Здравствуйте!Извините! я Вас хочу спросить о статье.моя доработанная с перевод - Здравствуйте!Извините! я Вас хочу спросить о статье.моя доработанная с английский как сказать

Здравствуйте!Извините! я Вас хочу с

Извините! я Вас хочу спросить о статье.
моя доработанная статья (решение 8218) точно заменена?
Потому что раньше у статьи была только 2 авторы: Мельников Д.В.,Окар Мин.
У доработанной статьи я добавил еще нового автора ( Чжо Ту Аунг).
Поэтому внимательно посмотрете пожалуйста у нас всего 3 авторы (авторы: Мельников Д.В., Окар Мин, Чжо Ту Аунг)

Спасибо Вам Большое!
С уважением
Окар Мин

2015-10-27 17:09 GMT+03:00 ИД Наука образования :

Сообщаем, Ваша статья (авторы: Мельников Д.В., Окар Мин) на тему "МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ СИСТЕМ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИХ ТУРБИН" принята к публикации в журнале "Научное обозрение" (решение 8218) для включения в ближайший номер.
Оригинал рецензии на статью необходимо отправить в течение 5 дней с момента принятия статьи к опубликованию по адресу:
410039, г. Саратов, а/я 160. ИД «Наука образования», или
115551, г. Москва, ул. Домодедовская, д. 20, корп. 3. ИД «Наука образования».

Для Вас установлена скидка на данную статью в размере 10% за счет добавления в список литературы ссылок на журналы нашего издательства.

За издательские услуги по опубликованию статьи (уже с учетом скидки) и пересылку одного авторского экземпляра журнала необходимо перевести 6600 (шесть тысяч шестьсот) рублей и уведомить об оплате редакцию (ФИО плательщика, решение об опубликовании, сумма и дата перевода).

Стоимость издательских услуг рассчитывается следующим образом: статья объемом до 5 стр. - 3500 руб., пятая и каждая следующая стр. - 850 руб., срок опубликования – в среднем один месяц.

Авторский (или дополнительный) экземпляр печатной версии журнала - 390 руб., стоимость пересылки заказной бандеролью по России – бесплатно, в страны ближнего зарубежья – 900 руб.

Электронная версия журнала для авторов – бесплатно.

Печатный экземпляр журнала будет отправлен заказной бандеролью по адресу: 248000, г. Калуга, ул. Баженова, 2.
Электронную версию журнала Вы сможете получить по электронной почте.

Реквизиты для оплаты через банк:
Наименование получателя платежа: ЗАО "АЛКОР"
ИНН: 6451424540
Номер счета получателя платежа (расчетный счет): 40702810900000006328
Наименование банка: ПАО АКБ "Связь-банк" г. Москва
БИК: 044525848
Корсчет: 30101810900000000848
Наименование платежа: Издательские услуги, 8218.
Плательщик: Ф.И.О. автора статьи

для оплаты банковской картой перейдите на наш сайт на страницу «способы оплаты», по ссылке

С уважением, редакция.

From: okka min [mailto:okkamin49@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 4:01 PM
To: ИД Наука образования
Subject: Re: Здравствуйте! номер моей статьи - 8218 (доработанной версии статьи)

Эта моя новая рецензия.
Тема моей статьи "Математическое моделирование системы регулирования энергетических турбин".
Когда нам нужно оправить оригинал рецензии на статью?
Еще раз скажите пожалуйста реквизиты для оплаты через банк.

Спасибо Вам Большое!
С уважением!
Окар Мин

2015-10-27 15:18 GMT+03:00 ИД Наука образования :

Ваша доработанная статья (решение 8218) также получена и заменена.

С уважением, редакция.




From: okka min [mailto:okkamin49@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:30 PM
To: ИД Наука образования
Subject: Здравствуйте! номер моей статьи - 8218 (доработанной версии статьи)

эта дороботанной версии статьи ( номер моей статьи - 8218)
Тема моей статьи "Математическое моделирование системы регулирования энергетических турбин"
Вечером я посылаю новую рецензию.

Спасибо Вам Большое!
С уваженим!

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello!Excuse me! I want to ask you about the article.my modified article (decision 8218) replaced?Because the article was used to have only 2 authors: Melnikov d.v., Okar Min.Have modified the article, I added a new author (Kyaw Aung Tu).So please posmotrete please we all 3 authors (authors: Melnikov d.v., Okar mines Kyaw Aung Tu)Thank you Very Much!With respectOkar Min10/27/2015 17:09 GMT +03: ID 0000 Science education :Hello! Announce your article (authors: Melnikov d.v., Okar min) on the topic of mathematical modeling of systems for REGULATING POWER TURBINES "accepted for publication in the journal scientific review" (8218) for inclusion in the closest number.Original review of the article must be entered within 5 days from the date of the adoption of articles for publication to the following address:410,039, Saratov, p.o. box 160. ID of "science education", or115,551, Moscow, UL. Domodedovskaya, d. 20, Bldg. 3. ID "science education." For you a discount on this article in the amount of 10% by adding to the list of literature links to logs of our publishing house. For publishing to publish the article (already with discount) and the forwarding of a single copyright journal must translate 6600 (six thousand six hundred) rubles and notify about payment revision of (name of the payer, the publication of the decision, the amount and date of transfer).The cost of publishing services is calculated as follows: article in volume up to 5 pages. -3500 rub., fifth and each subsequent page. -850 rub., date of publishing-an average of one month.Author (or secondary) copy of the printed version of the magazine-390 USD, shipping by registered post parcel across Russia-free neighboring countries-900 rub.Electronic version of the journal is free of charge to authors. A printed copy of the magazine will be sent by registered parcel at: 248,000, Kaluga, UL. Bazhenov, 2. The electronic version of the magazine you can get via email. Bank details for payment:Payee name: joint-stock company "ALCOR"VAT: 6,451,424,540Beneficiary's account number (bank account): 3,809,322,752,580,903,096Bank name: PJSC CB "sviaz-Bank", MoscowBIC: 044525848COR account: 30101810900000000848Payment title: publishing services, 8218.Payer: name and surname of the author of the article Payment By Credit Card:for payment by credit card, go to our site at the page "payment options" on the linkhttp://www.sced.ru/ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21&Itemid=162 Sincerely, Rev.(495) 666-29-30www.sced.ruinfo@aviso.ru From: okka min [mailto: okkamin49@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 4:01 PMTo: Eid Science education Subject: Re: Hello! room of my article-8218 (a modified version of the article) Hello! This is my new book review.The subject of my article "mathematic modeling system for regulating power turbines.When we need to send the original reviews on the article? Again please tell me details for payment through the Bank. Thank you Very Much!With best regards!Okar Min 10/27/2015 15:18 GMT +03: ID 0000 Science education :Hello! Your modified article (decision 8218) also received and replaced. Sincerely, Rev.(495) 666-29-30www.sced.ruinfo@aviso.ru From: okka min [mailto: okkamin49@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:30 PMTo: Eid Science education Subject: Hello! room of my article-8218 (a modified version of the article) Hello!This version of the article dorobotannoj (room of my article-8218)The subject of my article "mathematic modeling system for regulating power turbines"In the evening I send a new review. Thank you Very Much!From sincerely yours!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I'm sorry! I want to ask you about the article.
My article modified (decision 8218) replaced exactly?
Because earlier in the article was only two authors: Melnikov DV, Okara Min.
In the modified article I added a new author (Kyaw Aung Tu).
So please take a close look at us all three authors (authors: D. Melnikov, Okara Min, Kyaw Aung Tu) Thank you very much! Sincerely Okara Ming 2015-10-27 17:09 GMT + 03: 00 ID Science Education

Hello, inform your article (authors: D. Melnikov, Okara Min) on the theme "Mathematical modeling of system of regulation of power turbines" accepted for publication in the journal "Scientific Review" (decision 8218) for inclusion in the next room. Original review article should be sent to 5 days from the date of publication of the article to the following address: 410039, Saratov, P / ID 160. "Science education" or 115551, Moscow, st. Domodedovo, d. 20, Bldg. 3. ID "science education." For you set off on this article in the amount of 10% by adding to the list of references to literature magazines of our publishing house. For publishing services to publish articles (already with the discount) and send one copy of the magazine need to author Translate 6600 (six thousand six hundred) and to notify the payment editors (full name of the payer, publication, amount and date of transfer). The cost of publishing services is calculated as follows: article up to 5 pages. - 3500 rub., the fifth and each subsequent page . - 850 rub., the period of publication - an average of one month. The author's (or additional) instance of the print version - 390 rubles., shipping by registered post on the Russian - free, to the neighboring countries - 900 rubles. The electronic version of the journal for authors - free of charge. A hard copy of the journal will be sent by registered post to the address: 248000, Kaluga, ul. Bazhenov 2. An electronic version of the magazine you can get by e-mail. Details for payment through the bank: Name of the beneficiary: CJSC "ALKOR" TIN: 6451424540 Account number of the payee (the current account): 40702810900000006328 Bank Name: PAO AKB "Svyaz-Bank "Moscow BIC: 044525848 Cor Account: 30101810900000000848 Name of payment: Publishing Services, 8218. Payer: Full name author Credit cards: to pay by credit card, go to our website at the page "Payment Methods" link http://www.sced.ru/ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21&Itemid=162 Regards , edition. (495) 666-29-30 www.sced.ru info@aviso.ru From: okka min [mailto: okkamin49@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 PM 4:01 To: PH Science education

Subject: Re: Hello! the number of my articles - 8218 (the modified version of the article) Hello! This is my new review. The subject of my article "Mathematical modeling of the system of regulation of power turbines." When we need to rearrange the original review of the article? Once again, please tell me the details for payment through the bank. Thank you Great! Best regards! Okara Ming 2015-10-27 15:18 GMT + 03: 00 ID Science Education

Hello, Your article modified (decision 8218) also obtained and replaced. Sincerely, revision. (495) 666-29-30 www.sced.ru info@aviso.ru From: okka min [mailto: okkamin49@gmail.com ] Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 PM 2:30 To: PH Science Education

Subject: Hello! the number of my articles - 8218 (the modified version of the article) Hello, this dorobotannoy version of the article (the number of my articles - 8218) The topic of my article "Mathematical modeling of the system of regulation of power turbines" In the evening I send a new review. Thank you very much! Yours!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hello! - i'm sorry. i want you to ask about the article.
my expanded article (decision 8218) are replaced by?
because before the article was only two authors: melnikov d.v., окар mines.
i reworked articles i've added a new author jo that aung).
so carefully посмотрете please we have only three writers (authors: melnikov d.v., окар mines, jo that aung)

thank you very much!

with respect окар mines2015 - 10 - 27 17: 09 03: 00 gmt (science education "info @ aviso.ru >,

we are your article (authors: melnikov d.v.,окар min) on the "mathematical modeling of systems regulating energy turbines" accepted for publication in the journal of scientific review "(decision 8218) for inclusion in the next room.the original review article should send within 5 days of the adoption of articles published at:
410039, mr.. saratov, / i'm 160. of "science education", or "the 115551, mr.. moscow, ul. domodedovskaya, d. 20 lines. 3.of "science education".

you a discount on the article in the amount of 10% by adding a list of literature references to journals of our publishing house.

for publishing published article (already given discounts) and send a copy of the copyright need to 6600 (six thousand six hundred) rubles and notify the pay version (full namethe decision to publish, the amount and date of the transfer).

cost of publishing services, shall be calculated as follows: the art of before 5 p. - 3500 rubles, a fifth, and each next page. - 850 rubles.the average period is one month.

author (or additional) copy of the print version of the journal - 390., the cost of sending registered parcel post in russia is free, in the neighboring countries, 900.

the electronic version of the magazine for the authors is free.

a hard copy of the journal will be sent by registered parcel post at 248000, mr.. kaluga street. баженова, 2.
an electronic version of the magazine, you can receive email.

payment details through a bank:
name payee: jsc "алкор"
inn: 6451424540
account number of the payee (current account):40702810900000006328
name of bank: pao jscb "relationship banking". moscow
bick: 044525848
kor account: 30101810900000000848
name payment: publishing, 8218.
the payer: name. author of the article, payment by credit card:

for payment by credit card, click on our site page "means to pay, the link. http: / / www.sced.ru / en / index. php? option = com _ content&view = article&id = 21&Itemid = 162

with respect, edition.
(495) 666 - 29 - 30 www.sced.ru info @ aviso.ru

from: okka min [mailto: okkamin49 @ gmail.com]
sent: tuesdayoctober 27, by 4: 01 pm
to: id science education "info @ aviso.ru >
subject: re: hello! the number of my article is 8218 (updated version of the article)

hey! this is my new review
the subject of my article, "mathematical modeling of control system energy turbines". "when we need to send the original review of the article?
again please tell me the details for payment through the bank.

thank you very much!
with respect.

окар mines by 10 - 27 15: 18 gmt 03: 00 (science education "info @ aviso.ru >,

your expanded article (decision 8218) also received replaced.

with respect, edition.

(495) 666 - 29 - 30

www.sced.ru info @ aviso.ru

from: okka min [mailto: okkamin49 @ gmail.com]
sent: tuesday, october 27, 2015 2: 30 pm
to: id science education "info @ aviso.ru >
subject: hello! the number of my article is 8218 (updated version of the article)

this article дороботанной version (the number of my article is 8218). the subject of my article, "mathematical modeling of control system energy turbines" tonight i'm the new review

thank you very much!
with уваженим!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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