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Здравствуйте! Прошу помощи, такая ситуация: имею в составе системного блока HP материнскую карту вашей компании Pegatron Corporation 2AB6 (http://www.findlaptopdriver.com/pegatron-2ab6-mainboard-corporation-specs-151202h39/ ) , приобрел на замену стоящей nvidia gf 530 , видеокарту GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 750 Ti [GV-N75TOC-2GL] (http://www.dns-shop.ru/catalog/i198493/videokarta-gigabyte-geforce-gtx-750-ti) , также новый блок питания под нее 500W Aerocool KCAS-500W . Сама проблема: при замене/установки GTX 750 Ti изображение есть , но дальше заставки HP компьютер не прогружает, т.е не идет загрузка виндовс , только начальный тест и все , также через примерно сек. 30 происходит одинарный короткий "пик" через 20 сек. также 1 короткий и тд. Обновлял биос с сайта hp (раньше стоял версии 7.13) обновил до имеющейся на сайте hp версии 7.15, не помогло, в биосе ничего никогда не менял, видеокарта 100% рабочая была проверена на другом ПК, со старой видеокартой gf530 система работает стабильно как и раньше. Прошу помочь в данном вопросе, если потребуется готов оплатить обновление прошивки биоса, если это решит проблему.
ps/ вот на стороннем англоязычном ресурсе описана моя проблема посмотрите http://forums.evga.com/GTX-770-stuck-on-boot-please-help-guys-39-m2085566.aspx
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello! Ask assistance this situation: I have composed system unit HP motherboard your Pegatron Corporation 2AB6 (http://www.findlaptopdriver.com/pegatron-2ab6-mainboard-corporation-specs-151202h39/), acquired to replace standing nvidia gf 530, graphics card GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 750 Ti [GV-N75TOC-2GL] (http://www.dns-shop.ru/catalog/i198493/videokarta-gigabyte-geforce-gtx-750-ti), a new power supply it 500W Home KCAS-500W. The problem: when replacing/installing GTX 750 Ti image there, but progružaet not HP computer screensavers, IE not loading Windows, only the initial test and all, through approximately sec. 30 comes single short "rush" through 20 sec. also 1 short etc. Update the BIOS from hp site (formerly standing version 7.13) updated to version available at hp site 7.15, did not help in BIOS power management never changed anything, video card 100% working tested on another PC, with the old video card gf530 system is stable as before. Ask help in this matter, if you need ready to pay firmware update biosa, if this will solve the problem. PS/here on the English resource described my problem look http://forums.evga.com/GTX-770-stuck-on-boot-please-help-guys-39-m2085566.aspx
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello! Please help, this situation: I have a part of the system unit HP motherboard card of your company Pegatron Corporation 2AB6 (http://www.findlaptopdriver.com/pegatron-2ab6-mainboard-corporation-specs-151202h39/), acquired to replace standing nvidia gf 530 graphics card GeForce GTX 750 GIGABYTE Ti [GV-N75TOC-2GL] (http://www.dns-shop.ru/catalog/i198493/videokarta-gigabyte-geforce-gtx-750-ti), also a new power supply for She 500W Aerocool KCAS-500W. The problem itself: the replacement / installation GTX 750 Ti has a picture, but then HP PC screen is not progruzhat, ie not loading windose only the initial test, and all, and through approximately seconds. 30 going on a short single "Rush" after 20 seconds. and 1 short, and so on. Updating the BIOS with site hp (previously stood version 7.13) upgrade to the existing online hp version 7.15, does not work in BIOS, nothing ever changed, the card 100% working has been tested on another PC, the old video card gf530 system is stable as before . Please help in this matter, if you need ready to pay a firmware update the BIOS if this solves the problem.
Ps / here on a foreign English-language resources described my problem look http://forums.evga.com/GTX-770-stuck-on-boot- please-help-guys-39-m2085566.aspx
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hello! please help this situation: the idea of a system unit hp maternal map of your company Pegatron corporation 2AB6 (http: / / www.findlaptopdriver.com / pegatron - 2ab6 - mainboard - corporation - specs - 151202h39 /), purchased to replace the nvidia (g f 530an GIGABYTE geforce gtx 750 ti [GV - N75TOC - 2GL] (http: / / www.dns-shop.ru / catalog / i198493 / videokarta - gigabyte - geforce - gtx - 750 - ti), as the new power unit under 500W Aerocool KCAS - 500W. the problem: when replacing / installation gtx 750 ti image isbut the initials hp computer прогружает, i.e. is not booting windows, only the initial test and also after some seconds. 30 is a single short "peak" in 20 seconds. the short, etc..update bios from hp (formerly stood versions 7.13) updated to version available on the hp website 7.15, not helped, in биосе nothing never changed, the video card 100% working was tested on another pcwith the old видеокартой gf530 system works stably as before. please help in this matter, if be willing to pay for a software update биоса, if this will solve the problem.
ps / that's on your english website described my problem look at http: / / forums.evga.com / GTX-770-stuck-on-boot-please-help-guys-39-m2085566.aspx
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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