1. Судя по прошлым результатам, он должен хорошо выполнить эту контрольную. 2. Принимая все это во внимание, лучше отложить обсуждение этого вопроса. 3. Честно говоря, мне фильм не очень понравился – книга намного увлекательнее. 4. Нам потребуется немного более часа, учитывая ожидание автобуса. 5. Она просто не захотела нам всего сказать, между нами говоря. 6. В общем, его поступок был необдуманным. 7. Судя по тому, что стало нам известно, вы заслуживаете поощрения и поддержки. 8. В новой пьесе Пинкера, с учетом всех-всех, всего пять действующих лиц. 9. Говоря о том, что людям нравится или не нравится, следует помнить, что у всех вкусы разные. 10. Люди в вашем городе, как мне показалось, не очень приветливы, исключая, конечно, здесь присутствующих.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. based on past results, it should perform well this control. 2. Bearing all this in mind, it is better to postpone the discussion of this issue. 3. Frankly, I liked the movie-book is much more exciting. 4. We need a little more than an hour, given the waiting for the bus. 5. She just wanted us all to say, between you and me. 6. In general, his act was premature. 7. Judging by what became, we know you deserve encouragement and support. 8. In a new play by Pinchera, taking all-everyone just five actors. 9. Talking about what people like or don't like, remember that all tastes are different. 10. people in your town, I thought, not very friendly, except, of course, here.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Based on the previous results, it should be good to perform this control. 2. Taking all this into account, it is better to postpone the discussion of this issue. 3. To be honest, I did not really liked the movie - the book is much more fun. 4. We need a little more than an hour, taking into account the waiting bus. 5. She just did not want us to just say, between you and me. 6. In general, it was a thoughtless act. 7. Judging by what happened we know you deserve encouragement and support. 8. In Pinker's new play, with all-all, all five actors. 9. Talking about what people like or do not like, it should be remembered that all the tastes are different. 10. People in your city, it seemed to me not very friendly, except, of course, present here.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. based on the past results, it must be good to perform this test. 2. bearing all this in mind, the better to postpone the discussion of this issue. 3. to be honest, i don"t really like the movie is a lot more fun. 4. we need a little more than an hour in the bus. 5. she just didn"t want us all to say, between you and me. 6. in general, his behavior was bad. 7. based on what is known to us, you deserve the promotion and support. 8. in новой play pinker, taking into account all - all, all five действующих persons. 9. speaking about what people like or don"t like, it should be remembered that all tastes different. 10. people in your town, i thought not very affable, except, of course, here.
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