Главная героиня романа — Джулия Лэмберт. Ей 46 лет. Она самая знаменит перевод - Главная героиня романа — Джулия Лэмберт. Ей 46 лет. Она самая знаменит английский как сказать

Главная героиня романа — Джулия Лэм

Главная героиня романа — Джулия Лэмберт. Ей 46 лет. Она самая знаменитая театральная актриса Англии, жизнь которой удалась.

У неё есть семья: успешный муж Майкл, владелец и режиссёр театра «Сиддонс», где играет Джулия, взрослый образованный сын Роджер, есть слава и море поклонников.

Джулия знакомится с молодым бухгалтером Томасом Феннелом, который моложе её на 25 лет. Джулия влюбляется .
Постепенно Джулия замечает, что отношения с Томом ударили по её репутации, о них сплетничают и, что самое неприятное, сплетничают в основном из-за его тщеславия. Джулия вынуждена посмотреть правде в глаза. Она признается себе, что Том её не любит, страсть его прошла, а Джулия была для него в первую очередь лишь «пропуском» в мир богемы и аристократии.

Затем Джулия узнаёт, что Том изменяет ей. Он увлёкся молодой актрисой Эвис Крайтон, и при помощи Джулии устраивает её в театр «Сиддонс».

Самым болезненным для влюбленной женщины становится то, что это не просто интрижка. Том собирается чуть ли не жениться на молоденькой бездарной актрисе. Именно это становится последним ударом для Джулии.

Роман заканчивается триумфом героини в спектакле, в котором дебютировала Эвис Крайтон. Джулия виртуозно «убивает» дебют Эвис.

В конце романа Джулия, разочаровавшаяся в искренних чувствах, произносит: «Говорят: игра — притворство. Это притворство и есть единственная реальность».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The main character of the novel as Julia Lambert. Her 46 years. She is the most famous theatrical actress in England, which failed.She has a family: successful husband Michael, owner and Director of the theatre ", where Siddons plays Julia, an adult educated son Roger, there is fame and sea fans.Julia meets a young accountant Thomas Fennell, who is younger than her 25 years. Julia falls in love. Gradually, Julia notices that the relationship with Tom hit on her reputation, gossiping and, most worryingly, gossiping mainly due to his vanity. Julie is forced to face the truth. She admits to himself that That it does not like, his passion has gone, and Julia was for him in the first place only "pass" into the world of Bohemia and the aristocracy.Then Julia discovers that modifies it. He liked the young actress Avice Crichton and Julia arranges it in theatre "Siddons.Most painful for women in love becomes something that is not just involved. That is going to almost marry young, untalented actress. This is what becomes the latest blow for Julia. The novel ends with the triumph of the heroine in the play, which debuted Evis Crichton. Giulia virtuoso "kills" the debut of Avis.At the end of the novel, Julia, razocharovavshajasja sincere feelings, says: «Say: the game is a sham. This is a sham and is the only reality.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The main character of the novel - Julia Lambert. She was 46 years old. She is the most famous theater actress in England, where life is good.

She has a family: a successful husband, Michael, the owner, and "Siddons," the director of the theater, where plays Julia, educated adult son, Roger, is the glory and the sea fans.

Julia meets a young accountant Thomas Fennell, who is younger than her 25 years. Julia falls.
Gradually, Julie notices that the relationship with Tom hit on its reputation, gossip about them, and that the most unpleasant, gossiping mainly because of his vanity. Julie is forced to face the truth. She admits herself that Tom does not love her, a passion he passed, and Julia was for him in the first place a "pass" into the world of bohemians and aristocracy.

Then Julia discovers that Tom is cheating on her. He became interested in the young actress Evis Crichton, and arranges it in the theater, "Siddons" with Julia.

The most painful for a woman in love becomes something that is not just a fling. Tom is going to almost marry young mediocre actress. That is what becomes the latest blow to Julia.

The novel ends with the triumph of the heroine in the play, which debuted Avis Crichton. Julia masterly "kills" the debut of Avis.

At the end of the novel Julie, disappointed in the sincere feelings, he says: "It is said: the game - a sham. This pretense is the only reality. " That is what becomes the latest blow to Julia. The novel ends with the triumph of the heroine in the play, which debuted Avis Crichton. Julia masterly "kills" the debut of Avis. At the end of the novel Julie, disappointed in the sincere feelings, he says: "It is said: the game - a sham. This pretense is the only reality. " That is what becomes the latest blow to Julia. The novel ends with the triumph of the heroine in the play, which debuted Avis Crichton. Julia masterly "kills" the debut of Avis. At the end of the novel Julie, disappointed in the sincere feelings, he says: "It is said: the game - a sham. This pretense is the only reality. "
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