These rockets were successfully used against Napoleon at the battle of перевод - These rockets were successfully used against Napoleon at the battle of русский как сказать

These rockets were successfully use

These rockets were successfully used against Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo and during the US War of Independence.
By the 1880s other applications for rockets were being developed. They were used for signaling for whaling, and even for rescuing people from sinking ships. If a boat got into trouble near to the shore, a rocket with a thin rope tied to it would be fired out over the boat, survivors in lifeboats could use the ropes to pull themselves ashore. These traditional rockets are still used as distress signals on boats and planes.
However in the 1920s and 30s a great leap forward in the use of rockets took place with the introduction of liquid fuel. This made rockets much more powerful. The new rockets were so impressive that for the first time people began to seriously think about using rockets to take people into space.
It didn't take long for these dreams to become a reality. In the 1950s the Soviet Union and the USA invested large amounts of money in their new space programmes. This lead to the launch of Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, by the USSR in 1957. Less than a month later they followed this with Sputnik 2 which carried a dog, Laika, into orbit. The USA sent its first satellite, Explorer 1, into space early the next year. The next step, putting a man in space followed in 1961 when Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in Vostok 1. Eight years later Neil Armstrong took those famous first steps on the lunar surface. This was possibly mankind's greatest scientific achievement and it was all due to rockets whose basic design had been
thought up hundreds of years before.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
These rockets were successfully used against Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo and during the US War of Independence. By the 1880s other applications for rockets were being developed. They were used for signaling for whaling, and even for rescuing people from sinking ships. If a boat got into trouble near to the shore, a rocket with a thin rope tied to it would be fired out over the boat, survivors in lifeboats could use the ropes to pull themselves ashore. These traditional rockets are still used as distress signals on boats and planes. However in the 1920s and 30s a great leap forward in the use of rockets took place with the introduction of liquid fuel. This made rockets much more powerful. The new rockets were so impressive that for the first time people began to seriously think about using rockets to take people into space. It didn't take long for these dreams to become a reality. In the 1950s the Soviet Union and the USA invested large amounts of money in their new space programmes. This lead to the launch of Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, by the USSR in 1957. Less than a month later they followed this with Sputnik 2 which carried a dog, Laika, into orbit. The USA sent its first satellite, Explorer 1, into space early the next year. The next step, putting a man in space followed in 1961 when Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in Vostok 1. Eight years later Neil Armstrong took those famous first steps on the lunar surface. This was possibly mankind's greatest scientific achievement and it was all due to rockets whose basic design had beenпридумали сотни лет назад.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Эти ракеты были успешно использованы против Наполеона в битве при Ватерлоо и во время американской войны за независимость.
К 1880 году были разработаны и другие приложения для ракет. Они использовались для сигнализации для охоты на китов, и даже для спасения людей из тонущих кораблей. Если лодка попала в беду недалеко от берега, ракета с тонкой веревкой , привязанной к нему уволят над лодкой, выживших в спасательные шлюпки могли использовать веревки , чтобы вытащить себя на берег. Эти традиционные ракеты по - прежнему используются в качестве сигналов бедствия на судах и самолетах.
Однако в 1920 - е и 30 - е годы большой шаг вперед в использовании ракет имело место с введением жидкого топлива. Это сделало ракеты гораздо более мощным. Новые ракеты были настолько впечатляющими , что впервые люди начали всерьез думать об использовании ракет , чтобы принять людей в космос.
Это не займет много времени , чтобы эти мечты стали реальностью. В 1950 - е годы Советский Союз и США вложили большие суммы денег в своих новых космических программ. Это привело к запуску первого искусственного спутника Земли 1, первого искусственного спутника Земли, СССР в 1957 г. Менее чем через месяц они вслед за этим Спутника 2 , который нес на борту собаку, лайки, на орбиту. США направила свой первый спутник, Explorer , 1, в космос в начале следующего года. Следующий шаг, поставив человека в космос последовал в 1961 году , когда Юрий Гагарин облетел Землю в Восток 1. Восемь лет спустя Нил Армстронг взял эти знаменитые первые шаги по лунной поверхности. Это было возможно , величайшим научным достижением человечества , и это было все из - за ракет, основной дизайн был
придуман сотни лет до этого .
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