Я хочу рассказать об одной поездке, которая произвела на меня большое  перевод - Я хочу рассказать об одной поездке, которая произвела на меня большое  английский как сказать

Я хочу рассказать об одной поездке,

Я хочу рассказать об одной поездке, которая произвела на меня большое впечатление. Около 5 лет назад учительница в художественной школе предложила нашему классу отправиться на экскурсию в Нижний Новгород. Мы согласились. Я тогда была в нем всего 1 раз, поэтому он был для меня очень большим и незнакомым. Мы отправились на экскурсию в усадьбу Рукавишниковых на Нижневолжской набережной. Там мы увидели старинные предметы одежды, посуду, украшения. Здесь же были письма, много картин. Я помню, что больше всего меня поразило убранство комнат. Прекрасная лепнина, роспись, дорогая мебель и ковры. А еще огромный зал, где устраивались балы. Там было много зеркал и роскошная хрустальная люстра. В ближайшее время я хочу побывать там снова. Интересно, будут ли мои впечатления столь же яркими, как в тот раз? Затем мы отправились на Покровскую улицу, где могли купить разные сувениры. В тот день я поняла, что хотела бы бывать в Нижнем Новгороде чаще и увидеть еще другие интересные места. Сейчас я учусь здесь, поэтому можно сказать, что мое желание исполнилось. Это действительно прекрасный город, надеюсь, когда-нибудь я найду время, чтобы осмотреть все его достопримечательности.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I want to tell you about one trip that made a great impression on me. About 5 years ago a teacher at art school invited our class go on a tour to Nizhny Novgorod. We agreed. I then had it only 1 time, so it was very big for me and a stranger. We went on a tour of the Homestead to Produce Nizhnevolzhskoj promenade. There we saw vintage clothing items, tableware, decorations. Here are letters, lots of pictures. I remember that most struck me was the decoration of the rooms. Beautiful stucco, painting, expensive furniture and carpets. And yet the huge Hall where the balls. There has been a lot of mirrors and luxurious crystal chandelier. Soon I want to go there again. I wonder whether my impression is just as bright as in the times? Then we went to The Street, where they could buy different souvenirs. That day I knew that would happen more often in Nizhny Novgorod and see other places. Now I'm here, so you could say that my desire turns. This is a really beautiful city, hopefully someday I will find the time to explore all the city's attractions.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I want to tell you about a trip that made a great impression on me. About 5 years ago, a teacher at the art school offered to our class to go on a trip to Nizhniy Novgorod. We agreed. Then I was in it only 1 time, so it was for me a very large and unfamiliar. We went on a tour of the estate Rukavishnikov on the Lower Volga embankment. There we saw a vintage garments, utensils, decorations. There were letters, a lot of pictures. I remember that most struck me was the decoration of the rooms. Beautiful moldings, paintings, expensive furniture and carpets. And a huge hall where balls were held. There was a lot of mirrors and luxurious crystal chandelier. In the near future I want to go there again. I wonder if my impressions are as bright as at that time? Then we went to Pokrovskaya street, where they could buy different souvenirs. That day I realized that I wanted to be in Nizhny Novgorod more and more to see other places of interest. Now I'm here, so we can say that my wish was fulfilled. It really is a beautiful city, I hope someday I'll find the time to explore all of its attractions.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i want to talk about a trip that was to me a great impression. about five years ago, a teacher at the art school invited our class go on a tour in nizhny novgorod. we agreed. i was there only 1 times, however he was for me a very big and strange. we went on a tour of the place рукавишниковых on нижневолжской embankment. there we saw the old clothing, pottery, jewelry. there were letters, a lot of paintings. i remember that the thing that impressed me most interior rooms. nice work, painting, expensive furniture and carpets. and the great hall, where the held balls. there were many mirrors and gorgeous crystal chandelier. soon i want to visit there again. i wonder whether my impression is as bright as that time? then we went to the покровскую street, where can buy various souvenirs. that day, i knew what would happen in the nizhny novgorod more and see more interesting places. now i"m here, however, we can say that my wish was fulfilled. it"s really a beautiful city, i hope someday i"ll find time to see all the sights.
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