Образовательные учреждения, дающие общее среднее образование, включают в себя общеобразовательные школы, лицеи и гимназии. Обычно в общеобразовательное учреждение поступают в 6 или 7 лет; оканчивают в 17 или 18 лет. Стандартная школьная программа общего среднего образования рассчитана на 11—12 лет обучения. Учебный год начинается 1 сентября и оканчивается в конце мая или в июне. Существует два основных способа деления учебного года.
Деление на четыре четверти. Между каждыми четвертями есть каникулы («летние», «осенние», «зимние» и «весенние»).
Деление на три триместра. Триместры разбиты на 5 блоков с недельными каникулами между ними и с летними каникулами между III и I триместрами.
В 10-11 классах год, как правило, делится на 2 полугодия.
В конце каждой четверти или триместра выставляется итоговая оценка по всем изучаемым предметам, а в конце каждого года — годовая оценка.
В конце 9 класса, ученики сдают экзамены по части предметов. По результатам этих экзаменов и годовых оценок выставляются оценки в аттестат зрелости. Выпускник 9 класса может продолжить обучение в профессиональном учебном заведении, или в среднем специальном учебном заведении. (техникум, колледж, ряд училищ: медицинские, педагогические.)
Обязательно обучение до 9 класса. Обучение в 10 и 11 классе не является обязательным для всех детей. После окончания 11-го класса ученик получает свидетельство о полном среднем образовании (в Российской Федерации — Аттестат о полном общем образовании). Для поступление в высшее учебное заведение обычно требуется полное среднее образование: аттестат о среднем общем образовании, либо диплом училища, либо диплом техникума,а также результаты ЕГЭ
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Educational institutions that provide general secondary education include elementary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. Usually the General institution come in 6 or 7 years; finish in 17 or 18 years. The standard school curriculum of general secondary education lasts for 11-12 years of schooling. The school year begins Sept. 1 and ends at the end of may or in June. There are two basic ways to divide the academic year.The Division into four quarters. Between each quarters there are holidays ("summer", "Autumn", "winter" and "Spring").The Division into three terms. Trimesters are divided into 5 blocks with weekly vacation between them and with summer vacation between III and I each term.In the 10-11 year classes, usually divided into 2 half.At the end of each quarter or trimester billed total score for all subjects, and at the end of each year is the annual assessment. At the end of class 9, students take exams on parts of objects. Based on the results of these exams and annual estimates put out by evaluation in the matriculation examination. 9 graduate class can continue their studies in vocational educational institution or secondary school. (technical school, College, several schools: medical, pedagogical.)Obligatory education up to class 9. Training in 10 and 11 class is not compulsory for all children. After the end of the 11-th grade pupil receives a certificate of complete secondary education (in the Russian Federation — leaving general education). For admission to a higher education institution usually requires a complete secondary education: certificate of secondary general education or school diploma or college diploma, as well as the results of the EXAM
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Educational institutions that provide secondary education include secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. Typically, in educational institutions come in 6 or 7 years; graduate at 17 or 18 years. The standard curriculum of general secondary education is designed for 11-12 years of schooling. The school year begins on 1 September and ends in late May or June. There are two main ways of dividing the school year. The division into four quarters. Between each quarter have a vacation ("summer", "autumn", "winter" and "spring"). The division into three trimesters. Trimesters are divided into 5 blocks week vacation between them and with the summer vacation between the III and the I trimester. In the 10-11 school year, usually divided into two half-year. At the end of each quarter or trimester exhibited final assessment of all studied subjects, and at the end of each year - the annual assessment. At the end of grade 9, students take exams of the subjects. The results of these examinations and annual estimates are set evaluation matriculation. A graduate of the 9th grade can continue their education in vocational school or secondary vocational school. (technical school, college, some schools: medical, pedagogical.) Compulsory education up to grade 9. Education in grades 10 and 11 is not mandatory for all children. After graduating from the 11th grade student receives a certificate of secondary education (in the Russian Federation - Certificate of full general education). For admission to higher education usually requires complete secondary education: general certificate of secondary education or school diploma or a college diploma, and the results of the exam
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