это самая ужасная иистория которую я когда либо слышала ,со слов мери  перевод - это самая ужасная иистория которую я когда либо слышала ,со слов мери  английский как сказать

это самая ужасная иистория которую

это самая ужасная иистория которую я когда либо слышала ,со слов мери рид
детство мое было сложным ,родилась я незаконнорожденой .Мне приходилось переодеваться в мальчика ,так я и мать скрывали раннюю смерть брата . Отец нас бросил и мама от безысходности собрала вещи ,взяла меня за руку и мы отправились к бабушке . Бабуля была довольно богатой ,но совершенно не любила девочек . Прожили мы у неё 10 лет ,пока бабушка не скончалась . Я выросла и меня забрали в армию. В юоях во Фландрии я поистине проявила себя , но продвижения я так и не дождалась .тогда я приняла решение податься в кавалерию ,но вскоре корабль попал в руки пиратов ,я была вынуждена присоединиться к ним ,сожительствуя с капитаном . В тот день я впервые прошла на борт пиратского корабля ,я стала их накамой ,я стала пираткой .
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This is the worst iistoriâ I have ever heard, from the words of Mary Reedmy childhood was difficult, I was born nezakonnoroždenoj. I had to change clothes in a boy, so I and mother concealed the early death of his brother. Father and mother threw us out of despair gathered things, took me by the hand and we went to Grandma. Granny was quite rich, but not loved girls. We have lived 10 years until grandma is died. I grew up and they took me to the army. In ûoâh in Flanders I truly manifested itself, but progress I never waited when I decided to go into the Cavalry, but soon the ship was in the hands of pirates, I was forced to join them, sožitel′stvuâ with the captain. On the day I first took place aboard the pirate ship, I was nakamoj them, I became a pirate.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
this is the worst iistoriya I've ever heard the words of Mary Reed
My childhood was difficult, I was born an illegitimate .Mne had to change into a boy, so I hid the early death of his mother's brother. Father and mother threw us out of despair packed up, took my hand and we went to my grandmother. Grandma was quite rich, but it is not like girls. We lived her 10 years until grandmother died. I grew up and I was taken into the army. In yuoyah in Flanders I truly express themselves, but promotion I could not wait .Then I decided to go into the cavalry, but soon the ship was in the hands of pirates, I was forced to join them, sozhitelstvuya with the captain. On the day I first went aboard a pirate ship, I became their Nakama, I became a pirate.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
This is the most terrible is that I have heard me out from me, and bring me the same side of the reed, Marie
my childhood is very complex, the author has 3. I kappa from our society from P from albumose to society from which von was born in society has accounted for. M dressed boy, so my mother and I hide the early death of the brothers.From the desperate father abandoned us and mother packed, holding my hand, we go to visit my grandma. Grandma is very rich, but completely doesn't love girl. We she lived for 10 years, until the death of his grandmother.I grew up, and took away my army. I'm in the elixir from Flanders and were really show myself, but I'm not waiting for you. The characters to promote from. And I decided to go in the cavalry, but soon the ship encountered pirates' hands,I was forced to join them, C from albumose me and energy-saving, has won a captain and. The first day I experienced on board the pirate ship, I became their first alpha kappa alpha in m from, I become customers in the kappa from in studies.
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