1. Том никогда не упускал случая убежать из школы и поиграть с товарищ перевод - 1. Том никогда не упускал случая убежать из школы и поиграть с товарищ английский как сказать

1. Том никогда не упускал случая уб

1. Том никогда не упускал случая убежать из школы и поиграть с товарищами. 2. Он был уверен, что сумеет скрыть от тети Полли свои проказы. 3. Том отрицал, что ходил купаться, по тетя Полли узнала об этом. 4. Она была недовольна тем, что Том обманул ее. 5. Том был единственным сыном ее покойной сестры; она очень любила мальчика и избегала наказывать его. 6. Однако на этот раз она решила наказать Тома за то, что он ходил купаться без разрешения. 7. Надо было побелить забор, и тетя Полли велела Тому белить его в субботу. 8. Мальчику не улыбалась мысль работать в такое чудесное утро, и он просил тетю Полли простить его за то, что он ее ослушался. 9. Тому не; удалось заставить Джима работать вместо себя: пришла тетя Полли и запретила Джиму белить забор. 10. Он осмотрел свои сокровища, но их было немного, и ему пришлось отказаться от мысли уговорить мальчиков помочь ему белить забор. 11. Но вскоре ему пришла в голову блестящая мысль, и он принялся за работу (to set to work) с таким видом, как будто он ничего не имел против того (to mind), чтобы белить забор в это солнечное утро. 12. Когда пришел Бен, Том продолжал работать, не обращая внимания на товарища. 13. Бен смотрел на Тома с удивлением: Том работал в субботу, и Бену казалось, что он работает с удовольствием (to enjoy the work). 14. Наконец, Том повернулся к Бену и сказал, что все зависит от того, нравится ли тебе работа или нет. 15. После этого дело представилось в новом свете (that put the thing in a new light), и Бен не мог не позавидовать приятелю. 16. Он попросил, Тома позволить ему поработать. «Ты можешь положиться на то, что я сделаю это хорошо», — сказал он. 17. Том ответил, что тетя Полли будет возражать против того, чтобы Бен белил забор. 18. Но Бен упорно просил (to keep on) Тома дать ему поработать, и тот, наконец, согласился. 19. Бен гордился тем, что Делает такую трудную работу. 20. Тетя Полли была уверена, что Том давно уже перестал (to leave off) работать и убежал на речку. 21. Она была очень удивлена, что Том так хорошо и быстро побелил забор. 22. Она сказала, что мальчик заслуживает награды, и дала ему большое яблоко.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. That has never hesitated to run away from school and play with friends. 2. He was confident that he could hide from Aunt Polly their leprosy. 3. Tom denied that went for a swim, Aunt Polly knew about this. 4. She was displeased with the fact that Tom had cheated her. 5. How was the only son of her late sister; She loved a boy and avoided to punish him. 6. However, this time she decided to punish Tom for what he went to bathe without permission. 7. It was necessary to wash a fence, and Aunt Polly S told whiten his on Saturday. 8. The boy not smiled this work thought beautiful morning, and he asked Aunt Polly to forgive him for having disobeyed her. 9. Do not; managed to get Jim to work place: came Aunt Polly and banned Jim bleached fence. 10. He inspected its treasures, but they were a little bit, and he had to abandon the thought to persuade the boys to help him whiten fence. 11. But he soon came up with a brilliant idea and he set to work (to set to work) with a look as if he had nothing against (to mind) to whiten the fence in this sunny morning. 12. When Ben, Tom continued to work, not paying attention to a comrade. 13. Ben looked at Tom with a surprise: That worked on Saturday, and Ben thought he works with pleasure (to enjoy the work). 14. Finally, Tom turned to Ben and said, it all depends on whether you like it or not. 15. After this thing was in the new world (that put the thing in a new light), and Ben couldn't help but envy his friend. 16. He asked Tom to let him work. "You can rely on what I'll do it well," he said. 17. Tom responded that Aunt Polly will oppose to Ben whitewash the fence. 18. But Ben persistently requested (to keep on) the volume to give him work and he finally agreed. 19. Ben proud, that does the hard work. 20. Aunt Polly was convinced that Tom has long ceased (to leave off) work and ran away to the river. 21. She was surprised that so well and fast pobelil fence. 22. She said that the boy deserves the award, and gave him the Big Apple.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Tom never missed a chance to get away from school and play with friends. 2. He was sure that he could hide from his Aunt Polly leprosy. 3. Tom denied that he went to bathe at Aunt Polly found out about it. 4. She was displeased with the fact that Tom had deceived her. 5. Tom was the only son of her late sister; she loved the boy and he avoided punishment. 6. However, this time she decided to punish Tom for what he went swimming without permission. 7. We had to whitewash the fence, and Aunt Polly told Tom whiten it on Saturday. 8. The boy did not relish the idea to work in such a wonderful morning, and he asked Aunt Polly to forgive him for what he disobeyed her. 9. Him not; Jim managed to get to work in his place: Aunt Polly came and forbade Jim whitewash the fence. 10. He inspected its treasures, but they were few, and he had to abandon the idea to persuade the boys to help him whitewash the fence. 11. But soon he came up with a brilliant idea and he went to work (to set to work) with a look as if he had nothing against (to mind), to whitewash the fence in this sunny morning. 12. When it was Ben, Tom continued to work, without paying attention to his friend. 13. Ben looked at Tom with a surprise: Tom has worked on a Saturday, and Ben thought he was working with pleasure (to enjoy the work). 14. Finally, Tom turned to Ben and said that everything depends on whether you like the work or not. 15. After that, the case has presented in a new light (that put the thing in a new light), and Ben could not help but envy his friend. 16. He asked Tom to let him work. "You can rely on the fact that I do it well," - he said. 17. Tom replied that Aunt Polly would oppose that Ben whitewashing. 18. But persistently asked Ben (to keep on) Tom let it run, and he finally agreed. 19. Ben was proud of what you are doing such a difficult job. 20. Aunt Polly was sure that Tom had long ceased (to leave off) to work and ran to the river. 21. She was very surprised that Tom so well and quickly whitewashed fence. 22. She said that the boy deserves a reward, and gave him the big apple.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. tom never missed an opportunity to run away from school and play with his friends. 2. he was sure he could conceal from aunt polly his leprosy. 3. tom denied that went swimming, aunt polly found out about it. 4. she was unhappy with the fact that tom cheated her. 5. tom was the only son of her dead sister; she loved the boy and avoiding to punish him. 6. this time, however, she decided to punish tom because he went swimming without permission. 7. to whitewash the fence, and aunt polly sent to whitewash his saturday. 8. the boy didn't smile at the idea of working in such a beautiful morning, and he asked aunt polly to forgive him because he disobeyed. 9. he didn't manage to make jim work; instead, came aunt polly and told jim whitewash the fence. 10. he examined their treasure, but it was a little bit, and he had to abandon the idea to persuade the boys to help him to whitewash the fence. 11. but soon he came up with a brilliant idea, and he set to work to set to work) like he never had anything against him (to the mind), to whitewash the fence in this sunny morning. 12. when i came, ben, tom continued to work, paying no attention to the man. 13. ben was watching tom was surprised, tom worked on saturday, and ben thought he works with pleasure (to enjoy the work). 14. finally, tom turned to ben and said that it all depends on whether you like the job or not. 15. after that, it was in the new world (that put the thing in a new light, and ben couldn't that guy. 16. he asked tom to let him work. "you can trust that i will do it well", he said. 17. tom said that aunt polly will be opposed to ben paint the fence. 18. but ben had asked to keep on), tom to give him work, so he finally agreed. 19. ben decided that doing such a difficult job. 20. aunt polly was sure that tom has already stopped (to get off work and ran to the river. 21. she was very surprised, that is so good and fast chalk
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