ со своей супругой проживал в вашем отеле с 3 по 11 сентя английский как сказать

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Я со своей супругой проживал в вашем отеле с 3 по 11 сентября 2015 года, номер комнаты 108.
Отдых в целом понравился, но был один отрицательный момент.
Мы, как и другие люди, не привыкли проверять минибар при заселении в отель, хотя как потом оказалось это нужно было сделать.
Мини баром мы не пользовались, так как спиртные напитки мы привезли с собой из магазина dute free, а воду и пиво покупали в соседнем магазинчике.
Через день или два после нашего заселения в минибар доложили пиво, в другой день принесли водку и что-то еще, потом минеральную воду.
Мы останавливались во многих отелях мира, и обычно если клиент что-то выпил из минибара, на следующий день сразу докладывают и оставляют счет в номере.
При выселении из отеля нас попросили заплатить 97 турецких лир, опять же не представив счета. Отъезд у нас был в 7 утра и уже ожидало такси, разбираться было не с кем, поэтому просто отдали деньги и уехали.
Пожалуйста проверьте как ваши сотрудники готовят номера и минибар в частности, возможно мы не единственные кто оказался в подобной ситуации.

С уважением,
Николай Злобин

Через день или два после нашего прибытия сотрудники отеля дополнили минибар пивом, в другой день принесли водку и что-то еще, потом принесли минеральную воду.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
HelloI and his wife lived at the hotel with 3 on September 11, 2015 year, Room 108.Holidays in General, but there was one negative moment.We, like other people, not used to check the minibar on arrival at the hotel, although as it turned out it had to do.Mini bar we don't enjoy, as spirits we brought from the shop, and free water dute and beer bought at a nearby shop.After a day or two after our arrival at the mini-bar beer, reported the other day brought vodka and something else, then mineral water.We stayed in many hotels around the world, and usually if a client something drunk from orange juice, on the following day immediately reported and leave through the room.When leaving the hotel we were asked to pay 97 Turkish Liras, again without giving account. Departure we had at 7 am and already awaiting taxi deal wasn't with anyone, so just giving away money and left.Please check how your employees prepare rooms and minibar in particular, maybe we're not the only ones who have found themselves in a similar situation.With kind regards,Nikolai ZlobinAfter a day or two after our arrival the staff complement minibar beer the other day brought vodka and something else, then brought mineral water.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello I was living with his wife in your hotel room with a 3 to 11 September 2015, room number 108. Activities generally liked, but there was one negative point. We, like other people, are not used to check the minibar on arrival at the hotel, though as then it turned out it had to be done. minibar we did not use as drinks we brought with us from the store dute free, as water and beer purchased in a neighboring shop. After a day or two after our settlement in the minibar reported beer, another day brought vodka and something else, then mineral water. We have stayed in many hotels around the world, and usually if a customer something drank from the minibar, the day immediately report to and leave the account in the room. When eviction from the hotel we were asked to pay 97 Turkish lira, again without giving account. Check out we had a 7 am and already awaited taxi deal was not with anyone, so just give the money and left. Please check how your employees are prepared rooms and minibar in particular, maybe we are not the only ones who are in a similar situation. Sincerely, Nikolai Zlobin, a day or two after our arrival staff complement minibars beer the other day brought vodka and something else, then brought mineral water.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

i and his wife lived in your hotel from 3 to 11 september 2015, room 108.
rest generally liked, but there was a negative moment.
we, like other peoplenot used to check the mini bar problem in the hotel, although it turned out that i had to do. "we haven't used the mini bar, as the liquor we brought back from the store dute freea water and beer sold in the store.
in a day or two after our arrival in a place called beer, another day brought the vodka and something else, then the mineral water.we have stayed in many hotels in the world, and usually if the client something to drink from the mini bar, immediately report the next day and leave the room.
the eviction from the hotel we were asked to pay 97 turkish liraagain do not produce accounts. departure, we were at 7 in the morning and already has a deal wasn't with someone, so i just gave the money and left.please check your staff prepare rooms and a mini bar in particular, perhaps we are not the only ones who was in a similar situation.

with respect злобин

.in a day or two after our arrival, the hotel completed a mini bar beer, another day brought the vodka and something else, then brought some mineral water.
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