Text AN OPEN WINDOW Mr Nullel's health had never caused him any troubl перевод - Text AN OPEN WINDOW Mr Nullel's health had never caused him any troubl английский как сказать

Text AN OPEN WINDOW Mr Nullel's hea

Mr Nullel's health had never caused him any trouble. He never had even acold. But one day his sister said that he looked pale and that in his place she would see doctor. He followed her advice.
The doctor examined him and found that he was ill with many diseases. "However,'' he said "Nuttel's health could be restored if he went to a quiet place to have a rest and a proper treatment."
So Nuttel decided to go to a small village in the mountains. He arrived there late on Friday evening. The landlady of the boarding house" met him and showed him his room. As Nuttel had a terrible headache he went to bed at once. Hi thought that a good sleep would do him good.
He woke up at nine in the morning and went down for breakfast.there were no other quests in the hoarding house so in the dining room he saw only the landlady's niece, Catherine.
Nuttel was surprised to see the French window open because it was already autumn. Catherine started explaining to him that 3 years before a terrible tragedy had taken place in the house. The landlady's husband and her two brothers had walked out through the window. They had gone shooting and had never come back. Their bodies had been looked for but hadn't been found.
Nuttel grew nervous and threw glances at the girl and the open window He was sorry for the family but he was not sure if he could be of any help.
The girl went on telling him that her aunt still expected them to come back therefore she kept the window open and made breakfast for them every morning. Catherine even showed Nuttel the photo of a man with a black beard.
When the landlady appeared and started telling him about her husband young brothers and shooting. Nuttel interrupted her and complained of his poor health. But the landlady didn't listen to him and took her eyes off the open window.
Suddenly Nuttel heard steps outside the window and a tall man with a black beard and two young men entered the dining room and shut the window.
Here they are at last. In time for breakfast," she said cheerfully.
Nuttel looked at the girl,there was terror in her eyes. He jumped up and ran room.
Here we are, dear," said the man. "Who was that man? Why did he run out?"
A very strange man - answered the wife. "It could speak only of his diseases. But I don't understand why he ran out that way without saying a word. I don't know," answered Catherine, "but he said that he was hiding here to save his life because a man with a black beard was trying to kill him .
The girl was very good at inventing stories.

AT THE DOCTOR'S Doctor: Good afternoon, take a seat, will you? What's the trouble Patient: I haven't been feeling well for some days. I have lost my appetite Doctor: and I've been having a headache most of the time Patient: Did you have your temperature taken? quite normal Doctor: open your mouth and say"ah". You've had a sore throat, haven you Patient: Yes, I had a sore throat a few days ago but l didn't take any notice
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                                              " "               "                       "                                                                                                                                                                                          "                  "  " ?   ? "  -  "                 ""                    AT THE DOCTOR'S Doctor: Good afternoon, take a seat, will you? What's the trouble Patient: I haven't been feeling well for some days. I have lost my appetite Doctor: and I've been having a headache most of the time Patient: Did you have your temperature taken? quite normal Doctor: open your mouth and say"ah". You've had a sore throat, haven you Patient: Yes, I had a sore throat a few days ago but l didn't take any notice
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