В Уфе проживало много мусульман, и до революции 1917 года здесь было ш перевод - В Уфе проживало много мусульман, и до революции 1917 года здесь было ш английский как сказать

В Уфе проживало много мусульман, и

В Уфе проживало много мусульман, и до революции 1917 года здесь было шесть мечетей. В сентябре 1788 года тут основали Оренбургское магометанское духовное собрание во главе с муфтием, которого назначал царь или министр внутренних дел из числа наиболее влиятельных духовных лиц, согласных исполнять волю Российского правительства. Полномочия собрания распространялись на всю территорию России за исключением Таврической области. Основная масса документов Духовного собрания поступила в ЦГИА РБ в 1967 году. Всего в архиве до этого времени хранилось 5647 метрических книг этого фонда за 1829 — 1905 годы. Теперь материалы объединили в архивный фонд № 295 (68250 единиц хранения за 1789 — 1917 годы). Большинство документов фонда относится к Оренбургской, Уфимской, Казанской губерниям, составлены они в основном на так называемом «тюрки», позднее на татарском языке. Есть документы, которые при поступлении (жалобы, прошения и т. п.) переводились на русский язык.

Первый муфтий Мухамеджан Хусаинов был купцом и крупным помещиком, второй — тархан Габдессалям Габдрахимов за усердную службу царю был награжден золотой медалью. По Указу 1788 года на Собрание возложили испытание лиц, желавших получить духовное звание, позднее в его ведение перешли дела и о бракосочетании, о разводах, о «мечетном богослужении».
Первый муфтий отправлял богослужение по пятницам в собственном доме на улице Телеграфной (ныне Цюрупы). В 1827 году Г. Габдрахимов ходатайствовал в губернском правлении об отводе земли для постройки дома и мечети там, где прежде стоял деревянный дом губернского правления, сгоревший от пожара. Губернская строительная комиссия в 1828 году выдала муфтию план, по которому для мечети отводилось место в середине квартала близ Случевской горы на улице Воскресенской (ранее фроловской, теперь Тукаева, 52). Первую соборную мечеть строил купец 2-й гильдии г. Уфы Мукмин Тагиров Хазмитев. Сумма, потраченная на сооружение мечети, составила 12 тысяч рублей серебром. Здание было каменное с одним минаретом. Построено оно в 1830 году.
Рядом находилось медресе, основанное в 1887 году, получившее впоследствии наименование «Усмания» по имени ахуна первой соборной мечети Хайруллы Усманова, пожертвовавшего много денежных средств на нужды мусульманского общества. Для учеников медресе были куплены шкафы, столы, пособия. X. Усманов умер в 1907 году, но его благие дела надолго остались в памяти мусульман Уфы и медресе «Усмания» пользовалось большой популярностью в городе. Первая соборная мечеть занимала главенствующее положение среди мечетей России. А в советское время, с 1960 по 1992 годы, она являлась единственной действующей мечетью Уфы.

В конце 19 века мечети была передана священная мусульманская реликвия – несколько волос с бороды пророка Мухаммада. Такой ценный подарок уфимцам преподнесло Османское государство.

Первая соборная мечеть занимала главенствующее положение среди мечетей России. К началу 20 века приход насчитывал 920 человек. При мечети действовало медресе «Гусмания» и русско-башкирское 2-классное училище.

С 1960 по 1992 год Первая соборная мечеть была единственной действующей мечетью Уфы.

Уфимские жители называют этот мусульманский храм как «мечеть на Тукаева» (располагается по улице Тукаева, 52). Культовое здание неоднократно перестраивалось, но внешний облик мечети не менялся. Именно при ней находится резиденция Центрального духовного управления мусульман России. Каждую пятницу в этой мечети проводит пятничные богослужения верховный муфтий России Талгат Таджуддин
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Many Muslims lived in Ufa, and before the revolution 1917 year there were six mosques. In September 1788 years there founded the Orenburg's Mohammedan spiritual Assembly, headed by the Mufti, appointed by the King or Minister of the Interior of one of the most influential clerics who agree to perform the will of the Russian Government. The powers of the Assembly extended to the entire territory of Russia with the exception of Tauris. The bulk of the documents submitted in the spiritual assembly CGIA RB in the year 1967. Only in the archive before this time kept the parish registers 5647 Fund for 1829-1905 years. Now materials combine archival Fund # 295 (68250 storage units for 1789-1917 years). Most of the documents of the Foundation relates to Orenburg, Ufa, Kazan provinces they are mainly on the so-called "Turks", and later in the Tatar language. There are documents that when entering (complaints, Petitions, etc.) were translated into Russian language. The first Mufti of Mukhamedzhan Khusainov was a merchant and a major landowner, the second is for the hard Gabdrahimov Gabdessalâm Tarkhan service King was awarded the gold medal. According to the Decree of the year 1788 to the meeting blamed the test persons seeking spiritual title, later it moved the case and on marriage, divorce, the "divine mečetnom". First, the Mufti sent worship on Fridays at his home on Telegraph Street (now Cyurupy). In the year 1827. Gabdrahimov interceded County Board the disqualification of land for the construction of houses and mosques, where before stood a wooden provincial Government House, burnt down by fire. The provincial construction Commission in 1828 year issued a plan on which the Mufti for mosque relegated in the middle of the quarter near the Slučevskoj mountains on the street Voskresenskaya (formerly frolovskaya, now Tukaeva, 52). The first mosque built merchant Guild 2 UFA Mukmin Tagirov Hazmitev. The amount spent on building mosques, amounted to 12 thousand roubles by silver. The building was a stone with one minaret. It was built in the year 1830. Next was the Madrasah, established in 1887, the year received the name "Usmaniâ" later named ahune first mosque Hajrully Usmanova, sacrificing a lot of money on the needs of Muslim society. For students of madrassas were purchased cabinets, tables, benefit. X. Usmanov died in 1907, but his good deeds etched in the memory of Muslims UFA and medressa Usmaniâ "enjoyed great popularity in the city. The first mosque occupied the leading position among mosques in Russia. As in Soviet times, from 1960 to 1992 years, she was the only functioning mosque in Ufa. At the end of the 19th century mosque was transferred to sacred Muslim relic-a few hairs from the beard of the Prophet Muhammad. Such a valuable gift ufimcam gave the Ottoman State. The first mosque occupied the leading position among mosques in Russia. By the beginning of the 20 century the parish had a population of 920 people. When the mosque operated Madrasah "Guzman" and Russian-Bashkir 2-classroom school. From 1960 to 1992 year First mosque was the only functioning mosque in Ufa. UFA residents call this Muslim shrine as "a mosque on Tukaeva" (located on the street Tukayeva, 52). A religious building was reconstructed on several occasions, but the appearance of the mosque has not changed. It is when it is the residence of the Central spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Russia. Every Friday at the mosque holds Friday worship the Supreme Mufti of Russia the Talgat Tajuddin
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In Ufa, home to many Muslims, and before the 1917 revolution there were six mosques. In September 1788 there was founded the Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly, headed by mufti, who is appointed by the king and interior minister from among the most influential clerics willing to do the will of the Russian government. Powers of the meeting extended to the entire territory of Russia except Taurian area. The bulk of the documents of the Spiritual Assembly of the Republic of Belarus entered the Central State Historical Archives in 1967. Just archive until that time kept 5,647 metric books of the Fund for 1829 - 1905. Now, the materials in the archives combined number 295 (68250 items for 1789 - 1917 years). Most of the documents related to the fund Orenburg, Ufa, Kazan province, they are made ​​up mainly on the so-called "Turks", and later in the Tatar language. There are documents that admission (complaints, petitions and so on. N.) Translated into Russian. The first Mufti Mukhamedzhan Khusainov was a merchant and landowner close second - Tarhan Gabdessalyam Gabdrahimov for diligent service to the king was awarded a gold medal. By decree of 1788 at the meeting laid the test persons wishing to receive holy orders, and later in its management moved things about marriage, divorce, the "Mechetnaya worship." The first Mufti sent worship on Fridays in his own house on the street Telegraph (now Cjurupy) . In 1827, G. Gabdrahimov requested in provincial government to allocate land for the construction of homes and mosques, where before there was a wooden house of the provincial government, burned by fire. Provincial Construction Commission in 1828 issued Mufti plan that was given to the mosque in the middle of the block, near Mount Sluchevskaya outside Resurrection (formerly Frolovskaya now Tukaeva, 52). The first cathedral mosque built merchant 2nd guild of Ufa Mukminov Tahirov Hazmitev. The amount spent on the construction of the mosque, was 12 thousand rubles in silver. The building was a stone with one minaret. It was built in 1830. Nearby is the madrasa, founded in 1887, later received the name of "Usman" named akhun first cathedral mosque Khairulla Usmanov donated a lot of money for the needs of the Muslim community. For students of madrassas were bought cabinets, tables, manuals. X. Usmanov died in 1907, but his good deeds for a long time remained in the memory of Muslims and Ufa madrasah "Usmanov" enjoyed great popularity in the city. First Mosque held the leading position among Russian mosques. In Soviet times, from 1960 to 1992, she was the only current mosque in Ufa. In the late 19th century, the mosque was given to the Muslim holy relic - a few hairs from the beard of the Prophet Muhammad. This has presented a valuable gift Residents Ottoman state. First Mosque held the leading position among Russian mosques. By the early 20th century, the parish consisted of 920 people. When the mosque operated madrassas "Guzman" and the Russian-Bashkir 2-classroom school. From 1960 to 1992, first congregational mosque was the only functioning mosque in Ufa. Ufa residents call this Muslim temple as "mosque Tukaeva" (located along the street Tukaeva 52) . Religious building was reconstructed several times, but the appearance of the mosque has not changed. That is when it is the residence of the Central Spiritual Board of Muslims of Russia. Every Friday at the mosque holding Friday worship the Supreme Mufti of Russia Talgat Tajuddin

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
there were a lot of muslims, and before the revolution of 1917, there were six mosques. in september 1788, it founded the orenburg muslim spiritual assembly, headed by his eminence the grand mufti.
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