11. Он был первым, кто обратил на них внимание в этом большом промышленном городе.
12. Он сам был очень беден, но у Нелл и ее деда, был такой несчастный и усталый вид (они выглядели такими несчастными и усталыми), что он не мог допустить, чтобы они провели ночь на улице.
13. «Погода такая плохая, что ребенок не может оставаться на улице (погода слишком плохая, чтобы ребенок оставался на улице)»,—сказал он.
14. Он не стал ждать, пока они ответят ему, и взял Нелл на руки.
15. Нелл не возражала: она чувствовала, что он добрый человек, и она была слишком утомлена, чтобы идти дальше.
16. Незнакомец привел их на фабрику, где он работал. Он поправил (to arrange) кучу теплой золы, которая лежала в углу, чтобы они могли провести на ней ночь.
17. Утром Нелл и старик ушли с фабрики. Они не прошли и нескольких шагов, когда услышали, что кто-то бежит за ними.
18. Нелл почувствовала, что кто-то тронул ее за руку.
19. Их новый друг оказался очень великодушным человеком: он отдал им все деньги, которые у него были.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
11. He was the first who paid attention to them this large industrial city. 12. He himself was very poor, but Nell and her grandfather was such a miserable and tired look (they looked such miserable and tired) that he couldn't afford, so they spent the night on the street. 13. "the weather is bad, that a child cannot remain outdoors (weather too bad the child to remain in the street)," he said. 14. He did not wait until they answer him, and picked up Nell. 15. Nell did not object: she felt that he was a good man, and she was too tired to go any further. 16. The stranger led them to the factory where he worked. He straightened (to arrange) a bunch of warm ash, which lay in a corner, so they can spend the night in it. 17. Morning Nell and the old man left the factory. They have not passed and several steps when they heard someone running behind them. 18. Nell felt someone touched her hand. 19. Their new friend turned out to be very magnanimous man: he gave them all the money he had.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
11. He was the first who drew attention to them in this big industrial city.
12. He was very poor, but Nell and her grandfather was so miserable and tired (they looked so miserable and tired), he could not admit that they spent the night on the street.
13. "The weather is so bad that a child can not remain outside (the weather is too bad that the child remained in the street)," - he said.
14. He did not wait until they answer him, and took Nell in his arms.
15. Nell did not mind: she felt that he was a good man, and she was too tired to go on.
16. The man led them to the factory where he worked. He adjusted (to arrange) pile of warm ashes, which lay in a corner, so they could spend the night. Her
17. In the morning, Nell and the old man left the factory. They had not gone a few steps when they heard someone running behind them.
18. Nell felt someone touch her arm.
19. Their new friend was a very generous man: he gave them all the money he had.
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