Этик. Кван Су постоянно влюбляются и разочаровываются, одним словом, – живет полнокровной чувственной жизнью. Ю Дже Сок постоянно его сводит с девушками. Хотя это все шутки Дже Сока
Ethics. Kwan Soo constantly fall in love and become frustrated in one word-lives full of sensual life. Yu Jae Seok constantly it wreaks havoc with the girls. While this is all a joke Ja Juice
Ethics. Kwang Soo constantly fall in love and disillusioned, in a word - living a full-blooded sensual life. Yoo Jae Sok brings him constantly with the girls. Although this is a joke Jae Suk
этик. quan su always fall in love and get disappointed, in short, is lives full of sensual life. yu jae seok keeps his drives to the girls. although it"s fun je juice