Мальчик остался один: не было никого, кто мог бы позаботиться о нем, кто мог бы сказать ему ласковое слово. 10. Когда Джордж вырос, его послали работать на фабрику мистера Вильсона, который оказался очень добрым человеком и хорошо обращался со своими рабочими. 11. Джордж изобрел очень ценную машину, которая, как было известно, приносила его хозяину большую прибыль. 12. Вскоре Джордж встретил Элизу и женился на ней Она была очень красивая и добрая, и Джордж считал себя самым счастливым человеком на земле. 13. Но счастье его было не. долговечно (to be of short duration): его хозяин был не такой человек, который мог бы допустить, чтобы его негр был счастлив. 14. Джорджа заставили уйти с фабрики, бросить работу, которую он так любил, и вернуться к хозяину. 15. Чтобы унизить Джорджа еще больше, хозяин приказал ему бросить Элизу и жениться на другой женщине. Этого Джордж уже вынести не мог, и он решил бежать в Канаду.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The boy was left alone: there was no one who could take care of him who would tell him affectionate Word. 10. When George grew up, he was sent to work at a factory of Mr Wilson, who turned out to be a very kind person and well addressed with their workers. 11. George invented a machine that is very valuable, as it was known, brought its owner a big profit. 12. George Soon met Eliza and married her she was very nice and kind, and George considered himself the happiest man on Earth. 13. But his happiness was not. durable (to be of short duration): his boss was not the kind of person who would allow his Negro was happy. 14. George was forced to withdraw from the factory, quit the job, which he loved so much, and return to the owner. 15. To humiliate George even bigger boss ordered him to throw Eliza and marry another woman. This George already make could not, and he decided to flee to Canada.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The boy was left alone: there was no one who could take care of it, who could say a kind word to him. 10. When George grew up, he was sent to work in a factory of Mr. Wilson, who was a very good man and well treated his workers. 11. George invented a very valuable car, which has been known to bring its owner a large profit. 12. Soon George Eliza met and married her she was very nice and kind, and George considered himself the happiest man on earth. 13. But his happiness was not. durable (to be of short duration): his master was not a man who would allow his negro was happy. 14. George was forced to leave the factory, quit a job he loved so much, and go back to the owner. 15. To further humiliate George, the owner told him to throw Eliza and marry another woman. That George had to endure could not, and he decided to flee to Canada.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the boy was left alone, there was no one who could take care of him, who could tell him a tender word. 10. when george grew up, he was sent to work in the factory, mr. wilson.that was a very good man and good treated his workers. 11. george invented a special car, which, as it was known, was the master of profits. 12.soon george met eliza and married her. she was very beautiful and kind, and george thought i was the happiest man on earth. 13. but he was not happy. permanent (to be of short duration).his master was not the sort of man who would let him a happy. 14. george was forced to leave the factory, quit his job, which he loved, and back to the master. 15. to humiliate george morethe master ordered him to drop the elisa and marry another woman. the george already couldn't bear, and he decided to flee to canada.
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