В Сан Франциско жил молодой человек Генри Адамс. Он служил клер ком в  перевод - В Сан Франциско жил молодой человек Генри Адамс. Он служил клер ком в  английский как сказать

В Сан Франциско жил молодой человек

В Сан Франциско жил молодой человек Генри Адамс. Он служил клер ком в конторе.
Однажды, когда он катался на паруснике (go under sail), он оказался (find oneself) в открытом море (on the open sea). Бриг (brig), который направлялся в Лондон, спас (resque [DкЙлваe]) его.
Когда он сошел на берег (go ashore), в его кармане был всего один доллар.
На следующее утро, он, голодный, бродит по городу. Вдруг за спиной (behind his back) он слышит голос:
– Подойдите сюда, пожалуйста.
Лакей (a footman) открывает дверь и сопровождает (take) Генри в ком нату, где сидят два пожилых богатых джентльмена. Это два брата, кото рые заключили между собой пари на (bet to) двадцать тысяч фунтов (pounds). Один из них уверен, что любой «честный и неглупый иностра нец», может прожить в Лондоне без друзей и без денег, имея только би лет в 1 000 000 фунтов. Они начинают расспрашивать Генри и узнают всю его историю (life story).
– Вы вполне подходите нам.
Один из них протягивает ему конверт (an envelope). Они не разреша ют его распечатать (unseal) и хотят, чтобы Генри сделал это позже.
Генри выходит на улицу, распечатывает конверт и находит там банковс кий билет и письмо. Он бежит в дешевый (cheap) ресторан пообедать.
Он хочет расплатиться (pay off), достаёт билет и видит фантастичес кую сумму (fantastic sum). Вскоре он приходит в себя (come to one’s senses), даёт хозяину ресторана билет и говорит спокойным тоном:

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– Разменяйте (change), пожалуйста.
Конечно, хозяин не может этого сделать и говорит, что может подождать. Генри возвращается к дому богатых братьев, чтобы вернуть билет.
Но лакей говорит, что их нет дома (be out). Он вспоминает (recall) о пись ме, читает его и узнает (learn) о пари (bet). После недолгого смущения (embarrassment) он начинает чувствовать себя превосходно.
Наступает новая жизнь: Генри везде принимают за (take for) милли онера (millionaire) и предлагают ему неограниченные кредиты (unlimited credits).
Весь город называет его «миллион в кармане». Пользуясь ссудой (loan) братьев, он открывает счет (open an account) в банке.
Водном из богатых домов, на приеме, он знакомится с красивой мо лодой девушкой, и они влюбляются друг в друга (fall in love with each other).
Через месяц братья возвращаются. Генри идёт к ним, чтобы вернуть билет. Там он узнаёт, что его любимая девушка – дочка одного из братьев.
Вдень свадьбы (wedding) отец дарит им этот билет.
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Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In San Francisco he lived a young man Henry Adams. He served in the Office COM, Claire.Once, when he went on a sailboat (go under sail), it turned out (find oneself) in the open sea (on the open sea). Brig (brig), who was on his way to London, saved (resque [DkJlvae]).When he went ashore (go ashore), in his pocket was just one dollar.The next morning, he is hungry, wandering around the city. Suddenly behind her back (behind his back), he hears a voice:-Come here, please.Lackey (a footman) opens the door and accompanies (take) Henry com NATA, where sit two elderly rich gentlemen. This two brothers that made a bet (bet to) twenty thousand pounds (pounds). One of them is sure that any "honest and neglupyj foreign colleagues can live in London without friends and without money, having only bi years in 1 000 000 pounds. They start to ask Henry and learn its history (life story).-You are quite fit us.One of them hands him an envelope (an envelope). They don't poop is to print it out (unseal) and want to Henry did it later.Henry goes to the street, prints an envelope and finds there bankovs a cue card and letter. It runs in a cheap (cheap) restaurant for lunch.He wants to pay (pay off), pulls a ticket and sees Fanta kuyu (fantastic sum). He soon finds himself (come to one's senses), gives to the owner of the restaurant and said calm tone:17Read And Speak English-Razmenjajte (change), please.Of course, the owner cannot do so and said that can wait. Henry returned to the home of wealthy brothers to return the ticket.But lackey said that they are not at home (be out). He remembers (recall) about written IU, reads it and learns (learn) about the betting (bet). After a brief embarrassment (embarrassment), he starts to feel good.A new life: Henry everywhere take over (take fo) Millie ONERA (millionaire) and offer him unlimited credits (unlimited credits).The whole town calls him "a million in your Pocket". Take this loan (loan) brothers, he opens an account (open an account) in the Bank.Water from affluent homes, at a reception, he meets a beautiful girl lodoj mod, and they fall in love with each other (fall in love with each other).A month later, the brothers returned. Henry goes to him to return the ticket. There he discovers that his girlfriend is the daughter of one of the brothers.Day weddings (wedding) father gives them the ticket.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
San Francisco was a young man, Henry Adams. He served Claire someone in the office.
Once, when he rode on a sailboat (go under sail), he was (find oneself) in the open sea (on the open sea). Brig (brig), who was heading to London saved (resque [DkYlvae]) it.
When he went ashore (go ashore), in his pocket was only one dollar.
The next morning, he was hungry, wandering around the city. Suddenly behind him (behind his back), he hears a voice:
- Come here, please.
Lackey (a footman) opens the door and accompanies (take) Henry in whom natural number, where two elderly gentlemen sitting rich. This two brothers, koto rye entered into a wager (bet to) twenty thousand pounds (pounds). One of them is convinced that any "honest and intelligent foreign Heff", can live in London without friends and without money, having only bi years 1 000 000 GBP. They begin to question Henry and learn its history (life story).
- You may well come to us.
One of them hands him an envelope (an envelope). They are not allowed to print it (unseal) and want to do it later, Henry.
Henry goes out, it prints the envelope and finds bankovs cue card and a letter. He runs into a cheap (cheap) restaurant for lunch.
He wants to pay (pay off), gets a ticket and see fantastiches Kuyu amount (fantastic sum). He soon comes to life (come to one's senses), gives the owner a ticket restaurant and says calmly:

the Read & for Speak English
- exchanged (change), please.
Of course, the owner can not do this and said that can wait. Henry returned to the home of the rich brothers to return the ticket.
But the waiter said that they are not at home (be out). He recalls (recall) a letter which reads it and finds out (learn) a bet (bet). He begins to feel great after a moment's embarrassment (embarrassment).
There comes a new life: Henry everywhere mistaken for (take for) milli ONERA (millionaire) and offer him unlimited credit (unlimited credits).
The whole town called him "a million in your pocket." Using the loan (loan) brothers, he opens an account (open an account) in the bank.
In one of the houses of the rich, at the reception, he meets a beautiful mo Lodoy girl and they fall in love (fall in love with each other) .
A month later, the brothers returned. Henry goes to them to return the ticket. There he learns that his girlfriend - the daughter of one of the brothers.
On the day the wedding (wedding) father gives them the ticket.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in san francisco was a young man, henry adams. he was claire who in the office.one day when he was riding a sailing boat (go under sail), he was the (find oneself) on the high seas (on the open sea. brig (brig), who was heading to london, saved (resque [Dкйлваe]).when he went ashore (go ashore) in his pocket was one dollar.the next morning, he's wandering around the city. if the back (behind his back), he hears a voice.- come here, please.footman (a footman) opens the door and follow (take) henry who nathu, where are two older wealthy gentleman. it's two brothers, which had entered into a bet (bet to twenty thousand pounds (pounds). one of them i'm sure any "honest and clever иностра нец», can live in london with no friends and no money, having only b. years in 1 000 000 pounds. they start asking henry and know his whole story (life story).- you're fine to us.one of them gives him an envelope (an envelope). they don't разреша ute its print (unseal) and want henry to do it later.henry goes out, print out the envelope and finds there банковс cue card and letter. he goes to a restaurant for dinner (cheap).he wants to pay (pay off), pulls out a ticket and see фантастичес do amount (by the sum). soon he comes (come to one's senses), gives the restaurant a calm manner and said:17read & speak english- change (change), please.of course, the owner could not do that and says, that can wait. henry returned to the house the rich brothers to get the ticket.but the servant said that no home (be out). he remembers (what) about for me, read it and learn (learn) about a bet (bet). after a little embarrassed (embarrassment), he begins to feel great.the new life: henry everywhere take for take for) millie онера (millionaire) and offering him unlimited credit (unlimited credits).the city calls him "a million dollars in pocket. using a loan (loan) brothers, he opens an account (open an account at the bank.the water of the rich houses, at the reception, he meets the beautiful mo лодой girl, and they're falling in love (fall in love with each other.a month later, the brothers returned. henry is going to get a ticket. there, he discovers that his beloved girl is the daughter of one of the brothers.the wedding (wedding day) the father gives him the ticket.
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