University of Edinburgh — государственный университет в Шотландии, осн перевод - University of Edinburgh — государственный университет в Шотландии, осн английский как сказать

University of Edinburgh — государст

University of Edinburgh — государственный университет в Шотландии, основанный в 1583 году. Это шестой старейший университет англоязычного мира.У университета Эдинбурга пять кампусов в разных частях города — Central Area, King's Buildings, BioQuarter, Easter Bush и Western General. Многие здания кампусов являются объектами культурного наследия Шотландии, другие представляют собой лучшие образцы современной архитектуры.Университет является членом нескольких ассоциаций научно-исследовательских университетов: группы Коимбра, Лиги европейских исследовательских университетов, группы Расселл, Una Europa и Universitas 21. В прошлом году доходы вуза от исследовательской деятельности составили £324 миллиона. Это второй по количеству заявок на поступление университет Великобритании.Среди выпускников 19 Нобелевских лауреатов, архитектор Роберт Адам, писатели Артур Конан Дойл и Джоан Роулинг, поэт Вальтер Скотт, биолог Чарльз Дарвин.Почему стоит поступить в University of Edinburgh?престижность диплома среди британских и международных работодателей – университет входит в 20-ку британских вузов с самыми востребованными у работодателей выпускниками;расположение университетских кампусов в черте города позволяет быстро освоится в насыщенной культурной и деловой жизни Эдинбурга.Что можно изучать?медицина и фармакологияискусство и дизайнфизика и астрономияполитологиясоциологияпедагогика и социальная работа.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The University of Edinburgh is a public university in Scotland, founded in 1583. It is the sixth oldest university in the English-speaking world. The University of Edinburgh has five campuses in different parts of the city - Central Area, King's Buildings, BioQuarter, Easter Bush and Western General. Many of the campus buildings are Scottish Heritage Sites, while others represent the finest examples of modern architecture. The university is a member of several associations of research universities: the Coimbra group, the League of European Research Universities, the Russell Group, Una Europa and Universitas 21. Last year the university's research income was £324 million. This is the second largest university in the UK by number of applications. Alumni include 19 Nobel laureates, architect Robert Adam, writers Arthur Conan Doyle and JK Rowling, poet Walter Scott, biologist Charles Darwin. Why should you go to the University of Edinburgh? the prestige of the diploma among British and international employers - the university is one of the 20 British universities with the most sought-after graduates by employers; The location of university campuses within the city allows you to quickly get used to the rich cultural and business life of Edinburgh. What can you study? medicine and pharmacology art and design physics and astronomy political science sociology pedagogy and social work.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The University of Edinburgh is a public university in Scotland, founded in 1583. It is the sixth oldest English university in the world.<br>The University of Edinburgh has five campuses, located in the city center, King's Building, Biological District, East Bush, and West District. Many campus buildings are cultural heritage in Scotland, while others are the best examples of modern architecture.<br>The university is a member of several research university associations: the Coimbra Group, the European Union of Research Universities, the Russell Group, UNA Europa, and Universitas 21. Last year, the university's research revenue was £ 324 million. This is the second largest university application in the UK.<br>The alumni of 19 Nobel laureates include architect Robert Adam, writers Arthur Conan Doyle and Joan Rowling, poet Walter Scott, and biologist Charles Darwin.<br>Why go to the University of Edinburgh?<br>Reputable
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Edinburgh University is a public university in Scotland, which was founded in 1583. It is the sixth oldest university in the English-speaking world.<br><br>The University of Edinburgh has five campuses in different parts of the city, namely Central Area, King's Buildings, Bio Quarter, East Bush and Western General. Many campus buildings are Scottish cultural heritage, while others are the best examples of modern architecture.<br><br>The university is a member of several research university associations: coimbra group, European Union of Research Universities, Russell Group, Una Europa and Universitas 21. Last year, the research income of the university was $324 million. This is the university with the second largest number of applicants in Britain.<br><br>Among them, the alumni of 19 Nobel Prize winners are architect robert adam, writers Arthur Conan Doyle and Joan Rowling, poet walter scott and biologist Charles Darwin.<br><br>Why do you want to apply for Edinburgh University?<br>A prestigious diploma among British and international employers-this university is one of the 20 universities in Britain where employers need graduates most;<br>The location of the university campus in the city enables you to quickly master Edinburgh's rich cultural and commercial life.<br>What can I learn?<br>Medicine and pharmacology<br>Art and design<br>Physics and astronomy<br>politics<br>sociology<br>Education and social work.
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