Рождество-Богородицкий храм расположен по улице Кирова, 101 (бывшая Пр перевод - Рождество-Богородицкий храм расположен по улице Кирова, 101 (бывшая Пр английский как сказать

Рождество-Богородицкий храм располо

Рождество-Богородицкий храм расположен по улице Кирова, 101 (бывшая Приютская), место было выбрано епископом Антонием в 1903 г. Из-за нехватки средств строительство затянулось, пока на помощь не пришел уфимский меценат, купец Никифор Миронович Патокин.
23 августа 1909 г. на колокольню нового храма были подняты колокола. Всего их было восемь. Самый большой весил 50 пудов 35 фунтов, самый маленький - 10 фунтов. Церковь была кирпичной, с такой же трехъярусной колокольней и деревянным одноглавым куполом, обитым железом и окрашенным в кирпичный цвет. На куполе колокольни и алтаря были железные кресты, бронзированные через огонь, крыша крыта железом и окрашена в зелёный цвет. Полы асфальтовые, края цементные. Длина церкви, считая и колокольню, 206,5 саженей, наибольшая ширина 10,5 саженей.
6 сентября 1909 г. преосвященным Нафанаилом, епископом Уфимским и Минзелинским, было совершено освящение храма Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы. Первым настоятелем был назначен Василий Григорьевич Лезенков. Церковь действовала в 20-е и 30-е годы.
Постановлением Президиума БашЦИК от 5 апреля 1934 года церковь была закрыта, храм был передан "Башкино" в декабре 1935 г. для установления звукового кино. В дальнейшем передан в авиамастерские, согласно Постановления Горсовета от 16 октября 1938 г. Постановлением Уфимского Горсовета № 224 от 21 июня 1955 г., здание бывшей Рождество-Богородицкой Церкви было передано под кинотеатр, который получил наименование "Йондоз". Были произведены большие разрушения, уничтожена купольная часть. Наполовину снесены опорные столбы. Кинотеатр находился в помещении храма до 1991 г.
Постановлением решения Горисполкома №14/608 от 21 августа 1991 г. здание возвращено Епархиальному управлению.
Первым настоятелем после открытия храма был назначен Развеев Борис Борисович. Началось восстановление храма. С благословения Никона епископа Уфимского и Стерлитамакского о. Борис произвел реконструкцию храма, расширил церковь, надстроил колокольню, покрыл железом крышу.
Спустя несколько лет строительство перешло на систему финансирования через республиканский бюджет. Подрядчиком стал трест БНЗС. Новым настоятелем стал протоиерей Валерий Викторович Мохов. За это время построен нулевой цикл "Миссии", одноэтажное здание церковной лавки, часовня в честь святых новомучеников. В самом храме выполнены черновые полы, установлены новые колокола, купола из нержавеющей стали, покрытой нитрит-титаном. В основном проложены сети (тепло, свет, вода) к зданию храма, церковных лавок и миссии. Потом из-за недостатка в финансировании строительство было на долгий срок приостановлено.
В 2002 году была предпринята новая попытка продолжения строительства. Однако откликнулось на призыв епархии только Управление по исполнению наказаний РБ в лице Генерала-майора Шалыгина. Именно он нашел возможным предоставить 50 добровольцев из числа осужденных, которые подручными средствами отбили внутри храма всю, пришедшую уже в негодность, штукатурку.
Дело сдвинулось в 2003 году, когда ОАО «Башкирэнерго» вышло с предложением профинансировать завершение работ по реконструкции храма. Было особенно отрадно, что руководство Башкирэнергоподошло к этой стройке с душой. В дополнение к решению необходимых задач, они профинансировали выполнение благоустройства территории храмового комплекса, достройки здания миссии, часовни, изготовление мозаичной иконы Богородицы для колокольни и профессиональную подсветку всего комплекса, а также много других вопросов.
В настоящее время работы близятся к завершению. Вся внутренняя часть будет закончена к сентябрю 2004 года. На заводе церковной утвари в Софрино ведется изготовление иконостаса, который к празднику Рождества Христова должен быть установлен. В настоящее время остаются нерешенными вопросы финансирования росписи стен храма и покупки для этого храма необходимой утвари. Тем не менее, мы уверены, что с Божьей помощью и эти проблемы будут решены.
Хотя до окончания всех работ еще далеко, с уверенностью можно сказать, что это будет самый большой, красивый и вместительный храм нашего города, который сможет принимать в любые дни до нескольких тысяч человек одновременно. Уже сегодня можно сказать, что храм станет гордостью всей нашей республики, ее визитной карточкой и нашим покаянием!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Christmas-God Temple is located in Kirov Street, 101 (formerly Priûtskaâ), the site was chosen by Bishop Antony in 1903 g. due to lack of funds, construction was delayed until the help did not come to UFA philanthropist, merchant Nikephoros Mironovich Patokin.August 23, 1909 on the Bell Tower of the new church bells were raised. There were eight of them. The largest weighed 50 pounds of 35 pounds, the smallest-10 lbs. The Church was brick, with the same three-tier belfry and wooden odnoglavym iron and a dome painted in brick colour. At the dome of the Bell Tower and the altar were iron crosses, bronzed through the fire, the roof is thatched with iron and painted in green. Asphalt floors, edges of cement. The length of the Church, including the belfry, 206.5, fathoms the breadth of 10.5 yards.September 6, 1909 Bishop Nafanailom, Bishop of Ufa and Minzelinskim, was consecrated the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first Abbot was appointed Vasyl Hryhorovych Lezenkov. The Church acted in 20 's and 30 's.Presidium of the BašCIK from April 5, 1934 onwards the Church was closed, the temple was handed over to "Baškino" in December 1935 to establish sound cinema. Later transferred to aviamasterskie, according to the Decree of October 16, 1938 Decree Ufa City Council No. 224 dated June 21, 1955, former Bogoroditskoj Church Christmas was transferred under the cinema which got the name "Jondoz". Were made large destruction, destroyed part of the dome. Half-demolished supporting columns. The cinema was in the temple premises until 1991 g.Decision of the City Executive Committee Decree No. 14/608 from August 21, 1991, the building was returned to the Diocesan Office.The first Abbot of the temple was appointed after opening Razveev Boris Borisovich. The restoration of the temple. With the blessing of Bishop Nikon of the UFA and Sterlitamak fr. Borys has made the reconstruction of the temple Church, nadstroil, has a tower, covered with iron roof.A few years later the construction was transferred to a system of funding through the national budget. Contractor became BNZS trust. The new abbot became Archpriest Valeriy Viktorovich Mokhov. During this time, built the zero cycle "mission", one-storeyed building of Church benches, a chapel in honor of the Holy new martyrs. In the temple are made rough floors, installed new bells, dome-covered stainless steel titanium nitrite. Mostly paved network (heat, light, water) to the building of the temple, church pews and mission. Then due to the lack of construction financing for long term suspended.In 2002 year was made a new attempt of continuing construction. However, responded to the diocese only Directorate for execution of sanctions of the Republic of Belarus in the face of major-general Shalygina. He found could provide 50 volunteer convicts who improvised means repulsed all inside the temple, the successor of the already deteriorating plaster.The case was in the year 2003, when by "Bashkirenergo" JSC came out with the proposal to finance the completion of the reconstruction of the temple. It was particularly gratifying that the Guide Baškirènergopodošlo to the construction site with the soul. In addition to addressing the necessary tasks, they funded the implementation of territorial organization of the temple complex, the completion of the Mission buildings, chapels, making mosaic icons of the Virgin for the Bell Tower and professional illumination of the entire complex, as well as many other issues.Work is currently nearing completion. All the inner part will be finished by September 2004 year. At the factory of church utensils in sofrino iconostasis, which is conducted for the feast of the Nativity of Christ must be installed. Currently remain unresolved questions of financing the purchase of a temple and murals for this temple of the necessary utensils. Nevertheless, we are confident that, with God's help, and these problems will be solved.Although prior to the end of all the works is still far away, one can say with confidence that this will be the big, beautiful and roomy Church of our city that can accept in any combination of days before several thousand people at a time. Today we can say that the Temple will be proud of our Republic, its hallmark and our repentance!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Nativity of the Virgin temple is located on Kirov Street, 101 (former orphanage), was chosen by Bishop Anthony in 1903. Due to lack of funds delayed construction until help came Ufa philanthropist, merchant Nikifor Myronovych Patokin.
August 23, 1909 the bell tower of the new church bells were raised. In total there were eight. The largest weighed 50 pounds 35 pounds, the smallest - 10 pounds. The church was brick, with the same three-tiered bell tower and one-headed wooden dome, studded with iron and painted in brick red. On the dome of the bell tower and the altar were iron crosses, bronzed by the fire, the roof covered with iron and painted green. The floors are of asphalt, cement edge. The length of the church and bell tower apart, 206.5 yards, maximum width of 10.5 yards.
September 6, 1909 by His Eminence Nathaniel, bishop of Ufa and Minzelinskim was consecrated the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first rector was appointed Vasily Lezenkov. The church operated in the 20s and 30s.
Resolution of the Presidium of the BashTsIK on April 5, 1934 the church was closed, the church was handed over to "Bashkina" in December 1935 for the establishment of sound film. Later transferred to aviamasterskie, according to the Decision of the City Council on October 16, 1938 Decision of the Ufa City Council number 224 of 21 June 1955 the building of the former Nativity of the Virgin Church was transferred to a movie theater, which received the name "Yondoz." They were produced great destruction, destroyed part of the dome. Half demolished supporting pillars. Cinema was in the room of the temple until 1991
Resolution of the City Executive Committee decision №14 / 608 dated 21 August 1991 the building returned to the diocesan administration.
The first rector after the opening of the temple was appointed Razveyev Boris. The restoration of the temple. With the blessing of Bishop Nikon of Ufa and Sterlitamak. Boris made ​​a reconstruction of the church, the church expanded, overbuilt bell tower, covered with iron roof.
A few years later moved to the construction of the system of financing through the national budget. Contractor became BNZS Trust. The new rector was the Rev. Valery Mokhov. During this time, it built a zero cycle "Mission", a one-storey building of the church benches, a chapel in honor of the holy martyrs. In the temple are made ​​rough floors, installed new bell, dome, stainless steel coated with titanium nitrite. Basically routed network (heat, light, water) to the building of the temple, the church benches and the mission. Then, due to lack of financing the construction was suspended in the long term.
In 2002, a new attempt to continue the construction. However, it responded to the call of the diocese only management penal RB represented by Major General Shalygina. That he found it possible to provide 50 volunteers from the convicts, who improvised means recaptured inside the church all that came already in disrepair, the plaster.
The point moved in 2003, when OJSC "Bashkirenergo" came out with a proposal to finance the completion of the reconstruction of the temple. It was particularly gratifying that the leadership Bashkirenergopodoshlo to the construction site with the soul. In addition to addressing the necessary tasks, they financed the implementation of landscaping of the temple complex, the completion of the mission buildings, chapels, making mosaic icon of the Virgin to the bell tower and professional illumination of the whole complex, as well as many other issues.
At present, work is nearing completion. All internal part will be completed by September 2004. At the factory of church utensils in Sofrino it is manufacturing the iconostasis, which is the Nativity of Christ must be installed. At the moment remain the financing of murals of the temple and the temple to buy the necessary utensils. Nevertheless, we are confident that with God's help, and these problems will be solved.
Although until all the work is still far, we can say that this will be the largest, beautiful and spacious temple of our city, which can take any days before several thousand people at a time. Today we can say that the temple would be the pride of the whole of our country, its hallmark and our repentance!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
christmas - bogoroditsky temple is located on the street in kirov, 101 (the former приютская), the location was chosen bishop antony in 1903. because of the lack of funds, construction has been delayed until help arrived "patron of the arts.a later name of "усмания» named ахуна first cathedral mosque хайруллы усманова who donated a lot of money to the needs of muslim society.merchant nikephoros kis патокин.
23 august 1909. on the new church bells were raised. all of them were eight. the biggest weighed 50 makes the smallest 35 pounds, 10 pounds. the church was a brick.the крыта iron and painted in green color. the floors over the cement. the length of the church, counting and tower, 206,5 саженей, the largest width of 10.5 саженей.
6 september 1909. преосвященным нафанаилом,the bishop of ufa and минзелинским was performed the consecration of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary. the first rector was appointed vasily grigoryevich лезенков. the church was in the 20s and 30s.with a three tiered wooden bell tower and одноглавым dome, обитым iron and dyed in a color. bell tower on the dome, and the altar were iron crosses, бронзированные through fireby decision of the башцик from 5 april 1934 the church was closed, the church was transferred to the "башкино" in december 1935. to establish the sound film. hereinafter referred to авиамастерские,who got the name of "йондоз". have made great destruction, destroyed the domed portion. half demolished sill pillars. the cinema was in the temple before 1991.by decision 14 / 608 city on 21 august 1991. the returned епархиальному management.
the first after the opening of the temple was appointed развеев boris borisovich. began the restoration of the temple.under the ordinance, the city council on october 16, 1938. ordinance of the city council no. 224 on 21 june 1955, the former is the богородицкой church was transferred under the theaterwith the permission of the bishop of ufa and sterlitamak of nikon. boris was the reconstruction of the temple, expanded the church, надстроил tower, covered with iron roof.during this time, built a zero cycle "mission", this is a single building, the store, the chapel in honour of the holy new martyrs. in the temple, met first floors, installed new bells, the dome of the stainless steela few years later, construction began on the system of funding through the budget. the contractor was in бнзс. the new rector was archpriest valeriy viktorovich мохов.in 2002, was a new attempt to continue construction. however, responded to the call of the only office of enforcement also face major general шалыгина.he found it possible to provide 50 volunteers from among the prisoners, which means inside the temple mercenaries fought off all the matter has already been plaster.
business moved in 2003nitrite is covered with titanium. most network systems (heat, light, water) to the building of the temple, church, shops and the mission. then because of lack of funding, construction was suspended for a long time.in addition to the necessary tasks, they financed the implementation of land храмового complex, additional building mission chapel.manufacture of мозаичной icons of the virgin for the bell tower and the full range of professional lighting, and many other issues.
the current work nearing completion.the inner part is completed by september 2004. at the factory, church items in софрино is manufacture by which to celebrate the birth of christ should be installed.currently remain unresolved financing issues, painting the walls of the temple and the temple of the purchase necessary utensils. nevertheless, we are confident that with god's help, and these problems will be solved.although before the end of all the works are still far away, it is safe to say that it will be the big, beautiful and large church of our city.who will be able to take in any days to several thousand people at the same time. today we can already say that the temple will be the pride of our republic, her business card and our repentance.when the company башкирэнерго» was proposed to finance the renovation of the temple. it was particularly gratifying that the башкирэнергоподошло to this site with a soul.
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