Она была хрупкой девушкой с сильным характером . Благодаря своей нравс перевод - Она была хрупкой девушкой с сильным характером . Благодаря своей нравс английский как сказать

Она была хрупкой девушкой с сильным

Она была хрупкой девушкой с сильным характером . Благодаря своей нравственной чистоте и несгибаемой воле , она сумела завоевать преданность народа и продержаться на британском троне 63 года . Виктория считала,что люди должны родиться под счастливой звездой . В детстве она говорила,что каждая девочка должна стать принцессой. Это и было её мечтой. вскоре эта мечта сбылась. Она стала королевой . Королева Виктория увлекалась рисованием,в частности, она любила рисовать с натуры . Также она любила музыку, читать романы,но ей запрещали их читать. Всё же, любимый роман у нее был.Назывался он "Невеста Ламермула" Вальтера Скотта. Она любила играть на фортепиано,ходить в театр,но разрешали посещать только оперы и балет.Её любимая опера "Пуритания",но со временем вкусы поменялись и она полюбила оперу "Норма". С самого детства Виктория чувствовала себя шахматной фигурой,потому что все хотели её использовать в своих корыстных целях. Виктория прислушивалась к мнению других,точнее, к мнению близких людей,не считая матери и герцога Джона . Нередко она была наивной и не всегда могла лично распознать людей,которые хотели иметь выгоду за её счет. Что касается деятельности королевы Виктории на престоле ,то изначально она была глупа в решениях,в силу своего возраста и отсутствия опыта
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
She was a frail girl with strong character. Due to their moral purity and indomitable will, she managed to win the allegiance of the people and hold out on the British Throne 63 years. Victoria believed that people must be born under a lucky star. In childhood she said that every girl should become a Princess. It was her dream. soon this dream come true. She became Queen. Queen Victoria took a great interest in drawing, in particular, she loved to draw from life. She also loved music, read novels, but she forbade them to read. Still, she had a favourite novel. It was called "the bride of Lamermula" by Sir Walter Scott. She loved to play the piano, go to the theatre, but only allowed to go to the Opera and Ballet. Her favorite opera, "Puritanija", but over time, tastes changed and she fell in love with the Opera "Norma". Since childhood Victoria felt chess figure, because everyone wanted to use it for their own selfish purposes. Victoria listening to others, to be more precise, close people, not counting the mother and John Duke. Often she was naïve and not always able to personally recognize people who wanted to have a benefit for her account. With regard to the activities of Queen Victoria to the throne, it was foolish in decisions because of their age and lack of experience
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
She was a fragile woman with a strong character. Due to its moral purity and unbending will, she managed to win the loyalty of the people and hold on the British throne for 63 years. Victoria felt that people should be born under a lucky star. As a child, she said that every girl should be a princess. That was her dream. soon this dream come true. She became queen. Queen Victoria was fond of painting, in particular, she liked to draw from nature. She also loved music, reading novels, but she forbade them to read. Still, her favorite novel byl.Nazyvalsya he "Bride Lamermula" Walter Scott. She loved to play the piano, going to the theater, but only allowed to visit the opera and balet.Eё favorite opera "I Puritani", but over time, tastes changed and she loved the opera "Norma". Since childhood, Victoria felt a chess figure, because everyone wanted to use it for their own selfish purposes. Victoria listened to the opinions of others, more precisely, to the opinion of loved ones, apart from his mother and John Duke. Often she was naive and could not always recognize the people personally who would be of benefit at its expense. With regard to the activities of Queen Victoria on the throne, then initially it was stupid in the decisions, because of their age and lack of experience
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
she was a little girl with a strong personality. because of its moral purity and unyielding will, she managed to win the loyalty of the people and hold on the british throne 63 years. victoria thought people should be born under a lucky star. when she told me that every girl should be a princess. and this was her dream. soon that dream come true. she became queen. queen victoria was an art student, she particularly loved to paint from nature. she also loved music, read novels, but she was told to read them. still, love affair with her был.назывался he "bride ламермула" by walter scott. she loved to play the piano, go to the theater, but was allowed to attend only the opera and балет.её favourite "пуритания", but eventually tastes changed and she loved the opera "norma". since victoria felt like a chess player, because i wanted to use it for their own purposes. victoria listened to the other, or to the people, not to mention the mother of john. often she was naive and could not always to recognize people who wanted to gain for her. with regard to the activities of queen victoria on the throne, originally she was stupid decisions because of their age and lack of experience
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