Это был пасмурный дождливый день. Джейн была дома и искала книги на полках, чтобы что-то почитать.
Бабушка дремала в кресле. Джейн наткнулась на толстый и тяжелый альбом со старыми фотографиями. Это определенно не было вещью, которая бы излечила ее от скуки, но, тем не менее, она просмотрела несколько страниц.
«Кто он?» Джейн спросила бабушку, указывая на фото привлекательного мужчины с густыми усами и прямоугольной бородой. «Мой дядя», ответила бабушка, «он был моряком. Он оставил дом до того как я родилась. Он уехал в Америку копать золото. Люди говорят, он нажил состояние там. Но он играл и умер без гроша. У него была жена индианка и трое дочерей. Одна из них, очень красивая, стала кинозвездой.»
«А что насчет этой леди?» Джейн пододвинула фотографию милой женщины в прелестной старомодной шляпке с лентами. «Моя няня» бабушка нежно улыбнулась. «Она была француженкой, из знатной семьи. Будучи молодой, она отчаянно влюбилась в молодого офицера. Ее родители не одобрили ее замужества, и она сбежала из дома в мужском платье и под вымышленным именем, последовав за тем мужчиной. Однако, его вскоре убили в одной из битв, и она осталась одна в чужой стране. Она вынуждена была работать няней, чтобы заработать денег на дорогу обратно. Вот как она попала в наш дом. Мы очень ее любили, и наконец, она решила остаться с нами»
Джейн становилось все интереснее. «А смотри, это я… в карнавальном платье!» «Нет», засмеялась бабушка, «Это я, в моем любимом платье. Его подарили мне на мое пятилетие». У Джейн было странное чувство, будто волны воспоминаний проходили через комнату. Ее семейная история превратилась во что-то живое и крайне увлекательное…
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It was a dull rainy day. Jane was at home and was looking for a book on the shelves to read.Grandma was dozing in a Chair. Jane came across a thick and heavy album with old photographs. It definitely was not a thing which healed her from boredom, but, nevertheless, she pored over several pages."Who is he?" Jane asked her grandmother, pointing to a photo of an attractive man with a bushy mustache and rectangular beard. "My uncle", replied Grandma, "he was a sailor. He left home before I was born. He went to America to dig gold. People say he amassed State there. But he played and died penniless. He had a wife, Sacagawea, and three daughters. One of them, very beautiful, has become a movie star. ""And what about this lady?" Jane pododvinula photo of cute women in charming old-fashioned hat with ribbons. "My nanny Grandma gently smiled. "She was a Frenchwoman, from a noble family. Being young, she desperately in love with a young officer. Her parents did not approve of her marriage, and she ran away from home in the men's dress and under an assumed name, following behind that man. However, it soon was killed in one of the battles, and she was left alone in a foreign country. She was forced to work as a nanny to earn money on the way back. That's how she came to our House. We really loved her, and finally she decided to stay with us»Jane was getting more interesting. "And look, it's me. .. in Carnival dress! " "No," laughed the grandmother, "this is me, in my favorite dress. It gave me on my fifth anniversary. Jane had been a strange feeling, as if a wave of memories passed through the room. Her family history has evolved into something vibrant and extremely fascinating.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It was a cloudy rainy day. Jane was at home and was looking for a book on the shelves for something to read.
My grandmother was dozing in a chair. Jane came across a thick and heavy album with old photos. It definitely was not a thing that would cure her boredom, but, nevertheless, she scanned a few pages.
"Who is he?" Jane asked her grandmother, pointing to a photo of attractive men with bushy mustache and a square beard. "My uncle," said the grandmother, "he was a sailor. He left the house before I was born. He went to America to dig gold. People say he made a fortune there. But he played, and he died penniless. He had a wife and three daughters of an Indian. One of them, a very beautiful, became a movie star. "
" What about this lady? "Jane pulled up photo cute woman in a charming old-fashioned hat with ribbons. "My babysitter" Grandma smiled gently. "She was French, from a noble family. Being young, she was desperately in love with a young officer. Her parents did not approve of her marriage, and she ran away from home in the men's dress and under an assumed name, to follow the man. However, he was soon killed in one of the battles, and she was left alone in a foreign country. She was forced to work as a nanny to earn money for the trip back. That's how she came to our house. We are very fond of her, and finally she decided to stay with us, "
Jane became more and more interesting. "And look, it's me ... in carnival dress!" "No," laughed my grandmother, "It's me, in my favorite dress. He gave me my five-year period. " Jane was a strange feeling, as if a wave of memories passed through the room. Her family history turned into something lively and very exciting ...
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
it was overcast, rainy day. jane was at home looking for the books on the shelves for something to read.granny asleep in the chair. jane was so thick and heavy album with old pictures. it was definitely not a thing that cured her boredom, but, nevertheless, she went through a few pages."who is he? "jane asked grandma, pointing at the picture of a handsome man with a mustache and a beard. "my uncle, said the grandmother," he was a sailor. he left the house before i was born. he went to america to dig for gold. people say, he had amassed a considerable fortune. but he was playing and he died penniless. he had a wife, an indian, and three daughters. one of them is very beautiful, has кинозвездой.»"what about that lady? "jane пододвинула photo nice woman in a charming old-fashioned hat with ribbons. "my няня» grandmother gently smiled. "she was french, from a noble family. being young, she desperately in love with the young officer. her parents did not approve of her marriage, and she ran away from home in the men"s dress and under an assumed name, follow that man. however, it soon was killed in one of the battles, and she was left alone in a foreign country. she had a nanny job to raise money for the trip. that"s how she ended up in our house. we really loved her, and finally she decided to stay with usjane found it interesting. "look, it"s me... wearing a dress. "no," she laughed. "it"s my favorite dress. he gave me for my пятилетие». jane was a strange feeling, like the waves of memories passed through the room. her family history is turned into something alive and very exciting.
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