Furthermore, since 1881,when Repin had painted Modest Mussorgsky a few перевод - Furthermore, since 1881,when Repin had painted Modest Mussorgsky a few русский как сказать

Furthermore, since 1881,when Repin

Furthermore, since 1881,
when Repin had painted Modest Mussorgsky a few
days before the composer's death, with unmistakable
references to his alcoholism and other excesses,
Repin had the reputation of being a relentless, even
brutal realist who did not idealize his sitters. In light
of this fact and preconception, reviewers judged
Garshin's portrait accordingly.
But later generations have judged the canvas far
more favorably. Serge Diaghilev chose it to hang in
his famous retrospective exhibition of Russian portraiture,
held in the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg
in 1905.9 The following year it was included in
another ground-breaking exhibition that Diaghilev
organized and sent to Paris to introduce Russian art
to the West.10 And Igor Grabar, a painter and art
historian, has ranked the portrait among Repin's
best-not quite equal to that of Mussorgsky but of
the same caliber as other great works done during
the 188os, the period of the painter's efflorescence.
In 1884, when he painted Garshin's portrait,
Repin was the best-known realist painter in the
country. His oeuvre, however, was not merely classified
as "realist." It was revered for having shaped,
in large part, a distinct national school of art attuned
to Russia's needs and sensibilities.
Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844-1930) first came to
public attention in 1871 (two years before graduating
from the Imperial Academy of Arts) with Barge
Haulers on the Volga. This depiction of twelve men
toiling on the banks of Russia's mighty river struck
an original and significant note at the time. Never
before were ordinary peasants painted in such monumental
proportions and with such serious intent.
The imperial family bought the canvas and had it
sent to the 1873 International Exhibition in Vienna,
where it won a bronze medal. It was sent abroad
again in 1878 and won the critics' praise for marking
the emergence of a distinctive-i.e., nationalmode
of artistic expression in Russia.'2 At the time,
the liberal intelligentsia regarded the canvas as an
icon, as an inspiring image demonstrating the latent
force of the Russian people. Like Courbet's Stonebreakers'
place in the history of French art, Barge
Haulers is a key picture in the formation of Russian
In 1878, after a three-year sojourn in Paris on an
Academy fellowship, Repin joined the Association
of Traveling Art Exhibits, an independent organization
that operated outside the official establishment
controlled by the Imperial Academy and the
court. The Association, founded in 1870, was much
more than a marketing venture. Given the nature
of czarist autocracy and the sensitivities of the educated
public, the autonomous Association perforce
took on other responsibilities. By and large, its
members (usually called the Wanderers in English)
did not consider themselves "free" to paint whatever
caught their fancy but felt obliged to "serve
society" by responding to public issues. 3 This ethos
was in keeping with the aspirations of the intelligentsia
who idolized the Association for bringing
free and meaningful art to the public.
During the first four years of his membership
Repin lived in Moscow and enlivened the annual
Traveling Art Exhibits with canvases on rural Russia
(either expressive portraits of individual peasants
or typical group scenes), which spoke to the
populist sympathies and preoccupations of the day.
It should be noted, parenthetically, that the city intelligentsia's
approach to the peasantry was tinged
with a large measure of guilt; Repin, born a peasant,
had a much more clear-eyed and robust view of the
countryside, its inhabitants, and activities and could
convey his visceral enjoyment of its color and energy.
But with time the novelty of this subject matter,
and the attractions of living in the ancient city,
wore off. Fed up with Moscow's stifling provincialism
and self-satisfied merchant class, Repin moved
to St. Petersburg in the fall of 1882, eager to partake
in the cultural and political ferment of the capital.
While he still lived in Moscow, Repin had had
contacts with the St. Petersburg intelligentsia, and
after settling there he became a regular and active
member of several liberal salons. He even formed a
salon of his own-a group of young writers, often
joined by Garshin, would come to Repin's apartment
for readings and discussions.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Furthermore, since 1881,when Repin had painted Modest Mussorgsky a fewdays before the composer's death, with unmistakablereferences to his alcoholism and other excesses,Repin had the reputation of being a relentless, evenbrutal realist who did not idealize his sitters. In lightof this fact and preconception, reviewers judgedGarshin's portrait accordingly.But later generations have judged the canvas farmore favorably. Serge Diaghilev chose it to hang inhis famous retrospective exhibition of Russian portraiture,held in the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburgin 1905.9 The following year it was included inanother ground-breaking exhibition that Diaghilevorganized and sent to Paris to introduce Russian artto the West.10 And Igor Grabar, a painter and arthistorian, has ranked the portrait among Repin'sbest-not quite equal to that of Mussorgsky but ofthe same caliber as other great works done duringthe 188os, the period of the painter's efflorescence."In 1884, when he painted Garshin's portrait,Repin was the best-known realist painter in thecountry. His oeuvre, however, was not merely classifiedas "realist." It was revered for having shaped,in large part, a distinct national school of art attunedto Russia's needs and sensibilities.Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844-1930) first came topublic attention in 1871 (two years before graduatingfrom the Imperial Academy of Arts) with BargeHaulers on the Volga. This depiction of twelve mentoiling on the banks of Russia's mighty river struckan original and significant note at the time. Neverbefore were ordinary peasants painted in such monumentalproportions and with such serious intent.The imperial family bought the canvas and had itsent to the 1873 International Exhibition in Vienna,where it won a bronze medal. It was sent abroadagain in 1878 and won the critics' praise for markingthe emergence of a distinctive-i.e., nationalmodeof artistic expression in Russia.'2 At the time,the liberal intelligentsia regarded the canvas as anicon, as an inspiring image demonstrating the latentforce of the Russian people. Like Courbet's Stonebreakers'place in the history of French art, BargeHaulers is a key picture in the formation of Russianrealism.In 1878, after a three-year sojourn in Paris on anAcademy fellowship, Repin joined the Associationof Traveling Art Exhibits, an independent organizationthat operated outside the official establishmentcontrolled by the Imperial Academy and thecourt. The Association, founded in 1870, was muchmore than a marketing venture. Given the natureof czarist autocracy and the sensitivities of the educatedpublic, the autonomous Association perforcetook on other responsibilities. By and large, itsmembers (usually called the Wanderers in English)did not consider themselves "free" to paint whatevercaught their fancy but felt obliged to "servesociety" by responding to public issues. 3 This ethoswas in keeping with the aspirations of the intelligentsiawho idolized the Association for bringingfree and meaningful art to the public.During the first four years of his membershipRepin lived in Moscow and enlivened the annualTraveling Art Exhibits with canvases on rural Russia(either expressive portraits of individual peasantsor typical group scenes), which spoke to thepopulist sympathies and preoccupations of the day.It should be noted, parenthetically, that the city intelligentsia'sapproach to the peasantry was tingedwith a large measure of guilt; Repin, born a peasant,had a much more clear-eyed and robust view of thecountryside, its inhabitants, and activities and couldconvey his visceral enjoyment of its color and energy.But with time the novelty of this subject matter,and the attractions of living in the ancient city,wore off. Fed up with Moscow's stifling provincialismand self-satisfied merchant class, Repin movedto St. Petersburg in the fall of 1882, eager to partakein the cultural and political ferment of the capital.While he still lived in Moscow, Repin had hadcontacts with the St. Petersburg intelligentsia, andafter settling there he became a regular and activemember of several liberal salons. He even formed asalon of his own-a group of young writers, oftenjoined by Garshin, would come to Repin's apartmentfor readings and discussions.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
кроме того, с 1881 года,когда репин нарисовал модест петрович мусоргский несколькоза несколько дней до смерти композитора, с безошибочнымссылки на его алкоголизм и другие излишества,репина была репутация, которую дажежестокий реалист, не идеализировать его пассажиры.в светеэтот факт и зачатия, эксперты судитьгаршин портретом соответственно.но спустя поколения судить полотна далекоболее благосклонно.сергея дягилева захотел повесить вего знаменитая ретроспективная выставка русского портрета,в таврическом дворце в санкт - петербурге.в 1905.9 в следующем году он был включен веще один новаторский выставочный, что дягилеворганизовал и направил в париж по внедрению русского искусствав west.10 и игорь грабарь, художник и искусствоисторик, стоит портрет у репинавсе не совсем так же, мусоргский, нотого же калибра, что и других великих работ в течениев 188os, период художника efflorescence."в 1884 году, когда он рисует его портрет гаршин,репин был известным художником в массыстрана.его творчество, однако, не просто классифицироватьсякак "реалист". он почитается за формы,в основном, отдельной национальной школы искусств настроенна потребности россии и чувства.илья ефимович репин (1844-1930) пришли квнимание общественности в 1871 году (за два года до окончанияиз императорской академии художеств).передвижения на волге.это изображение из двенадцати человектрудясь на банки в россии полноводная река удароригинальный и важные записки на время.никогда недо этого были простые крестьяне, раскрашенные в таких монументальныхмасштабы и с такими серьезными намерениями.императорская семья купила полотно, так и былонаправлено в 1873 году международной выставки в вене,где она завоевала бронзовую медаль.оно было отправлено за рубежснова в 1878 году и больше критики "слава для маркировкиформирование distinctive-i.e., nationalmodeхудожественного выражения в россии 2 на время.либеральной интеллигенции считает холст, какикона, как вдохновляющий образ демонстрация скрытойсила русского народа.как курбе - stonebreakers "место в истории французского искусства, баржапередвижения является одним из ключевых картину в формировании российскойреализм.в 1878 году, после трехлетнего пребывания в париже наакадемия стипендий, репин, присоединились к ассоциациипутешествия, художественные выставки, независимой организации, которые действовали за пределами официального учрежденияпод контролем императорской академии исуд.ассоциация, основанная в 1870, было многобольше, чем маркетинга предприятия.с учетом характераиз царской монархии и чувствительность образованныхобщественность, автономный статус волей - неволейбыли и другие обязанности.в целом,члены (обычно называют путешественников на английском языке)не считают себя "свободными", рисовать то, чтопоймали их фантазии, но вынужден "служитьобщество "реагировать на общественные проблемы.3 этот этосв соответствии с чаяниями.который боготворил ассоциации для объединениясвободного и конструктивного искусства для общественности.за первые четыре года его членского составарепин, жил в москве и оживило годовойпутешествие выставки с полотна на сельской россии(либо выразительные портреты отдельных крестьянили типичной группы сцены), который говорит спопулистские симпатии и тревоги за день.следует отметить, что, в дополнение к этому, что город интеллигенцииподход к крестьянство было оттенокв значительной степени вины; репин, родился крестьянином,стал гораздо более четкие и жесткие зренияв сельской местности, ее жителей, и деятельность и можетпередать его необузданной пользоваться его цвет и энергии.но со временем новизны в этом вопросе,и достопримечательностей, живущих в древний город,выветрилась.надоела москва душит провинциализмаи самодовольное торговый класс, репин переехалв санкт - петербурге осенью в 1882 году, стремятся приобщитьсяв культурное и политическое брожение в столице.хотя он все еще жил в москве, репин былконтакты с санкт - петербургской интеллигенции, ипосле урегулирования он стал регулярно и активночлен ряда либеральных салонов.он даже создалсалон его own-a группа молодых писателей, часток числу гаршин, пришли в квартиру репинадля чтения и обсуждения.
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