Требования IATA ограничат конкуренцию в авиации Казахстана - НПП Требо перевод - Требования IATA ограничат конкуренцию в авиации Казахстана - НПП Требо английский как сказать

Требования IATA ограничат конкуренц

Требования IATA ограничат конкуренцию в авиации Казахстана - НПП

Требования международной ассоциации воздушного транспорта IATA по прохождению аудита безопасности могут привести к снижению конкуренции в Казахстане. Такого мнения придерживаются в Национальной палате предпринимателей «Атамекен» (НПП), сообщает LS.

В НПП отмечают, что Казахстан не обязан применять нормы международных неправительственных организаций, какой и является IATA. «На территории Казахстана рекомендации общественной организации необязательны. Наши же госорганы ввели эти правила как обязательные условия для выполнения регулярных внутренних рейсов. Для введения квалификационных требований о наличии сертификата производственного аудита безопасности авиакомпании IOSA мы полагаем необходимым актуализировать их в виде национальных правил в сфере гражданской авиации или в виде авиационных стандартов», - считает глава секретариата логистики и перевозок НПП Канат Мукушев.

По его словам, Национальной палате предпринимателей не удалось достичь согласия с госорганами, в данном случае с комитетом гражданской авиации министерства по инвестициям и развитию. К тому же, добавл он, мнения авиакомпаний по данному вопросу тоже разделились. Так, перевозчики SCAT и Qazaq Air поддержали предложения IATA, а руководство «Бек Эйр» и вовсе подвергло сомнению введение требования о наличии и направило письмо в генеральную прокуратуру, а также подало исковое заявление в судебные органы о незаконности установления новых требований.

«Установленные требования прохождения аудита IOSA существенно ограничат развитие конкуренции в сфере воздушных перевозок внутри Казахстана. Учитывая, что у авиакомпаний нет единой позиции по данному вопросу, то необходимо вынести данную проблему на заседание подкомитета гражданской авиации Комитета логистики и перевозок НПП РК», - подчеркнул Мукушев.

Предполагается, что встреча состоится 12 января 2016 года на площадке НПП с участием всех заинтересованных сторон, в том числе комитетов гражданской авиации и по регулированию естественных монополий и защите конкуренции, а также самой компании IATA.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
IATA requirements would limit competition in the aviation industry of Kazakhstan-NPP The requirements of the international air transport Association (IATA) to undergo a security audit may lead to decreased competition in Kazakhstan. This opinion is shared by the National Chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" (NPP), tells LS.In NPP noted that Kazakhstan is not obliged to apply the norms of international non-governmental organizations, and which is the IATA. "On the recommendation of the public organization is optional. Our establishments imposed these rules as prerequisites to perform regular domestic flights. For the introduction of qualification requirements on the availability of productive airline security auditing certificate IOSA, we believe it necessary to actualize them in the form of national rules in the field of civil aviation, or in the form of aviation standards, "said the head of the Secretariat of logistics and transport NPP Mukushev Rope.According to him, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs could not reach agreement with government agencies, in this case with the Committee of civil aviation of the Ministry of investment and development. Besides, he added, the views of the airlines on this issue too. So carriers SCAT and Qazaq Air supported the proposals of IATA, and Beck air and does has questioned the requirement about presence and sent a letter to the General Prosecutor's Office, and also filed a statement of claim in the courts of Justice on the illegality of the new requirements."Passing the IOSA audit requirements significantly restrict competition in air travel within Kazakhstan. Given that airlines have no unified position on this issue, you must make this issue at a meeting of the Subcommittee of the Civil Aviation Committee logistics and transport RK "NNP stressed Mukushev.It is expected that the meeting will be held January 12, 2016 year NPP at the site with the participation of all stakeholders, including the civil aviation authority and the committees on regulation of natural monopolies and competition as well as the company itself.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
IATA requirements limit competition in the aviation of Kazakhstan - GMP requirements of the International Air Transport Association IATA's passage of a security audit can lead to a reduction of competition in Kazakhstan. This opinion is shared by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" (GMP), said LS. The NPP noted that Kazakhstan is not obliged to apply the rules of international non-governmental organizations, which is IATA. "On the territory of Kazakhstan of the NGO recommendations are optional. But our government bodies have introduced these rules as a prerequisite for the implementation of regular domestic flights. For the introduction of qualification requirements for a certificate of industrial security audit airlines IOSA we believe it is necessary to update them in the form of national rules in the field of civil aviation or in the form of aviation standards ", - said the head of the secretariat of logistics and transportation NPP Kanat Mukushev. According to him, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs failed to reach agreement with state authorities, in this case with the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Investment and Development. Besides, he added, the opinions of the airlines on this issue, too, are divided. For example, carriers SCAT and Qazaq Air supported the proposals of IATA, and the leadership of "Bek Air" and did cast doubt on the introduction of the requirement of availability and has sent a letter to the General Prosecutor's Office and filed a statement of claim in the courts on the illegality of the establishment of the new requirements. "Installed requirements passing IOSA audit will severely restrict the development of competition in air travel within Kazakhstan. Given that the airlines do not have a unified position on this issue, it is necessary to bring this issue to a meeting of the Subcommittee of Civil Aviation Committee of logistics and transportation NPP Kazakhstan ", - said Mukushev. It is expected that the meeting will take place on January 12, 2016 at the site of NPP with the participation of all stakeholders parties, including the Committee on Civil Aviation and the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition, as well as the company itself IATA.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
iata requirements to limit competition in aviation of the spe

the requirements of the international air transport association iata to perform security audit can reduce competition in kazakhstan.this view in the national house of entrepreneurs "атамекен» (pnp), said lu.

also noted that kazakhstan is not required to apply the rules of international non-governmental organizationswhat is the food. "on the territory of kazakhstan of the recommendations are not binding. our state structures have rules as binding conditions for the implementation of the regular domestic flights.for the qualification requirements of the certificate of production security audit of IOSA we believe necessary to update them in the form of national regulations in the field of civilor in the form of aviation standards.
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