ПРивет Джастин ! Гости только ушли, в итоге мы просто приготовили пицц перевод - ПРивет Джастин ! Гости только ушли, в итоге мы просто приготовили пицц английский как сказать

ПРивет Джастин ! Гости только ушли,

ПРивет Джастин ! Гости только ушли, в итоге мы просто приготовили пиццу и пили мартини :) И много болтали, и много смеялись :)) У моих подруг великолепное чувство юмора - у всех!
Какое мое любимое блюдо? Я люблю мясо! На гриле или тушеное с овощами - баранину очень люблю. Мне тоже нравятся суши.Сама я обычно готовлю простые блюда из русской кухни - рыбу, мясо запекаю в духовке, супы люблю.
Про хобби: сейчас я хожу на тайский бокс, а вообще фитнес (бассейн, бег). Еще я люблю читать книги. Из последнего: Ремарк "Три товарища" - читал ли? Мне очень понравилась эта книга - я плакала. Невероятно написана! Ты любишь читать?
В мире есть очень много мест, куда еще не ступала моя нога и я хочу там побывать. Вместе с любимым человеком. И да, возможно он будет из Южной Каролины (где бы она не находилась!).
Например, Мачо Пикча, или концерт Андреа Бочелли (только обязательно в красивой опере...Ла-Скала, например, чтобы можно было одеть красивые наряды), или Гавайи....Жизни не хватит, чтобы все увидеть! ...Где ты уже побывал в США, например? Видел Секвойа Парк? Гранд Каньон? Лас-Вегас?

Завтра мне опять на работы - надо ложиться спать...Прекрасного тебе дня!

И Хорошей тебе дороги домой!

Я люблю картины - у меня дома есть три достаточно большие...Я бы хотела, чтобы в моем будущем доме их было бы еще больше :) Я передам моей сестре, что возможно у нее появится клиент в США:))
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi Justin! Guests only have left, in the end we just cooked a pizza and drank martinis:) And lots of chatting, and laughed a lot:)) my girlfriends great sense of humor-all! What my favorite dish? I love meat! Grilled or stewed with vegetables-lamb very much. I too like the sushi itself I usually cook simple dishes of Russian cuisine-fish, meat zapekaju in the oven, soups like.About hobby: I go to Thai Boxing and general fitness (swimming pool, jogging). I also love to read books. The last Remark: "three comrades"-read? I really enjoyed this book-I cried. Incredibly written! You love to read?In the world there are so many places haven't set my foot and I want to go there. Together with your loved one. And Yes, maybe it will be from South Carolina (where it was not!).For example, Macho Pikcha, or concert of Andrea Bocelli (only necessary in beautiful opera. La Scala, for example, so that you can wear beautiful dresses) or Hawaii .... Life is not enough to see everything! ... Where have you already visited the United States, for example? Saw Sekvoja Park? The Grand Canyon? Las Vegas?Tomorrow me again at work-need to go to bed. A nice day to you!Good road to you home! I love the pictures-I have a House there are three large enough ... I would want my future home would be even more:) I will give my sister, that it may appear in a United States client:))
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hey Justin ! Guests just left, in the end we just prepared pizza and drank martinis :) And a lot of talking, and laughing a lot :)) All my friends a great sense of humor - at all!
What is my favorite food? I like meat! Grilled or stewed with vegetables - lamb very much. I also like sushi.Sama I usually cook simple dishes of Russian cuisine - fish, meat, baked in the oven, like soups.
About hobbies: Now I go to Thai boxing and general fitness (swimming pool, jogging). I also love to read books. From the latter: Remarque "Three Comrades" - whether read? I really enjoyed this book - I cried. Incredibly written! Do you like read?
In the world there are so many places you have not yet stepped my foot and I want to go there. Together with your loved one. And yes, maybe it will be in South Carolina (wherever it was!).
For example, Macho Picchu, or a concert of Andrea Bocelli (only necessary in the beautiful opera ... La Scala, for example, to be able to wear beautiful dresses), or Hawaii .... Life is not enough to see everything! ... Where you have already visited the United States, for example? Seen Sequoia Park? Grand Canyon? Las Vegas?

Tomorrow me back to work - it is necessary to go to bed ... Beautiful day to you!

And good to you the way home!

I love the picture - in my house, there are three quite large ... I would like to see in my future home they would be even more :) I'll tell my sister that maybe she had a client in the US appear :)) eg? Seen Sequoia Park? Grand Canyon? Las Vegas? Tomorrow me back to work - it is necessary to go to bed ... Beautiful day to you! And good to you the way home! I love the picture - in my house, there are three quite large ... I would like to see in my future home they would be even more :) I'll tell my sister that maybe she had a client in the US appear :)) eg? Seen Sequoia Park? Grand Canyon? Las Vegas? Tomorrow me back to work - it is necessary to go to bed ... Beautiful day to you! And good to you the way home! I love the picture - in my house, there are three quite large ... I would like to see in my future home they would be even more :) I'll tell my sister that maybe she had a client in the US appear :))
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hi, justin. you just left, in the end, we just have a pizza and drank martinis, and talked a lot, and many of my friends laugh:) have a great sense of humour -- everybody!what's my favorite food? i love meat. grilled lamb stew with vegetables, or the like. i love суши.сама i usually cook simple meals of russian cuisine - fish, meat i'm baking in the oven, soups like.about hobbies: i now go to thai boxing and fitness (pool, jogging). i also love to read books. the last: remarque "three comrades" - read it? i really like this book, i was crying. is written. do you like reading?in the world there are so many places where no one has gone before my leg and i want to go there. together with the beloved person. and, yes, maybe he is from south carolina (where she was!) .for example, macho picture or andrea bocelli concert (only have a beautiful opera la rock, for example, to wear clothes), or hawaii....жизни wasn't enough to see everything! where have you been in the united states, for example? see секвойа park? the grand canyon? las vegas?tomorrow i'm back on the job should go to sleep...прекрасного day!and a good way to go home!i love painting, i have three big enough i wish my future home would have been even more:) i'll tell my sister that she might have a client in the us:))
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