я очень прошу тебя, не думай больше обо мне! Будем считать, что ничего не получилось! Я искренне желаю тебе счастья! жаль, что так! Твоя популярность для тебя оказалась важнее любви! Это твой выбор!
I ask you, do not think more about me! We assume that nothing happened! I sincerely wish you happiness! sorry to be so! Your popularity has proved to be more important for you love! It's your choice!
I beg you, do not think more about me! We assume that nothing happened! I sincerely wish you happiness! sorry about that! Your popularity is more important for you was love! It's your choice!
i beg you, don't think more about me! we'il pretend this never happened. i sincerely wish you happiness! i'm sorry. your popularity for you is more important than love! it's your choice!