ВведениеПериод фашистской диктатуры – самый страшный, но и самый интер перевод - ВведениеПериод фашистской диктатуры – самый страшный, но и самый интер английский как сказать

ВведениеПериод фашистской диктатуры


Период фашистской диктатуры – самый страшный, но и самый интересный для изучения период в истории Германии. Эти годы приковывают к себе взгляды многих историков. Хотя фашистская диктатура изучалась огромным количеством советских и иностранных авторов, такими как Л.А. Безыменский, А.С. Бланк, Р. Бурдерон и др., но и по сей день эта тема не потеряла своей актуальности и всё также приковывает взгляды многих историков, таких как О.Д. Пленков, А. А. Аникеев и др.
Данная тема сейчас очень актуальна, так как вновь возрождается интерес к исследованию механизма фашистского государства, написано много научных трудов по этой теме, и необходимо обобщить исследования различных авторов в этой области.
Цель данной работы заключается в том, чтобы подробно изучить государственный механизм фашистской диктатуры и исследовать, как с помощью него Гитлер смог создать столь сильную империю и управлять огромным количеством людей.
В данной работе изучается создание государственного аппарата управления, идеология, экономическая политика Гитлера, изменения в судебной системе и создание репрессивного аппарата. Рассматривая все эти звенья государственного механизма германской фашистской диктатуры, можно сделать вывод о том, что хотя все они важны для создания диктаторского режима, но всё же важнейшим для фашистского руководства было создание мощного централизованного репрессивного аппарата. Он позволил им контролировать массы, управлять ими и уничтожать неугодных Гитлеровскому режиму.
В соответствии с поставленной целью рассмотрение означенной темы исследования призвано решить следующие задачи:
проследить за первыми мероприятиями фашистов, экономической политикой и за созданием идеологии Фашистской Германии;
исследовать аппарат государственного управления, репрессивный аппарат и судебную систему;
Теоретическая значимость курсовой работы состоит в том, что изучение данной темы позволяет нам не только узнать историю прихода и нахождения у власти Гитлера, не только изучить аппарат диктаторского фашистского режима, но позволяет объективно судить о Германии периода фашистской диктатуры.
С точки зрения практической значимости настоящая курсовая работа может помочь историкам, учёным, работающим в области истории государства и права зарубежных стран, в изучении государственного механизма гитлеровской Германии и в целом любого диктаторского режима.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
IntroductionThe period of fascist dictatorship-the most terrible, but also the most interesting for the study period in German history. These years attract rapt gazes of many historians. Although fascist dictatorship was studied with a huge number of Soviet and foreign authors, such as La Bezymenskij, A.s. form, r. Burderon and others, but to this day the theme has not lost its relevance and everything also attracts the views of many historians, such as O.d. Plenkov has undertaken, a. a. Anikeev, etc. This subject is very topical now because interest revives the study mechanism of fascist state, written many scientific papers on the topic, and you want to summarize studies by various authors in this field. The purpose of this paper is to examine in detail the State mechanism of fascist dictatorship and investigate how it Hitler was able to create such a strong Empire and manage the enormous number of people. This paper examines the creation of the public administration, the ideology of Hitler's economic policy, changes in the judicial system and the establishment of the repressive apparatus. Considering all of these links State of German fascist dictatorship, it can be concluded that, although all are important for the creation of a dictatorial regime, but nevertheless essential to the fascist leadership was the establishment of a powerful centralized repressive apparatus. He allowed them to control and manage weight and destroy unwanted Hitler's regime. In accordance with the intended purpose of the proposed consideration of a theme of research is designed to solve the following tasks:follow the first activities of the Nazis, economic policy and the creation of the ideology of Nazi Germany;explore the public administration apparatus, a repressive apparatus and the judiciary; The theoretical significance of the coursework is that studying this topic allows us not only to learn the history of the parish and of Hitler, not only examine the apparatus of dictatorial fascist regime, but allows you to objectively judge the Germany during the fascist dictatorship. From the point of view of the practical importance of this coursework can help historians, scientists working in the field of history of State and law of foreign countries, studying State Hitlerite Germany and in General any dictatorial regime.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The introduction of the fascist dictatorship period - the worst, but the most interesting for the study period in the history of Germany. These years engage the views of many historians. Although fascist dictatorship studied a huge number of Soviet and foreign authors such as LA Bezymenskii, AS Blank, R. Bourderon et al., But today this issue has not lost its relevance and all also attracts the views of many historians, such as OD Film Anikeev AA et al. This topic is very relevant, as the revived interest in the study of the mechanism of the fascist state, written many scientific papers on this subject, and it is necessary to generalize the study of various authors in this area. The aim of this work is to to study in detail the state mechanism of fascist dictatorship and to explore how to use it, Hitler was able to create such a powerful empire and manage a huge number of people. in this paper we study the creation of the state apparatus, ideology, economic policies of Hitler, changes in the judicial system and the creation of repressive apparatus. Considering all of these sections of the state mechanism of the German fascist dictatorship, it can be concluded that, although they are all important for the creation of a dictatorial regime, but still the most important for the Nazi leadership was to create a powerful centralized repressive apparatus. He allowed them to control weight, manage, and destroy objectionable Hitler's regime. In accordance with the purpose of consideration of the aforesaid research topic is intended to achieve the following objectives: to follow the first events of the Nazis, the economic policy and the creation of the ideology of Nazi Germany, to investigate the state administrative apparatus, the repressive apparatus and the judicial system; theoretical significance of the course work is that the study of the subject allows us to not only learn the history of the parish and to find Hitler's power, not only to study the apparatus of dictatorial fascist regime, but allows you to objectively judge the German period of fascist dictatorship. in terms of the practical relevance of this course work can help historians, scientists working in the field of history of state and law of foreign countries, to study the mechanism of the state of Nazi Germany and the whole of any dictatorial regime.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
introductionduring the fascist dictatorship is the worst, but the most interesting to study period in german history. these years, to capture the views of many historians. although a fascist dictatorship has been investigated a lot of soviet and foreign authors, such as los angeles. безыменский, a. form r. бурдерон et al., but to this day, this topic has not lost its relevance and it also raised the views of many historians, such as о.д. пленков, as well. as well. аникеев et al.this topic is very important, as the newly reborn interest to study mechanism of fascist states, written many research papers on this topic, and to summarize the studies of various authors in this area.the purpose of this work is to explore the mechanism of the fascist dictatorship and explore how this hitler was able to create such a strong empire and to manage a huge number of people.in this work is the establishment of public administration management, the ideology of hitler"s economic policies, changes in the judicial system and the establishment of a repressive apparatus. considering all these links the state of german fascist dictatorship, it can be concluded that although they are important for the establishment of the dictatorship, but it is essential for the fascist leadership was a strong centralized repressive apparatus. he allowed them to control the masses, manage and destroy unwanted гитлеровскому regime.in accordance with the goal of the study of this topic is intended to meet the following objectives:to follow the activities of the nazis, economic policy and the establishment of the ideology of the nazi germany.research office of the state administration, jurisprudence and the judiciary;the theoretical significance of course project is that the study of this topic allows us not only to learn the history of the parish and of the hitler dictatorship not only explore the fascist regime, but can objectively judge the german fascist dictatorship period.from the point of view of the practical relevance of this coursework can help historians, scientists working in the field of the history of state and law of foreign countries, to explore the state of hitler"s germany and in general any dictatorship.
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