As Christmas came near, everybody became very excited about plans to m перевод - As Christmas came near, everybody became very excited about plans to m русский как сказать

As Christmas came near, everybody b

As Christmas came near, everybody became very excited about plans to make this a specially happy and merry day. For some days before Christmas Jo and Laurie had been preparing something which was kept secret from everybody else. But now was the great day, a really fine Christmas morning. Breakfast was finished. Everybody had been given presents. The gift of Jo and Laurie was a strange surprise. Out in the garden stood a lady made of snow. She held a basket of fruit and flowers in one hand, a book of music in the other and from her lips came a long paper on which was written a Christmas song. How the girls laughed when they saw it. "We are so full of happiness. If only Father was here," they said.
"Here's another Christmas present for the March family," said Laurie.
Before the words went out of his mouth, a tall man appeared in front of Laurie, leaning (опираясь) on the arm of another tall man, he tried to say something and could not. For a moment everybody stood still, and no one said a word. Then Mr March — for of course the tall men were he and Mr Brooke — was held by four pairs of loving arms.
There never was such a Christmas dinner as the March family had that day! Mr Laurence and his grandson Laurie dined with them, as well as Mr Brooke. Everyone was happy and many stories were told. The guests left early, the happy family sat together round the fire.
"Just a year ago we were here talking about the miserable Christmas we expected to have," said Jo.
"I'm glad this year is all over, because we've got you back," said Beth, who sat on her father's knee.
"Well, I am happy to make some discoveries for myself today," said Mr March. "Oh! tell us what they are!" cried Meg, who sat beside him.
"Here is one," and he took Meg's hand and showed her rough fingers. "I remember a time when this hand was white and smooth. It was very pretty then, but to me it is prettier now. I am very proud to shake this good hard-working hand." "I see Jo, a young lady with a pale face, but I like to look at it, because it has grown sweet. Her voice is softer, and she moves quietly and takes care of a cer­tain little person in a motherly way which I like a lot."
"There's so little of my little daughter, you are not well but I have you safe, my Beth, and I'll keep you so."
"I noticed that Amy took messages and did little things to help her mother all the afternoon, so I know that she has learned to think more of other people and less of herself. I am glad of this, for though I should be proud of any picture painted by her, I shall be prouder of a loving daughter, with the gift of making life beautiful to herself and others."
And with that happy scene we end this story of a long and difficult year.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
As Christmas came near, everybody became very excited about plans to make this a specially happy and merry day. For some days before Christmas Jo and Laurie had been preparing something which was kept secret from everybody else. But now was the great day, a really fine Christmas morning. Breakfast was finished. Everybody had been given presents. The gift of Jo and Laurie was a strange surprise. Out in the garden stood a lady made of snow. She held a basket of fruit and flowers in one hand, a book of music in the other and from her lips came a long paper on which was written a Christmas song. How the girls laughed when they saw it. "We are so full of happiness. If only Father was here," they said."Here's another Christmas present for the March family," said Laurie.Before the words went out of his mouth, a tall man appeared in front of Laurie, leaning (опираясь) on the arm of another tall man, he tried to say something and could not. For a moment everybody stood still, and no one said a word. Then Mr March — for of course the tall men were he and Mr Brooke — was held by four pairs of loving arms.There never was such a Christmas dinner as the March family had that day! Mr Laurence and his grandson Laurie dined with them, as well as Mr Brooke. Everyone was happy and many stories were told. The guests left early, the happy family sat together round the fire."Just a year ago we were here talking about the miserable Christmas we expected to have," said Jo."I'm glad this year is all over, because we've got you back," said Beth, who sat on her father's knee."Well, I am happy to make some discoveries for myself today," said Mr March. "Oh! tell us what they are!" cried Meg, who sat beside him."Here is one," and he took Meg's hand and showed her rough fingers. "I remember a time when this hand was white and smooth. It was very pretty then, but to me it is prettier now. I am very proud to shake this good hard-working hand." "I see Jo, a young lady with a pale face, but I like to look at it, because it has grown sweet. Her voice is softer, and she moves quietly and takes care of a cer­tain little person in a motherly way which I like a lot.""There's so little of my little daughter, you are not well but I have you safe, my Beth, and I'll keep you so.""I noticed that Amy took messages and did little things to help her mother all the afternoon, so I know that she has learned to think more of other people and less of herself. I am glad of this, for though I should be proud of any picture painted by her, I shall be prouder of a loving daughter, with the gift of making life beautiful to herself and others."And with that happy scene we end this story of a long and difficult year.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
как рождество, подошел, все стало очень взволнованы планирует сделать это специально счастливой и счастливого дня.за несколько дней до рождества, джо и лори готовят что - то, что было секретом от всех остальных.но теперь был великий день, очень хорошо рождественское утро.завтрак был закончен.все получили подарки.дар джо и лори был странный сюрприз.в саду стоял леди из снега.она провела корзина фруктов и цветов, с одной стороны, книги, музыка в другой, и от нее приехал только бумаги, на котором было написано рождественские песни.как девочки смеялись, когда они увидели его ".мы столько счастья.если только отец был здесь ", - заявили они."вот и еще один подарок на рождество в марте семьи", - сказала лори.перед словами пошла изо рта, высокий мужчина предстал перед лори, подавшись (опираясь) на руке еще высокий мужчина, он попытался что - то сказать, и не может.в какой - то момент все остановилось, и никто не сказал ни слова.затем г - н марта - конечно, высокие мужчины были он и г - н брук - было проведено четыре пары любящих руках.никогда не было такой рождественский ужин в марте семья в тот день!мистер лоуренс и его внук лори обедал с ними, а также господин брук.все были счастливы, и много историй рассказывали.гости ушли рано, счастливая семья сидели вместе за огонь."еще год назад мы здесь говорим о несчастной рождество мы ожидали", - сказал джо."я рад, что в этом году закончится, потому что мы тебя обратно", - сказала бет, который сидел на ее отца, колено."ну, я рад сделать ряд открытий для себя сегодня, - сказал г - н марта".о!скажи нам, что они! "плакала, мэг, кто сидел рядом с ним."здесь есть одна", и он взял мэг стороны и показал ее необработанных пальцы ".я помню время, когда эта рука была белая и гладкой.это была очень красивая тогда, но для меня это всё сейчас.я очень горд пожать эти хорошие трудолюбивые руки. "" я вижу джо, молодая женщина с бледное лицо, но мне нравится смотреть на него, потому что он вырос, милый.ее голос мягче, и она движется, тихо и заботится о ссв - это маленький человек в нюни, так что мне нравится много "."мало моей маленькой дочери, ты не хорошо, но я должен вас, моя бет, и я оставлю тебе"."я заметил, что эми приняла сообщений и мало вещей, чтобы помочь матери все днем, поэтому я знаю, что она узнала, что больше других людей, а не в себе.я рад, что это, несмотря на то, что я должна гордиться любая картина, нарисованная ее, я буду гордиться любящая дочь, даром что жизнь прекрасна для себя и других ".и с этой счастливой арене нам положить конец этой истории долгий и трудный год.
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