Боюсь, что не могу это сделать. Так как курс валюты ZAR к доллару может поменяться. Вы можете расплачиваться валютой ZAR и она автоматически будет конвертироваться в доллары США.
I'm afraid that I can not do it. Since the exchange rate ZAR to the dollar may change. You can pay with currency ZAR and it will automatically be converted into US dollars.
I'm afraid I can't do that. As the exchange rate of the currency of the currency to the dollar can change. You can pay with the currency of the company and it will be automatically converted into U.S. dollars.
I'm afraid I can't. Because the exchange rate of Zar dollar may change. You can pay in Zar currency, which will automatically convert to US dollars.<br>