Работа-это деятельность человека. Профессия-занятие, требующее определ перевод - Работа-это деятельность человека. Профессия-занятие, требующее определ английский как сказать

Работа-это деятельность человека. П

Работа-это деятельность человека. Профессия-занятие, требующее
определенную подготовку. Деятельность-процесс активности.Карьера — успех или
продвижение в сфере услуг, социальной, научной и других видов деятельности.
Безработица является одной из наиболее серьезных социальных проблем.
Люди испытывают больше счастья, когда они заняты чем-то, но если их
заставляют делать что-то бесполезное им не нравится.
Неполный рабочий день:работники предприятий с вредными условиями труда,
работников в возрасте до шестнадцати лет,
Все зависит от отношения к работе.Вы не собираетесь идти работу , которая
Вы не заинтересованы.
Самые престижные работы в наше время являются:юрист,специалист в IT-сфере,
Менеджер,дизайнер,бухгалтер,Банковский работник,маркетолог,psychologues,специалист в области
Однообразная и скучная работа, которая вам не нравится.Разные вакансии требуют
специального образования, практики, навыков. Я думаю, если люди одной и той же природы,она не
не выбрать работу для души.
Я еще не выбрал профессию, у меня нет конкретного хобби и работа не будет связана
с ним. Мои родители работают на работу моей мечты так что в принципе я схожу за ними
чьи-то шаги. Обычно мужчины получают образование, идут в офисы различных компаний,и тех, кто плохо
изучал пойти на работу, которая требует физической силы. Женщины также проходят в
фирм, но некоторые работают нянями и домработницами.Вероятно, Строитель, полицейский
каскадер самая опасная профессия. 15. В чем разница между “парикмахер”
и “парикмахер”; “портной и портниха”? Нет никакой разницы, то же самое
профессии. Только слова разные.
Я думаю, что вся работа в мире . неважно какие, что они заслуживают нашего уважения.
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Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It is human activity. Profession-exercise that requires some training. Activity-process activity. Career — the success orprogress in the area of services, social, scientific and other activities.Unemployment is one of the most serious social problems.People experience more happiness when they are busy with something, but if their forced to do something they don't like useless. Part-time employees of enterprises with hazardous working conditionsworkers under the age of sixteen,It all depends on the attitude to work. you're not going to go work that You are not interested.The most prestigious job in our time are: lawyer, specialist in the IT field,Manager, graphic designer, accountant, bank employee, marketer, psychologues, specialist in the field ofEtc.Monotonous and boring job that you don't like. miscellaneous jobs require special education, practice skills. I think if people are of the same nature, she is notdo not choose to work for the soul.I have not yet chosen a profession, I have no specific hobbies and work will not be connectedwith him. My parents work for the job of my dreams so basically I'm going for them someone's steps. Typically, men are getting an education, go to the offices of various companies, and those who arestudied to go to work, which requires physical strength. Women also take place in firms, but some work as nannies and housekeepers. Probably, Builder, policestunt-the most dangerous profession. 15. What is the difference between a "hairdresser" and "the Barber"; "the tailor and dressmaker"? There is no difference, the sameprofession. Only the words are different.I think that all the work in the world. No matter what, they deserve our respect.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Work is human activity. Profession-activity that requires
some training. Activity process aktivnosti.Karera - success or
progress in the services sector, social, scientific and other activities.
Unemployment is one of the most serious social problems.
People are experiencing more happiness when they are doing something, but if they are
forced to do something something they do not like useless.
Part-time work: employees of enterprises with hazardous working conditions,
workers under the age of sixteen years,
all depends on the attitude towards rabote.Vy not going to go to a job that
you are not interested.
The most prestigious work in our time are: a lawyer, a specialist in IT-sphere,
manager, designer, accountant, bank employees, marketing, psychologues, a specialist in
monotonous and boring job that you do not nravitsya.Raznye job require
special education, practice skills. I think if people are of the same nature, she
did not choose to work for the soul.
I have not chosen a profession, I have no particular interests and work would not be associated
with him. My parents work at my dream job so basically I'm going after them
footsteps. Usually men are educated, go to the offices of various companies, and those who are
studying to go to a job that requires physical strength. Women also take place in
firms, but some of them work as nannies and domrabotnitsami.Veroyatno, Builder, a police
stunt most dangerous profession. 15. What is the difference between a "barber"
and "barber"; "Tailor and dressmaker"? There is no difference, the same
profession. Only the words are different.
I think that all the work in the world. no matter what, they deserve our respect.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
work is the human activities. profession, occupation requiring
some training. the process активности.карьера - success or
promotion services, social,the scientific and other activities.
unemployment is one of the most serious social problems.
people experience more happiness when they're busy doing something, but if they are.forced to do something they don't like a fool.
part-time employees of enterprises with hazardous working conditions. workers at the age of sixteen years, "it all depends on the attitude to work.you're not going to get a job which you have
the most prestigious work in our time: a specialist in the it field, "the manager, a designer, an accountant, a bank employee, marketer, psychologues,a specialist in the field of
repetitive and boring work, which you don't нравится.разные vacancies require
special education, practice, and skills. i think if people are of the same nature, she's not.don't choose to work for the soul. - i have not chosen a profession, i have a particular hobby and work will not be associated
with him. my parents are my dream job, so in principle, i'll go for them. some steps.generally, men receive education, go to the offices of various companies, and those who are not well - studied go to work, which requires physical strength. women are also in the
firmsbut some are working as nannies and домработницами.вероятно, builder of the
the stuntman's most dangerous profession. 15. what is the difference between the "h"
"the barber"; "the tailor and dressmaker"? there is no difference.the same
profession. only the words different. - i think all the work in the world. no matter what, that they deserve our respect.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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