Я действительно не знаю когда приедет моя машина. Но я надеюсь, что до часа. Если у тебя есть другие попутчики, тогда конечно я не буду разрушающим элементом твоих планов! но если никого нет, тогда я могу к вам присоединиться, если прибуду вовремя.
I really don't know when will come my machine. But I hope that up to an hour. If you have other companions, then of course I will not deplete the element of your plans! But if no one then I can join you, if you arrive on time.
I really do not know where my car is coming. But I hope that by the hour. If you have other companions, then of course I will not destroy part of your plans! but if no one, then I can join you if arrive on time.
i really don't know where is my car. but i hope that, before an hour. if you have other company, then of course i'm not that element in your plans. but if no onethen i can join you if you arrive on time.