Также, светлыми представителями разоружения являются Blechman and Fish перевод - Также, светлыми представителями разоружения являются Blechman and Fish английский как сказать

Также, светлыми представителями раз

Также, светлыми представителями разоружения являются Blechman and Fisher (1994-1995). Согласно авторов главным двигателем в вопросе разоружения должна быть Америка. Критикуя Америку авторы утверждаю что Америка успешна ведет политику по не распространению ядерного оружия. Однако, Америке необходимо самому принимать те меры которая она требует от других ядерных государств. Ядерный потенциал является гарантом национальной безопасности Америки и защиты ее союзников. Авторы приводят также цитату General Charles Horner, former chief of the U.S. Space Command, который признал что "It's kind of hard to say to North Korea, 'You are terrible people,
you're developing a nuclear weapon,' when the United Statesh as thousandso f them." Несмотря на то что ядерное оружие предоставляет множество возможностей, она абсолютно бесполезна в решении таких проблем как экономический кризис, гуманитраные катаклизмы и межэтнические конфликты, нелегальной миграции и других. Все эти проблемы являются самыми основными в настоящее время. И авторы утверждают что существуют проблемы в которой ядерное оружия обсолюта безполезна
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Also, the bright representatives of disarmament are Blechman and Fisher (1994-1995). According to the authors of the main engine in the issue of disarmament should be America. Criticizing America authors contend that America is pursuing a policy successfully on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. However, America should be to take those measures that it requires from other nuclear-weapon States. Nuclear capability is the guarantor of national security America and protect its allies. The authors also quote General Charles Horner, former chief of the U.S. Space Command, who acknowledged that "it's kind of hard to say to North Korea, ' You are terrible people,you're developing a nuclear weapon, ' when the United Statesh as thousandso f them. "despite the fact that nuclear weapons provides many features, it is completely useless in addressing issues such as the economic crisis, gumanitranye disasters and ethnic conflict, illegal migration and other. All these problems are the most basic at present. And the authors contend that there are problems in which nuclear weapons obsolûta bezpolezna
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Also, the bright representatives of disarmament are Blechman and Fisher (1994-1995). According to the authors of the main engine on the issue of disarmament must be America. Criticizing America, the authors argue that America is successful is not the policy of nuclear proliferation. But America needs to take the measures which it requires from other nuclear states. The nuclear potential is the guarantor of America's national security and defense of its allies. The authors cite as a quote General Charles Horner, former chief of the US Space Command, which recognized that "It's kind of hard to say to North Korea, 'You are terrible people,
you're developing a nuclear weapon,' when the United Statesh as thousandso f them. " Despite the fact that nuclear weapons provides many opportunities, it is absolutely useless in solving problems such as the economic crisis, gumanitranye disasters and ethnic conflicts, illegal migration, and others. All of these problems are the major currently. And the authors argue that there are problems in which nuclear weapons useless obsolyuta
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
also, the light of disarmament are Blechman and fisher (1994 - 1995). according to the main engine in the area of disarmament should be america.the authors argue that america succeeds in criticizing america's policy on non proliferation of nuclear weapons. however, america needs to adopt those measures that it requires from other nuclear states.nuclear capability is the custodian of america's national security and the protection of its allies. they also quote general charles control panel, former chief of the u.s. space command, which declared that "it's kind of hard to say to north korea, 'you are not people.you're developing a nuclear weapon, "when the united Statesh as thousandso f them." despite the fact that nuclear weapons provide many opportunities, it is absolutely useless in solving such problems as the economic crisisгуманитраные disasters and ethnic conflicts, illegal migration and other. all of these problems are the key to the present time.and, the authors argue that there are problems in which nuclear weapons обсолюта безполезна
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