Год назад мне делали операцию, связанную с женскими органами. У меня б перевод - Год назад мне делали операцию, связанную с женскими органами. У меня б английский как сказать

Год назад мне делали операцию, связ

Год назад мне делали операцию, связанную с женскими органами. У меня было доброкачественная киста, которую удалили. Я выбрала самого хорошего доктора в нашем регионе и всё прошло хорошо. После он мне сообщил, что мне повезло - не пришлось трогать никакие органы и всё в моём организме осталось как было))) т.е. я могу родить ребёнка - это вмешательство не повлияло на мою способность. Доктор отличный, но он фанат лечения гормональными противозачаточными таблетками))) В моей ситуации не понятно почему такое было. Но известно, что это связано с циклом, т.е в определённые дни риск увеличивается, что снова что-то может образоваться. Но шансов что так будет у меня не больше и не меньше, чем у любой другой женщины. Но чтобы максимально исключить такую возможность он решил что будет хорошо на примерно год пить таблетки. Мне это не очень нравится, но я согласилась по ряду причин:
- я ему доверяю
- он сказал, что после отмены всё всё будет как раньше и даже лучше)
- я себя хорошо чувствую
Но скоро мы встречаемся и я хотела бы поставить вопрос об отмене, и, конечно, я бы это сделала, если бы вышла замуж, в любом случае.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A year ago I did the operation that is associated with women's bodies. I had a benign cyst, which removed. I chose the best doctors in the region and everything went well. After he told me that I was lucky-I had to not touch any bodies and everything in my body is left as it was))), i.e. I can give birth to a child is the intervention did not affect my ability to. The doctor is good, but he is a fan of treating hormonal contraceptive pills))) in my situation it is not clear why this was. But it is known that it is connected with the cycle, i.e. on certain days the risk increases that something can be formed. But the chances that it will be so I have no more and no less than any other woman. But as much as possible to exclude such opportunity, he decided that it would be good for about a year drink tablets. I don't really like it, but I agreed for a number of reasons:-I trust himHe said that after the lifting of everything everything will be like before and even better)-I feel goodBut soon we meet and I would like to put the question of lifting, and, of course, I would have made, if married, anyway.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
A year ago, I had surgery related to women's bodies. I had a benign cyst that was removed. I chose a very good doctor in our region, and it went well. After he told me that I was lucky - did not have to touch any and all organs in my body remained as it was))) ie I can have a baby - this intervention did not affect my ability. The doctor is excellent, but it is a fan of the treatment of hormonal birth control pills))) is not clear why this was in my situation. But we know that it is related to the cycle, ie on certain days increases the risk that again something that can be formed. But the chances that it will be me no more and no less than any other woman. But to maximize exclude such a possibility, he decided it would be good for about a year to drink tablets. I do not really like, but I agreed to a number of reasons:
- I trust him
- he said that after the abolition of all everything will be as before and even better)
- I feel good
, but soon we will meet and I would like to raise the question of the abolition of and, of course, I would have done if married, anyway.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a year ago, i had surgery related to women"s bodies. i had a benign cyst removed. i chose the best doctors in the region and it went well. after he had told me that i was lucky not to touch any organs and everything in my body left as)))). i can give birth to a child, this intervention did not affect my ability. the doctor"s treatment, but he"s a fan of hormonal birth control pills))) in my situation, don"t know why it happened. but we know that it has to do with the cycle, i.e., the number of days the risk increases again, something may occur. but the chances that it will have no more and no less than any of the other women. but in order to exclude this possibility, he decided that would be good for about a year on the pill. i don"t really like it, but i agreed on a number of reasons:- i trust himhe said that after the abolition of all everything will be as it was before, and even better)- i feel goodbut we will meet and i would like to put the question of termination, and, of course, i would if i got married, in any case.
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