Биатлон: Шипулин, вырвав у Бьорндалена победу, теперь не будет финишер перевод - Биатлон: Шипулин, вырвав у Бьорндалена победу, теперь не будет финишер английский как сказать

Биатлон: Шипулин, вырвав у Бьорндал

Биатлон: Шипулин, вырвав у Бьорндалена победу, теперь не будет финишером эстафеты?

В Оберхофе мужская сборная открыла счет победам нового года

Старший тренер мужской сборной по биатлону сказал после победной эстафеты, что Антон Шипулин проводит отличный сезон и подтверждает – он способен, как немногие спортсмены, собираться, когда видит цель. И неожиданно заявил: Антон Шипулин будет бегать не только последние этапы.

Эта эстафета в абсолютно, казалось бы, неравном бою человека с природой – туман и ветер, дождь, превращающийся в снежную корку, вновь доказала: везет тому, кто ради этого везения не только работал годами, но и делал выводы из каждого поражения. Чем они были горше – тем больше было и выводов. Антон Шипулин каждый промах в карьере вложил в память: как не надо делать. Сегодня он – элитный спортсмен. Товар, как известно, штучный.

Сервисмены не раз говорили - у каждого биатлониста примерно около сорока пар лыж. Погода диктует температуру и качество снега, искусство специалиста – подобрать именно ту пару, которая необходима по ситуации. Инвентарь может меняться, а исполнитель остается – и туман на лыжне или дождь, никого не волнует, если гонку не отменили. Мужскую эстафету в Оберхофе не отменили, всего лишь задержали. И Антон Шипулин, вынырнув из тумана, лихо лишил победного финиша самого Бьорндалена.

«Про погодные условия ничего сказать не могу – у нас не летний вид спорта, а зимой трудностей традиционно больше. Могу сказать, что и в таких условиях, как сегодня, мы тоже тренировались – что, собственно, и подтвердила сегодняшняя победа, - сказал Александр Касперович в комментарии Biathlonrus.com после победы команды России в эстафете на этапе Кубка мира в Оберхофе. - Все отработали отлично. Был штрафной круг у Димы Малышко – надо разбираться, почему это произошло, тем более что функционально парень хорошо готов. Евгения Гараничева ставили на первый этап вполне осознанно – это и ему и команде польза. Спортсмен, который способен бегать первый этап, пробежит любой. Задача тренеров, чтобы все спортсмены способны были бежать эстафету. И Женя сегодня подтвердил – он может. Не случайно мы отправили его бежать «Рождественскую гонку». Там при большом скоплении народу, при неистовом «болении» на высоком эмоциональном фоне он закалился и сегодня отработал свой этап отлично. Но это не значит, что мы остановились в своем поиске оптимальных вариантов эстафетного состава. Шанс проявить себя получат и Максим Цветков, и Алексей Волков, который функционально прибавляет на глазах – увидите его в спринте. Да и Антон Шипулин будет бегать не одни только последние этапы».

Евгений Гараничев сказал, что «ни о чем не думал на рубеже, даже не понял, как промазал первый выстрел, но работал четко, не обращая внимания на туман, Касперович говорил стрелять в своем ритме и не зацеливаться».

А Тимофей Лапшин признался, что на дистанции чувствовал себя плохо: «Гонка тяжелая, скольжение тоже. Тяжелая стрельба, туман, дождь и ветер. На дистанции чувствовал себя плохо и потерял скорость на последнем кругу. На эстафету настраивался, как обычно. Надо было выполнить свою работу и показать то, что я могу», - сказал Лапшин в эфире телеканала «Россия 2».

Они все показали, что могут. Начало года мужской команде удалось.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Biathlon: shipulin, snatching the victory, Bjoerndalen will no longer relay finisher?In Oberhof men's team opened the scoring victories in the new yearHead coach men's biathlon team relay races, said after the victory that Anton Shipulin holds a great season and confirms he is capable, as few athletes gather, when he sees the goal. And suddenly said: Anton Shipulin will run not just the last stages.This relay in absolutely seemingly unequal battle of man and nature-the fog and wind, rain, turning to snow crust, proved once again the unlucky one who for the sake of this luck not only worked for years, but did draw conclusions from each defeat. More bitter than they were, the more it and conclusions. Anton shipulin each miss in his career invested in memory: how not to do. Today he is an elite athlete. This product is known to block.Servicemen have said many times-each one of these men, approximately about forty pairs of skis. Weather dictates the temperature and snow quality, art expert-to pick up the pair, which is necessary for the situation. Inventory may vary, and the contractor remains-and fog or rain on the track, nobody cares if race is not cancelled. Men's relay race in Oberhof not cancelled just detained. And Anton Shipulin, after emerging from the mist, famously stripped a victorious finish the Bjoerndalen."About the weather conditions, I cannot say anything-we have a summer sport, and in winter the difficulties traditionally more. I can say that in such circumstances, as it is today, we also trained-which confirmed today's victory, "said Alexander Kasperovich in comments Biathlonrus.com after winning Russian team in the relay at the World Cup in Oberhof. -All worked fine. Was the penalty circle Dima Malyshko-need to understand why this happened, so much so that functionally well prepared guy. Eugenia final set put for the first phase is quite consciously and him and the team. An athlete who is able to run the first stage, running any. Task trainers to all athletes able to flee baton. And marrying today confirmed he could. Not coincidentally, we sent him to escape "the Christmas race". There's a large gathering of people, when stormy "bolenii" at a high emotional background he worked today zakalilsâ its point perfectly. But this does not mean that we have stopped in his search for the optimal variants of the athlete's composition. Will get a chance to prove himself and Maksim Tsvetkov, and Alexey Volkov, which functionally appends to the eyes-see it in a Sprint. Yes and Anton Shipulin will run not only the last stages.Evgeny Ustyugov said that "nothing thought at the turn, not even figured out how to send in the first shot, but worked clearly, ignoring the fog, Kaspyarovich said shoot at your own pace and do not zacelivat′sâ».And Timothy Lapshin admitted that at a distance feel bad: "Race hard, slip too. Heavy shooting, fog, rain and wind. At a distance he felt poorly and lost speed at the last circle. The baton was as usual. It was necessary to carry out its work and show what I can, "said Lapshin tv channel" Russia 2 ".They all showed that they can. The beginning of the year the men's team.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Biathlon: SHipulin plucked from Einar victory will no longer finisher relay? In Oberhof men's team opened the scoring victories of the new year head coach of the men's biathlon team said after winning the relay that SHIPULIN Anton spends a great season and confirms - he is able, like few athletes , collected when he sees the goal. And suddenly said Anton Shipulin will run not only the last stages. This baton in a totally seemingly unequal battle with nature - the fog and the wind, the rain turning into snow crust again proven that luck to the one who for the sake of luck not only He worked for years, but also to draw conclusions from every defeat. What they were bitter - and the greater the findings. Anton Shipulin every mistake of his career put in memory: how not to do. Today he is - an elite athlete. This product is known to the piece. Servismeny said many times - each biathlete about forty pairs of skis. Weather dictates the temperature and quality of the snow, the art specialist - pick up the pair, which is necessary for the situation. Inventory may vary, and artist is - on the track and mist or rain, no one cares if the race is not canceled. Men's relay in Oberhof not canceled, just detained. And Anton Shipulin, emerging from the mist, famously deprived of Einar victorious finish. "About the weather I can not say - we do not have a summer sport, and in winter the difficulties traditionally more. I can say that, under such conditions as they are today, we are also trained - that, in fact, confirmed the victory today, - said Alexander Kaspiarovich commentary Biathlonrus.com after defeating the Russian team in the relay at the World Cup in Oberhof. - Everything worked out perfectly. There was a penalty loop Dima Malyshko - it is necessary to understand why this has happened, especially since the guy is functionally well prepared. Eugene Garanicheva placed on the first stage of consciously - that he and the team benefits. The athlete, who is able to run the first phase, will run any. The challenge coaches to all the athletes were able to run the relay. And Jack has today confirmed - he can. Not by chance we sent him to flee, "the Christmas race." There is a large gathering of people at a frenzied "sick" at the high emotional background, he steeled today worked his stage perfectly. But this does not mean that we have stopped in their search for optimal variants of a relay composition. Will get a chance to shine and Maxim Tsvetkov and Alexei Volkov, which is operatively adds to the eyes - you will see him in the sprint. And Anton Shipulin will run not only the last stages. "Eugene Garanichev said that" nothing was thinking at the turn, did not even realize how missed the first shot, but worked well, ignoring the haze Kaspiarovich said shoot its rhythm and zatselivatsya. "And Timofey Lapshin admitted that at a distance of felt bad," Race hard, slipping too. Heavy shooting, fog, rain and wind. On the course, I felt bad and lost speed on the last lap. The relay was configured, as usual. It was necessary to do its job and show what I can, "- said Lapshin, the TV channel" Russia 2 ". They have shown that they can. Beginning of the year the men's team failed.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

biathlon: шипулин by ripping out бьорндалена victory, now will not be финишером however?

оберхофе opened a men's national account hits new year

the senior men's national team coach said after winning the world cup however, anton шипулин spends a great season and confirms that he is capable of, as a few athletes, meet when sees it.and suddenly said: anton шипулин run not only the final stages.

the relay in a seemingly unequal battle of man and nature, fog and wind, rain, a snow crust, once again proved.lucky someone for this luck not only worked for years, but drawing conclusions from each range. they are the most severe, the more was the conclusions. anton шипулин every mistake career put in memory:what not to do. today he is an elite athlete. the goods, as is well known, here, one of a kind.

сервисмены have said many times, each биатлониста about forty pairs of skis. the weather and the temperature and quality of snow
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