Для того чтобы сконцентрировать усилия и ресурсы на решении наиболее о перевод - Для того чтобы сконцентрировать усилия и ресурсы на решении наиболее о английский как сказать

Для того чтобы сконцентрировать уси

Для того чтобы сконцентрировать усилия и ресурсы на решении наиболее острых, системных задач в экономике и социальной сфере, мы запускаем приоритетные проекты. Прошу обеспечить их оперативное законодательное сопровождение, а также при работе над федеральным бюджетом предусмотреть финансирование приоритетных проектов в полном объёме.

И конечно, нам нужно укреплять безопасность и обороноспособность страны, отстаивать её позиции на мировой арене. Рассчитываю, что парламент, все фракции окажут этой работе необходимую политическую и законодательную поддержку.

Также считаю важным в полной мере использовать ресурсы парламентской дипломатии для развития конструктивных международных связей со всеми заинтересованными партнёрами.

Дорогие друзья! Российское общество ждёт от вас вдумчивой и профессиональной работы, глубокого понимания ценности права и закона, готовности отстаивать общегосударственные и общенациональные интересы.

Обращаюсь к представителям всех фракций. Текущие политические разногласия всегда были, есть и всегда будут. Из этого, собственно говоря, и состоит жизнь, но статус народного представителя, забота об авторитете парламента, ответственность за судьбу страны и её граждан много выше любых и личных, и даже партийных амбиций.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In order to concentrate their efforts and resources on solving the most acute, systemic challenges in economy and social sphere, we are launching the priority projects. Ask to ensure their prompt legislative support, as well as during the work on the federal budget to provide for the financing of priority projects in full.And of course, we need to strengthen security and defence capability of the country to defend its position on the world stage. I hope that Parliament, all the factions will this work with the necessary political and legislative support.Also believe it is important to fully utilize the resources of parliamentary diplomacy for the development of constructive international relations with all interested partners.Dear friends! Russian society expects from you thoughtful and professional work, a thorough understanding of the values of law and law of readiness to defend the State and national interests.I appeal to the representatives of all the factions. The current political controversy has always been, is and always will be. From this, indeed, is the life, but the status of the people's representative, the concern for the credibility of Parliament, responsibility for the destiny of the country and its citizens above any lot and personal, and even partisan ambitions.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In order to concentrate efforts and resources on resolving the most acute, systemic problems in the economy and the social sphere, we are launching the priority projects. Please ensure that they are operational legal support, as well as work on the federal budget to provide funding for priority projects in full.

And of course, we need to strengthen security and defense capability of the country to defend its position on the world stage. I hope that Parliament will have all the factions of the necessary political and legislative support.

Also, I consider it important to make full use of the resources of parliamentary diplomacy for the development of constructive international relations with all interested partners.

Dear friends! Russian society expects from you thoughtful and professional work, a deep understanding of the value of law, national and ready to defend national interests.

I appeal to the representatives of all factions. Current political disagreements have always been, is and always will be. Because of this, strictly speaking, it is life, but the status of national representative, concern about the authority of Parliament, responsible for the fate of the country and its citizens, and a lot higher than any personal and party ambitions even.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in order to concentrate efforts and resources to address the most acute, systemic challenges in the economy and the social sphere, we run the priority projects. please be prompt legislative support, and the federal budget for the funding of priority projects in its entirety.and of course, we need to strengthen the security and defence capability of a country to defend its position on the world stage. hope that the parliament"s factions will have the necessary political and legislative support.also it is important to make full use of the resources of parliamentary diplomacy to the development of constructive international links with all interested partners.dear friends! russian society expects of you thoughtful and professional work, a deep understanding of the value of law and the law will uphold the state and national interests.speaking to representatives of all factions. the current political differences have always been, and always will be. this, in fact, is the life, but the status of people"s representative, the concern about the authority of parliament, responsible for the fate of the nation and its citizens a lot above all and personal, and even political ambitions.
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