Just like families have their own traditions so do the countries. It's перевод - Just like families have their own traditions so do the countries. It's русский как сказать

Just like families have their own t

Just like families have their own traditions so do the countries. It's common knowledge that the British are lovers of traditions. A whole year, each season in Britain is connected with various colourful traditions, customs and festivals.


May Day. May 1st was an important day in the Middle' Ages, the celebration of summer's beginning. For that day people decorated houses and streets with branches, of trees and flowers. In the very early morning young girls went to the fields and washed their laces with dew. They believed this made them beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day the young men of each village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows. People put a striped maypole decorated with flowers and danced round it. Some English villages still have maypole dancing on May 1st.

St David's Day. March 1st is a very important day for Welsh people. It´s St David s Day. He is the «patron» or national saint of Wales. On March lst, the Welsh celebrate St David's Day and wear daffodils in the buttonholes of their coats or jackets.


The Trooping of the Colour. The Queen is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st, but she has an "official" birthday, too. That's on the second Saturday in June. And on the Queen's official birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Colour. It's a big parade with brass bands and

hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards' Parade in London. The Queen's soldiers, the Guards, march in front of her. At the front of the parade is the flag or "colour". The Guards are trooping the colour. Thousands of Londoners and visitors watch Horse Guards' Parade. And millions of people at home watch it on television.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Just like families have their own traditions so do the countries. It's common knowledge that the British are lovers of traditions. A whole year, each season in Britain is connected with various colourful traditions, customs and festivals. SpringMay Day. May 1st was an important day in the Middle' Ages, the celebration of summer's beginning. For that day people decorated houses and streets with branches, of trees and flowers. In the very early morning young girls went to the fields and washed their laces with dew. They believed this made them beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day the young men of each village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows. People put a striped maypole decorated with flowers and danced round it. Some English villages still have maypole dancing on May 1st.St David's Day. March 1st is a very important day for Welsh people. It´s St David s Day. He is the «patron» or national saint of Wales. On March lst, the Welsh celebrate St David's Day and wear daffodils in the buttonholes of their coats or jackets. SummerThe Trooping of the Colour. The Queen is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st, but she has an "official" birthday, too. That's on the second Saturday in June. And on the Queen's official birthday, there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Colour. It's a big parade with brass bands andhundreds of soldiers at Horse Guards' Parade in London. The Queen's soldiers, the Guards, march in front of her. At the front of the parade is the flag or "colour". The Guards are trooping the colour. Thousands of Londoners and visitors watch Horse Guards' Parade. And millions of people at home watch it on television.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
как семей имеют свои собственные традиции, так и стран.широко известно, что британцы любителей традиции.целый год, каждый сезон в великобритании связана с различными красочных традиций, обычаев и фестивалей.весноймайский день.1 мая был важный день в середине века, праздник лета начинает.в этот день люди украшают дома и улицы ветками деревьев и цветов.в самом начале утром девушки отправились в областях и смыл их шнурки с росой.они считают, что это делает их красивыми за год после этого.также на первомайской, молодые люди, в каждой деревне пытался выиграть призы с луками и стрелами.люди кладут полосатой майское дерево, украшенные цветами и танцевали вокруг него.в некоторых английских деревень еще майское дерево, танцуя на 1 мая.день святого давида.1 марта - это очень важный день для валлийцы.это день святого давида S.он является « патрон "или национальных сент - уэльса.1 марта, праздновать день святого давида уэльса и носить нарциссы в buttonholes их пальто и куртки.летомв trooping цвет.королева - единственный человек в великобритании с двух лет.свой настоящий день рождения - 21 апреля, но она имеет "официальные" день рождения тоже.это вторая суббота в июне.и на официальный день рождения королевы, есть традиционной церемонии под названием trooping цвет.это большой парад с духовых оркестров исотни солдат на конной гвардии "парад в лондоне.королевский солдат, охранники, марта перед ней.в передней части парада является флагом, или "цвет".охранники trooping цвета.тысячи жителей лондона и гости смотреть конной гвардии "парад.и миллионы людей дома, смотреть его по телевизору.
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