Борьба монарха и парламента привела к революции, известной под названи перевод - Борьба монарха и парламента привела к революции, известной под названи английский как сказать

Борьба монарха и парламента привела

Борьба монарха и парламента привела к революции, известной под названием Славная революция 1688 года. Король Яков 2 был свергнут и вынужден покинуть страну. Его подозревали в желании сделать католическую религию официальной религией в Англии. В соответствии с Актом о престолонаследии, опубликованным после Славной революции, принц Вильгельм Оранский и его супруга Мария взошли на трон. Условием их коронации было принятие ими английского Билля о правах.
Английский Билль о правах ограничивал власть монарха, наделив парламент решающей властью, и обеспечивал защиту англиканской церкви от любых попыток религиозной контрреформы короля Якова 2 или его приемников. Английский Билль о правах заключал в себе много идей, касающихся права и государства, которые позднее нашли свое отражение в американской Декларации независимости, конституции и Билле о правах. Помимо ограничения власти монарха, документ декларировал такие традиционные права англичан, как право на суд присяжных, запрещение жестоких наказаний, право обращения с петициями к властям и право ношения оружия, которое, впрочем, предоставлялось лишь протестантам.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The struggle of the monarch and Parliament led to the revolution, known as the glorious revolution 1688 years. 2 King James was deposed and forced into exile. He was suspected of wanting to make the Catholic religion as the official religion in England. In accordance with the Act of succession, published after the glorious revolution, Prince William of Orange and his wife Mary ascended to the throne. Condition of their coronation was their adoption of the English Bill of rights.English Bill of rights limited the power of the monarch, giving Parliament a decisive authority, and to ensure the protection of the Church of England against any attempts of religious kontrreformy 2 King James or his receivers. English Bill of rights concluded a lot of ideas on the law and States that would later be reflected in the American Declaration of independence, Constitution and Bill of rights. In addition to limiting the power of the monarch, the document declared the traditional rights of Englishmen, such as the right to trial by jury, the prohibition of cruel punishment, the right treatment of petitions to the authorities and the right to bear arms, which, however, was given only Protestants.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Fighting monarch and parliament led to a revolution, known as the Glorious Revolution of 1688. 2 King James was overthrown and forced into exile. He was suspected of wanting to make the Catholic religion the official religion in Britain. In accordance with the Act of Succession, published after the Glorious Revolution, Prince William of Orange and his wife Mary came to the throne. The condition of their coronation was the adoption of the English Bill of Rights.
English Bill of Rights limited the monarch's power by giving parliament the decisive power, and protect the Anglican Church from any attempts of religious counter-reforms of King James or 2 receivers. English Bill of Rights concluded in a lot of ideas about law and the state, which later reflected in the American Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. In addition to limiting the power of the monarch, the document declared such traditional rights of Englishmen as the right to a jury trial, the prohibition of cruel punishment, the right to appeal petitions to the authorities and the right to bear arms, which, however, is granted only to Protestants.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the king and the parliament led to the revolution, known as the glorious revolution of 1688. king james ii was overthrown and forced to leave the country.he was suspected of wanting to do the official religion of the catholic religion in england. in accordance with the law of primogeniture, published after the glorious revolution.prince william of orange and his wife mary come up on the throne. the condition of their coronation was the passage of the english bill of rights. "the english bill of rights to limit the power of the monarch.with the decisive power, and to ensure the protection of the church of england from any attempts at religious контрреформы king james ii or his successors. the english bill of rights, make a lot of ideason the right, and states that later reflected in the american declaration of independence, the constitution and the bill of rights. in addition to limiting the power of the monarch.document declared such traditional rights of englishmen, as the right to trial by jury, the prohibition of cruel punishment, the right of petition to the authorities and the right to bear arms, which, however,given only the protesters.
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