u acho que sou uma pessoa muito fácil de entender:- Não encho chouriço перевод - u acho que sou uma pessoa muito fácil de entender:- Não encho chouriço английский как сказать

u acho que sou uma pessoa muito fác

u acho que sou uma pessoa muito fácil de entender:

- Não encho chouriços
- Não faço monte (nem de jarrão)
- Não queimo tempo (time is money)
- Não faço fretes.

Quanto ao primeiro item, nunca fiz enchidos literalmente (nunca calhou) mas contra os verdadeiros não tenho nada. Refiro-me ao sentido metafórico de encher chouriços: nunca suportei palha, paleio, léria. Rodeios de toda a ordem, textos vazios de significado mas rebuscados na forma, conversas inúteis, reuniões intermináveis em que não se resolve nada nem se faz senão bater no ceguinho ou inflar o ego de quem adora o som da própria voz (ou o acto de intervir por intervir) canções desinspiradas só para encher um álbum: gosto da informação clara, sucinta e sumarenta, pronta a usar, sure and simple, inspirada, cut to the chase, seleccionada.

Fazer monte, estar por estar, fazer número, também não é o meu cup of tea. Fico o tempo que for preciso e marco presença quantas vezes for necessário se o facto de eu estar é muito desejado (ou mutuamente desejado) se contribuo para alguma coisa, se é necessário dar apoio, se posso desempenhar/ajudar a terminar uma tarefa urgente, se realmente faço falta. Arrastar a permanência num sítio só para demonstrar que aguento mais que os outros, ou estar porque é suposto, não obrigada - o meu tempo é precioso e para jarrão, não tenho jeito.

Abomino perder tempo: uma coisa é demorar-me por gosto ou preguiça, outra é arrastar situações/conversas/tarefas/ coisas que não atam nem desatam. Time is money, time is money, time is money. Depressa e bem não há quem, mas ou os assuntos desabrocham no ritmo devido, ou siga a marinha, siga para bingo e para a frente, que atrás vem gente.

Fretes, estuchas, maçadas, cortesias contrariadas e engolir de sapos, o que lhes queiram chamar. Sou capaz de uma certa diplomacia mas não me peçam, nem por amor nem por dinheiro, que gaste minutos da minha vida que ninguém me devolve a suportar mais do que o estritamente necessário de coisas desagradáveis, sabendo que as posso evitar.

A vida é muito simples, as pessoas é que complicam por preguiça, hábito ou na maioria dos casos, medo de se manifestar. Mas medo foi coisa que nunca me assistiu, logo...

Poderá também gostar de:
A família é sagrada ( ou pessoas que não podem ser boas ...
O modo "pior do que está não fica"
Virar o jogo, parte I: encarar a crise com estilo
Desafio da semana: laissez faire...
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kariguergous said...

Adoro esta última frase:"A vida é muito simples, as pessoas é que complicam por preguiça, hábito ou na maioria dos casos, medo de se manifestar. Mas medo foi coisa que nunca me assistiu, logo..."., Costumo usar a primeira parte. ;) És definitivamente uma Princesa. :)
11 October, 2013 00:06
Imperatriz Sissi said...

oooh...Kari, obrigada, querida. Beijinho.
11 October, 2013 00:41

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
u think im a very easy to understand:-Do not fill sausages-Do Not Mount (or vase)-No burn time (time is money) I don't do shipping. Regarding the first item, I've never done literally filled (never happened) but against the true I have nothing. I mean the metaphorical sense to fill sausages: I never could stand straw, Jabber, mistake. Bush of the entire order, empty of meaning texts but contrived in the way, useless conversations, endless meetings where you don't solve anything even if it does otherwise hit the blind or inflate the ego of who loves the sound of his own voice (or the Act of intervening by intervene) desinspiradas songs just to fill an album: I like the clear, succinct and juicy , ready to use, sure and simple, inspired, cut to the chase, selected. Do monte, be be, do number, it's not my cup of tea. Stay as long as it takes and marco presence as many times as needed if my being is very desired (or mutually desired) If you contribute to something, whether it is necessary to support, if I can play/help end an urgent task, if we really do lack. Drag the permanence in a place just to demonstrate that it can handle more than the other, or because it is supposed to, no thanks-my time is precious and vase, I suck.I abhor waste time: it's one thing to take me like or laziness, another is dragging conversations/tasks/situations/things you don't lace or start. Time is money, time is money, time is money. Slowly but surely, but or the subjects in rhythm, Bloom or follow the Navy, go to bingo and forward, that behind us.Freight, estuchas, trouble, countered and swallow frogs amenities, whatever they want to call. I'm capable of a certain diplomacy but do not ask me, neither for love nor money, to spend minutes of my life that no one give me the support more than is strictly necessary of nasty things, knowing that I can help it.Life is very simple, it's people that complicated by laziness, habit or in most cases, afraid to manifest. But fear was never watched me.You can also enjoy:The family is sacred (or people who can't be good ..."Worse than you're not stay"Turn the game, part i: face the crisis with styleChallenge of the week: laissez faire.LinkwithinEmail ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to PinterestTags: reflections2 comments:kariguergous said ... I love this last phrase: "life is very simple, it's people that complicated by laziness, habit or in most cases, afraid to manifest. But fear was never watched me, then ... ", usually use the first part. ;) You're definitely a Princess. :) 11 October, 2013 00:06 Imperatriz Sissi said... oooh... Kari, obrigada, querida. Beijinho. 11 October, 2013 00:41 Post a CommentNewer Post Older Post HomeSubscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)Textos relacionados:Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...ISISSeguir o IS no FacebookImperatriz Sissi BlogPromote Your Page TooPar
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
u think I am a very easy to understand person: - Do not fill sausages - I have no lot (not of jarrão) - Do not burn time (time is money). - I have no freight Regarding the first item, never did stuffed literally (never happened ) but against the real I have nothing. I mean the metaphorical sense of stuffing sausages: never endured straw, claptrap, would read. Rodeos of all kinds, empty word meaning but convoluted in form, useless conversations, endless meetings where not solve anything nor do but hit the blind man or inflate the ego of those who love the sound of his own voice (or the act of step by step) uninspired songs just to fill an album:. like the clear, succinct and juicy information, ready to use, sure and simple, inspired, cut to the chase, selected Making lot, being to be, make up the numbers, neither It is my cup of tea. I get the time it takes and March presence as often as necessary if the fact that I am is very desirable (or another desired) to contribute to something, whether to support, if I can play / help finish an urgent task, really I do lack. . Drag the permanence in a place just to prove I can handle more than others, or be because it is supposed, not required - my time is precious and jarrão, I have no way abhor wasting time: one thing is take me for liking or laziness, another is drag situations / conversations / tasks / things that do not bind or unbind. Time is money, time is money, time is money. Slowly but surely, but either the matters unfold in due time, or follow marine, go to bingo and forth, that behind people come. Shipping, estuchas, unpleasantries, countered amenities and swallow frogs, which they They want to call. I can a certain diplomacy but do not ask me, not for love or money, you spend minutes of my life that no one returns me to support more than the bare minimum of unpleasant things, knowing that I can help it. Life is too simple, people are complicating laziness, habit or in most cases, afraid to speak. But fear was something I never watched me, so ... You may also like: The family is sacred (or people who can not be good ... The way "is not worse than it is" Turn the game, part I: face the crisis with Style Challenge of the week: laissez faire ... LinkWithin Email ThisBlogThis Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest! Tags: reflections 2 comments: kariguergous said ... I love that last sentence: "Life is very simple, people is complicating laziness, habit or in most cases, afraid to speak But fear was something I never watched me, so ... "I often use the first part;...) You're definitely a princess. :) 11 October, 2013 00:06 Empress Sissi said ... oooh ... Kari, thank you, dear. Kiss. ​​11 October, 2013 00:41 Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Related Articles: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger ... IS IS Follow the IS on Facebook Empress Sissi Blog Promote Your Page Too Pair

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
U think that I am a person very easy to understand:

- I don 't Monte fill pudding (or pot)
- I burn time (time is money)
- I don' t do freightage.

as for the first item, never made sausages literally (never got) but against the real I have nothing. I mean the metaphorical sense to fill pudding: never stand straw, talk, oh. Rodeos throughout the order.Empty texts of meaning but flowery in the form, useless conversations, endless meetings that it solves nothing and do nothing or otherwise inflate the ego who loves the sound of his own voice (or the act to intervene) songs desinspiradas just to fill an album: I like the information clear, succinct and juicy ready to use, sure and simple inspiredCut to the chase, selected.

do Monte, be to be make number, is also not my cup of tea. I 'm your time and sign as many times as necessary if the fact that I' m is much desired (or mutually desired) contribute to something, whether it is necessary to provide support if I could play / help finish an urgent task, if you really do miss.Drag to stay in a place just to demonstrate that can handle more than the other, or because it is supposed to, thank you - my time is precious and vase, I 'm not good.

I abhor wasting time: it is one thing to take me for love or laziness, another é drag situations / conversation / tasks / things. Don' t tie and untie. Time is money, time is money, time is money.Quickly and well there is not who, but or the subjects bloom in the rhythm due, or follow the Navy, go to bingo and forward, behind people come.

freight, estuchas, into trouble, courtesy countered and swallow frogs, whatever you want to call it. I am capable of a degree of diplomacy, but don't ask me, not for love or money.To take minutes of my life I returns to bear more than is strictly necessary to unpleasant things, knowing that I can avoid it.

, life is very simple, it is people who have complicated by laziness, habit, or in most cases, too afraid to speak. But fear is something we never watched me, soon


you can also enjoy:
The family is sacred (or people who may not be good...
as "worse than it is is not"
turn the game, part I: facing the crisis with style
challenge of the week: laissez faire...

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I love kariguergous said... That last sentence: "life is very simple.
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