Национальный флаг Австралии – это прямоугольное полотнище с соотношени перевод - Национальный флаг Австралии – это прямоугольное полотнище с соотношени английский как сказать

Национальный флаг Австралии – это п

Национальный флаг Австралии – это прямоугольное полотнище с соотношением сторон 2 к 1. Фон знамени – синий. На нем изображены шесть звезд, пять из которых расположены в виде созвездия Южного креста, а шестая находится слева под флагом Великобритании. Самая крупная звезда – семиконечная, где шесть звездных лучей – это количество колоний, которых именно шесть, а седьмой – это внешние территории. Синий фон флага символизирует океан. Британский флаг отдает дань истории, когда Австралия была колонией Британии.

Приняли австралийский флаг в 1901 году, но окончательный вид знамя получило в 1903 году. Дизайн флага выбирался из конкурсных работ. Однако позже флаг был немного видоизменен. Внешний вид теперешнего флага появился в 1934 году, но окончательно утвержден был в 1954 году и стал «национальным флагом Австралии».

Каждая звезда на флаге Австралии имеет свое значение: пять из них семиконечные звезды - звезда Содружества, Акрукс, Бекрукс, Гакрукс, Декрукс, а шестая является пятиконечной – звезда Эпсилон Южного Креста. До появления австралийского флага на материке использовался британский флаг Юнион Джек. Также имело место быть варианту флага с красным фоном. Именно красный флаг использовался на морских торговых судах.

В 1953 году установили правила использования австралийского флага. Его можно устанавливать на высоте, выше других флагов. Использовать флаг нужно на каждом здании правительства при проведении выборов и референдумов. Суда частных лиц могут использовать оба варианта – синий и красный флаги.

Опущение флага на 1/3 длины флагштока происходит в случае смерти монарха или членов королевской семьи, генерал-губернатора, в день Анзнак, в день памяти погибших в Первой и Второй мировой войне.

Без специального разрешения использовать флаг в рекламе недопустимо. В случае его использования флаг должен быть представлен достойным образом, изображен только в оригинале без посторонних рисунков и надписей.

В 1996 году был учрежден День национального флага Австралии. С инициативой выступил Уильям Дин. Но праздновать день флага начали еще в 1985 году в Сиднее. Этот день не является выходным, но в некоторых городах страны проводятся разные мероприятия.

Из-за увеличения количеств республиканцев в Австралии, изображение британского флага начали сильно критиковать. Поэтому о смене флага Австралии сегодня точатся серьезные споры.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Australia's national flag is a rectangular cloth with an aspect ratio of 2 to 1. Background banner blue. On it six stars, five of which are in the form of the constellation of the Southern Cross, and a sixth is on the left side under the flag of Great Britain. The largest star is semikonečnaâ, where six stellar rays is the number of colonies, which is exactly six and a seventh is an external territory. Blue background flag symbolizes the ocean. British flag pays tribute to history when Australia was a colony of Britain. Took the Australian flag in the year 1901, but the final appearance of the banner has received in the year 1903. The flag design was selected from entries. However, later the flag was slightly changed. The appearance of the present flag appeared in 1934, but was finally approved in the year 1954 and became the national flag of Australia. Each star on the flag of Australia has its value: five star semikonečnye-star Alpha Crucis, beta Crucis, Commonwealth, Gakruks, Delta Crucis, and the sixth is a five-pointed-star Epsilon Southern Cross. Before the advent of the Australian flag on the Mainland made the British Union Jack flag. There was also be a variant of the flag with a red background. It was the red flag was used on sea merchant ships. In 1953 year established rules for the use of the Australian flag. It can be installed at a height above the other flags. Need an use flag on every government building in the conduct of elections and referendums. Court individuals can use both options-blue and red flags. Drooping flag at 1/3 the length of the flagpole occurs in the event of the death of the monarch or a member of the Royal family, the Governor General, daily Anznak, daily remembrance in the first and second world war. Without special permission to use the flag in advertising is not allowed. In case of its usage flag must be presented in a dignified manner, depicted only in the original without unauthorized drawings and inscriptions. In 1996, was established the day of the national flag of Australia. The initiative was made by William Dean. But to celebrate flag day began in 1985 year in Sydney. This day is not, but in some cities of the country carried out different activities. Because of the increased quantities of Republicans in Australia, the image of the British flag began to strongly criticize. Therefore, about changing the flag of Australia today točatsâ serious disputes.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The national flag of Australia - a square with an aspect ratio of 2 to 1. Background Banner - blue. It shows six stars, five of which are in the form of the constellation of the Southern Cross, and the sixth is on the left under the flag of the United Kingdom. The biggest star - seven-pointed where six ray star - is the number of columns, which is six, and the seventh - is outside the territory. Blue background flag symbolizes the ocean. British Flag pays tribute to history, when Australia was a colony of Britain. Took an Australian flag in 1901, but the final form of the banner received in 1903. The design of the flag was chosen from entries. However, later the flag was modified slightly. The appearance of the present flag appeared in 1934, but the final approval was in 1954 and became "the national flag of Australia." Each star on the flag of Australia has its own meaning: five of them seven-pointed star - the star of the Commonwealth, Acrux, Bekruks, Gacrux, Dekruks, and the sixth is a five-pointed - star Epsilon Crucis. Before the advent of the Australian flag on the mainland used the British Union Jack flag. There was also be a variant of the flag with a red background. That's a red flag was used on offshore merchant ships. In 1953, established rules for the use of the Australian flag. It can be installed at a height above the other flags. Use the flag should be in every government building in elections and referendums. Court individuals may use both - blue and red flags. The omission flag at 1/3 of the length of the flagpole is happening in the case of the death of the monarch and the royal family, the governor general, Anznak day, the day of memory of those killed in the First and Second World War. Without special permission to use the flag in advertising is not allowed. In case of its use of the flag should be presented in a dignified manner, it is shown only in the original without foreign drawings and inscriptions. In 1996, was established by the Australian National Flag Day. The initiative was made ​​by William Dean. But to celebrate the Flag Day began in 1985 in Sydney. This day is a holiday, but in some cities of the country held various activities. Due to the increase in the number of Republicans in Australia, the image of the British flag began to strongly criticize. Therefore, the change of the flag of Australia today sharpened serious disputes.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the national flag of australia is a rectangular panel with a ratio of 2 to 1. von flag is blue. there are six stars, five of which are in the form of a constellation of the southern cross.and the sixth is left under the flag of great britain. the biggest star is семиконечная where six star rays is the number of colonies, which is six, and the seventh is the external territories.blue background flag represents the ocean. tribute to the history of the british flag, when australia was a colony of britain.

have an australian flag in 1901, but the final state banner was in 1903.the design of the flag out of competition works. however, later the flag was slightly modified. the appearance of the current flag appeared in 1934, but was finally approved in 1954 and became the national flag of australia.

each star on the flag of australia has its importance: five of them семиконечные stars - commonwealth star, alpha crucis, beta crucis, gamma crucis, delta crucis, and the sixth is a five pointed star, epsilon is the southern cross.before the arrival of the australian flag on the mainland was used by the british flag union jack. as was the case with the red flag in the background. it is the red flag was used on seagoing merchant ships.

in 1953, had set the rules of the australian flag. it can be installed at a height above the other flags. use the flag to each building government elections and referendums.the court of private individuals can use both options - blue and red flags.

the omission flag to 1 / 3 the length of the flagpole is going on in the event of the death of the monarch, or members of the royal family, the governor general, on the day of анзнак,on memorial day in the first and the second world war.

without special permission to use the flag in advertising is prohibited. when in use, the flag should be presented in a dignified manner.is only in the original private drawings and writings.

was established in 1996, the day of the national flag of australia. the initiative was made by william dean. but celebrate flag day started in 1985 in sydney.
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