English banknotes and coins.The official currency of the United Kingdo перевод - English banknotes and coins.The official currency of the United Kingdo русский как сказать

English banknotes and coins.The off

English banknotes and coins.
The official currency of the United Kingdom is still keeping the pound sterling but the possibility of joining the euro is being widely debated. The pound sterling is equal to one hundred pence.
English banknotes are issued by the Bank of England. As to coins they are minted also by this state bank.
There are banknotes of the following denominations:
£1 £20
£5 £50
£10 £100
The following coins are in circulation:
one penny
two pence
five pence
ten pence
fitly pence
On the face of English banknotes one can read the denomination given both in figures and in Words.
Then the inscription on the face of the banknote reads: I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of... And then there are two signatures. The first signature is that of the person authorized by the Government and the Bank of England. The second signature is that of the Chief Cashier.
The backs of English banknotes, like many other bank-notes, feature portraits of different famous people.
• The one pound banknote, for example, features Isaac Newton (1E42-1727), a well-known English scientist who made a few very important discoveries including gravitation law.
▪ The back of the five pound note portrays the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), a famous Irish general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, Belgium in 1815.
■ On the back of the ten pound note one can see Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), founder of the nursing profession She volunteered as a nurse to Turkey to take care of the wounded soldiers from Crimean War, war of England and France versus Russia.
■ And the back of the twenty pound banknote features V141bam Snake-spear& (1564--1616), the greatest playwright of all time.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
English banknotes and coins.The official currency of the United Kingdom is still keeping the pound sterling but the possibility of joining the euro is being widely debated. The pound sterling is equal to one hundred pence.English banknotes are issued by the Bank of England. As to coins they are minted also by this state bank. There are banknotes of the following denominations:£1 £20£5 £50£10 £100The following coins are in circulation: halfpenny one penny two pence five pence ten pence fitly pence On the face of English banknotes one can read the denomination given both in figures and in Words. Then the inscription on the face of the banknote reads: I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of... And then there are two signatures. The first signature is that of the person authorized by the Government and the Bank of England. The second signature is that of the Chief Cashier. The backs of English banknotes, like many other bank-notes, feature portraits of different famous people. • The one pound banknote, for example, features Isaac Newton (1E42-1727), a well-known English scientist who made a few very important discoveries including gravitation law. ▪ The back of the five pound note portrays the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), a famous Irish general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, Belgium in 1815. ■ On the back of the ten pound note one can see Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), founder of the nursing profession She volunteered as a nurse to Turkey to take care of the wounded soldiers from Crimean War, war of England and France versus Russia. ■ And the back of the twenty pound banknote features V141bam Snake-spear& (1564--1616), the greatest playwright of all time.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
английский банкнот и монет.официальной валютой является соединенное королевство по - прежнему сохранить фунт стерлингов, но возможность присоединения к евро сейчас широко обсуждается.фунт равен 100 пенсов.английский банкноты выпускаются со стороны банка англии.как они чеканил монеты в государственный банк.есть банкноты из следующих конфессий:20 фунтов стерлингов5 фунтов за 50 фунтов10 фунтов стерлингов, 100следующие монеты в обращении находятся:ирландские полпенниодин пеннидва пенсапять пенсовдесять пенсовfitly пенсовна лицевой стороне банкноты можно читать на английском языке, учитывая как в цифрах и на словах.затем надпись на поверхность банкноты гласит: я обещаю выплатить предъявителю по требованию суммы.и потом, есть две подписи.первая подпись - это лицо, уполномоченное правительство и банк англии.второй подписи заключается в том, что главный кассир.спиной английский банкнот, как и многие другие банкноты, особенность портреты разные известные люди.• один фунт банкнота, например, в особенности исаак ньютон (1e42-1727), известный английский ученый, который сделал несколько очень важных открытий в том числе силы закона.■ вернуться из пяти фунтов примечание изображает герцог веллингтон (1769-1852), знаменитый ирландский генерала, который победил наполеона на ватерлоо в 1815.а сзади на десять фунтов записку можно увидеть флоренс найтингейл (1820-1910), основатель профессию медсестры она вызвалась как медсестра в турцию, чтобы позаботиться о раненых солдат из крымской войны, война англии и франции и россии.■ и задней двадцать фунтов банкнота черты v141bam змея копье & (1564 - 1616), величайшего драматурга всех времен.
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