1. Это очень хорошая статья. На нее часто ссылаются. 2. Если за тобой  перевод - 1. Это очень хорошая статья. На нее часто ссылаются. 2. Если за тобой  английский как сказать

1. Это очень хорошая статья. На нее

1. Это очень хорошая статья. На нее часто ссылаются. 2. Если за тобой пришлют, не отказывайся туда пойти. 3. Терпеть не могу, тогда вмешиваются в мою работу. 4. В этом доме когда-нибудь жили? - Нет, он еще новый. Его строительство было закончено совсем недавно. 5. За доктором послали полчаса назад, и он должен быть с минуты на минуту. 6. К этому эпизоду никогда больше не возвращались. 7. Визит иностранной делегации в нашу республику широко комментируется в газете. 8. Не волнуйся. Ключ уже давно ищут, и я почти уверена, что его найдут. 9. Против этого бессмысленного предложения очень сильно возражали. 10. Я сомневаюсь, что этот материал будет использован в его дальнейшей работе. На мой взгляд, он не представляет ценности. 11. Со старыми правилами, к счастью, давно покончено. 12. С его вызывающим поведением никак нельзя смириться. 13. Эти цифры точные. На них можно положиться. 14. Вопрос долго обсуждался, прежде чем мыло принято какое-то решение. 15. К пяти часам бумаги просмотрели и подписали. 16. Мой маленький сын любит, когда ему читают. Он тогда слушает с большим интересом. 17. Это очень интересное предложение, и я думаю, что оно будет одобрено. 18. К сожалению, на него нельзя положиться. Он всегда подводит своих друзей и знакомых. 19. Говорите тише, пожалуйста. Я не люблю, когда на меня кричат. 20. План проведения летнего отпуска был одобрен, и мы начали готовиться к отъезду. 21. Я думаю, что за детьми присмотрят, пока вы будете отсутствовать. 22. Лену всегда хвалят за хорошее знание английского языка. 23. О романах Агаты Кристи хорошо отзываются. Они очень увлекательны. 24. Результаты эксперимента уже используются на практике? - Еще нет. 25. Почему ты думаешь, что над тобой смеются? Ни у кого и в мыслях не было шутить над тобой. 26. Ему была сделана операция, и он сейчас хорошо себя чувствует. 27. Он хороший оратор, и его всегда слушают с большим вниманием. 28. Нас ожидали в среду, но мы не могли приехать. Не было билетов. 29. Вчера мы провожали своего друга, который уезжал и командировку в Германию. Мы долго стояли на платформе, пока не потеряли из виду последний вагон. 30. В нашем университете на произношение обращают большое внимание. 31. Никто не заметил его прихода. 32. Сценарий получил одобрение, и съемки фильма начались. 33. Такое сырье сейчас почти не используется в этой области промышленности. 34. Когда будет положен конец этим глупым разговорам?
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. This is a very good article. Often refer to it. 2. If you send, do not refuse to go there. 3. Can't stand then interfere in my work. 4. In this House ever lived? -No, it's still new. Its construction was completed only recently. 5. the doctor sent half an hour ago, and he must be from minute to minute. 6. To this episode never returned. 7. Visit of foreign delegations in our Republic is widely discussed in the newspaper. 8. Don't worry. Key has long been looking for, and I'm almost sure that it will find. 9. Against this senseless proposal very strongly objected. 10. I doubt that this material will be used in its future work. In my opinion, it is of no value. 11. The old rules, thankfully, long finished. 12. With its defiant behavior cannot accept. 13. These figures are accurate. You can rely on them. 14. the issue was discussed for a long time before SOAP made a decision. 15. Five hours of paper viewed and signed. 16. My little son likes when he read. He then listens with great interest. 17. This is a very interesting proposal, and I think it will be approved. 18. Unfortunately, it cannot be relied upon. He always brings his friends and acquaintances. 19. speak louder please. I don't like when I cry. 20. the plan for the summer holiday was approved, and we began to prepare to leave. 21. I think I look after the children while you are absent. 22. Lena always praised for good knowledge of English. 23. On the novels of Agatha Christie good praise. They are very exciting. 24. The results of the experiment are already used in practice? -Not yet. 25. Why do you think that above you laugh? No one thoughts wasn't joking above you. 26. He underwent surgery, and it now feels good. 27. He is a good speaker, and his always listen with great attention. 28. we are expecting on Wednesday, but we could not reach. There was no ticket. 29. Today we saw off his friend who was leaving and a business trip to Germany. We have long stood on the platform until it lost sight of the last car. 30. In our University to pay much attention to pronunciation. 31. no one noticed his arrival. 32. the script got approval, and filming began. 33. such raw materials now almost not used in this industry. 34. When will put an end to this stupid conversation?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. This is a very good article. It is often referred to. 2. If after you send, do not refuse to go there. 3. I can not stand, then interfere with my work. 4. In this house ever lived? - No, he's still new. Its construction was completed recently. 5. For the doctor sent half an hour ago, and he should be here any minute. 6. This episode never came back. 7. visits of foreign delegations to our country is widely commented in the newspaper. 8. Do not worry. Key has long been looking for and I'm pretty sure that it will find. 9. Against this senseless proposal very strongly objected. 10. I doubt that this material will be used in its future work. In my opinion, it is of no value. 11. With the old rules, fortunately, have long gone. 12. With its defiant behavior can not be put up. 13. These figures are accurate. They can rely on. 14. The issue was discussed at length before the soap made a decision. 15. By five o'clock the paper reviewed and signed. 16. My little son loves being read to. He then listened with great interest. 17. This is a very interesting proposal, and I think that it will be approved. 18. Unfortunately, it can not be relied upon. He always brings his friends and acquaintances. 19. Speak quietly, please. I do not like it when people yell at me. 20. Plan a summer holiday has been approved, and we began to prepare for departure. 21. I think that the children looked after while you are absent. 22. Lena always praised for a good knowledge of the English language. 23. Agatha Christie's novels speak well. They are very exciting. 24. The results of the experiment are already used in practice? - Not yet. 25. Why do you think that laugh at you? No one, and I did not mean to make fun of you. 26. He underwent surgery, and he is now doing well. 27. He is a good speaker, and always listen with great attention. 28. We expected on Wednesday, but we could not come. There were no tickets. 29. Yesterday we accompanied a friend who was leaving and the trip to Germany. We have long stood on the platform, is not lost sight of the last car. 30. In our university to pay more attention to pronunciation. 31. No one noticed his arrival. 32. The script was approved, and the shooting began. 33. Such feedstocks are now hardly used in the field of industry. 34. When you put an end to this silly talk?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. this is a very good article. she often refer. 2. if you will come, don't refuse to go. 3. i can't stand, then interfere in my work. 4. in this house ever lived? - no, he's new.its construction was completed only recently. 5. the doctor sent half an hour ago, and he should be here any minute. 6. that episode never returned. 7.visit foreign delegations in our republic wide address in the paper. 8. don't worry. the key has been looking for, and i'm pretty sure they'll find him. 9. against this senseless proposals very much in mind. 10.i doubt that this material will be used in future work. in my view, it is of no value. 11. with the old rules, fortunately, a long time is over. 12.with its provocative behavior cannot accept it. 13. these figures are accurate. they can rely on. 14. the question has long been discussed before the soap made a decision. 15. at five o'clock the papers reviewed and signed. 16.my son loves it when he read. he is listening with great interest. 17. it's a very interesting proposal, and i think it will be approved. 18. unfortunately, you can not have him.he always brings his friends and acquaintances. 19. don't talk so loud, please. i don't like it when i cry. 20. plan for the summer holiday was approved, and we began to get ready to go. 21. i thinkwhat kind of children will, as long as you are absent. 22. lena always praised for the good knowledge of the english language. 23. on the novels of agatha christie's review. it's very exciting. 24.the results of the experiment have been used in practice. - no, not yet. 25. why do you think they're laughing at you? no one didn't laugh at you. 26. he underwent surgery, and he now feels fine. 27.he is a good speaker, and always listen attentively. 28. we expected in the environment, but we couldn't come. don't have a ticket. 29. yesterday we saw a friend of mine who left and a business trip to germany.we have long stood on the platform, has not lost sight of the last car. 30. in our university pay great attention to the pronunciation. 31. no one saw it coming. 32. the script was approved.and the shooting of the film began. 33. this raw material is almost never used in the industry. 34. when will be the end of this stupid conversations?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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