a) Read what young people say about citizenship projects they have bee перевод - a) Read what young people say about citizenship projects they have bee украинский как сказать

a) Read what young people say about

a) Read what young people say about citizenship projects they have been involved in (A-F) and refer each question (1-8) to the appropriate person. Which project(s):

1. E. had very little equipment for the job?
2. D. benefited the local economy?
3. B. was part of normal school lessons?
4. A. deals with a problem largely caused by local people?
5. C. requires being taught skills?
6. F. involved cooperation with businesses?
7. B. can involve helping injured people?
8. A. is seasonal?

Our school is in a small town on the coast and tourism is very important for our community. One of the problems we've been having though is all the litter that gets left on the beaches. It's not all left by tourists. Unfortunately, most gets dumped by people who live in the area and some is washed up by the sea. Anyway, we decided to do something about it, so once a week during the summer we organised ourselves into work parties and cleaned the beaches. Apart from helping the image of the town, it gave us the chance to get plenty of fresh air.

In citizenship classes. we visit elderly people in the community, who have difficulty in doing things for themselves, and help them. This means doing things like going to the shops and helping out in the house and garden. Sometimes, all we do is just have a chat with them. Sometimes we can find out something about life from them, because they've lived through a lot and have plenty of experience. I think it's important for different generations to look out for each other.

It's very beautiful here in the mountains and we get a lot of visitors, but beneath all the beauty it is quite a wild and dangerous place. I should know because I'm a volunteer with the local mountain rescue service. Naturally, we receive instruction in first-aid and how to use maps and compasses. I've even been in a helicopter. Last summer, I helped find a walker who had fallen and broken his leg. If we hadn't got to him. he would have died.

I had quite a few personal problems and it was a great help when I was able to phone up and talk to someone about them. That was when I decided that I would like to help out. Basically. I'm a volunteer on a help line for young people. Teenagers who have various problems Can ring us and just talk about what's worrying them. If it's something very serious, we can recommend professional help. Of course, we get training on how to handle calls, and it's a great feeling to know that you're there for people if they need you.

I saw this ad in the press calling for volunteers to go and work in the Third World for a year. I decided to take a year out before university and I thought it would be a great opportunity. I ended up helping kids learn English in a village in Africa. It was a real eye-opener for me as the resources were virtually non-existent and the classes were much larger than I thought they would be. However, I learnt a lot about myself being out there and benefited enormously from the experience.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
a) Read what young people say about citizenship projects they have been involved in (A-F) and refer each question (1-8) to the appropriate person. Which project(s): 1. E. had very little equipment for the job? 2. D. benefited the local economy? 3. B. was part of normal school lessons? 4. A. deals with a problem largely caused by local people? 5. C. requires being taught skills? 6. F. involved cooperation with businesses? 7. B. can involve helping injured people? 8. A. is seasonal?BEING GOOD CITIZENS Our school is in a small town on the coast and tourism is very important for our community. One of the problems we've been having though is all the litter that gets left on the beaches. It's not all left by tourists. Unfortunately, most gets dumped by people who live in the area and some is washed up by the sea. Anyway, we decided to do something about it, so once a week during the summer we organised ourselves into work parties and cleaned the beaches. Apart from helping the image of the town, it gave us the chance to get plenty of fresh air. In citizenship classes. we visit elderly people in the community, who have difficulty in doing things for themselves, and help them. This means doing things like going to the shops and helping out in the house and garden. Sometimes, all we do is just have a chat with them. Sometimes we can find out something about life from them, because they've lived through a lot and have plenty of experience. I think it's important for different generations to look out for each other. It's very beautiful here in the mountains and we get a lot of visitors, but beneath all the beauty it is quite a wild and dangerous place. I should know because I'm a volunteer with the local mountain rescue service. Naturally, we receive instruction in first-aid and how to use maps and compasses. I've even been in a helicopter. Last summer, I helped find a walker who had fallen and broken his leg. If we hadn't got to him. he would have died. I had quite a few personal problems and it was a great help when I was able to phone up and talk to someone about them. That was when I decided that I would like to help out. Basically. I'm a volunteer on a help line for young people. Teenagers who have various problems Can ring us and just talk about what's worrying them. If it's something very serious, we can recommend professional help. Of course, we get training on how to handle calls, and it's a great feeling to know that you're there for people if they need you. I saw this ad in the press calling for volunteers to go and work in the Third World for a year. I decided to take a year out before university and I thought it would be a great opportunity. I ended up helping kids learn English in a village in Africa. It was a real eye-opener for me as the resources were virtually non-existent and the classes were much larger than I thought they would be. However, I learnt a lot about myself being out there and benefited enormously from the experience.
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
а) Прочитайте то , що молоді люди говорять про громадянство проектів , які вони були залучені в (AF) і відносяться на кожне питання (1-8) до відповідного особі. Який проект (и): 1. Е. було дуже мало обладнання для роботи? 2. D. користь місцевій економіці? 3. Б. був частиною звичайних шкільних уроків? 4. А. займається проблемою у чому викликаної місцевими жителями? 5. С. вимагає викладаються навички? 6. F. бере участь співпрацю з бізнесом? 7. Б. може включати в себе , допомагаючи пораненим людям? 8. А. сезонне? Being добропорядні громадяни Наша школа знаходиться в невеликому містечку на узбережжі і туризм дуже важливий для нашої спільноти. Одна з проблем , ми мали хоча це все сміття , який отримує залишили на пляжах. Це не всі залишені туристами. На жаль, більшість отримує скидали люди , які живуть в цьому районі , а частина прибило морем. У всякому разі, ми вирішили зробити що - то про це, так що один раз в тиждень в протягом літа ми організували себе в робочих партій і очистити пляжі. Окрім надання допомоги іміджу міста, це дало нам можливість отримати багато свіжого повітря. В класах громадянства. ми відвідуємо літніх людей в суспільстві, які зазнають труднощів в робити речі для себе, і допомогти їм. Це означає , що робити такі речі , як ходити в магазини і допомагати в будинку і саду. Іноді все , що ми робимо, просто поговорити з ними. Іноді ми можемо дізнатися що - то про життя від них, тому що вони пережили багато і мають великий досвід. Я думаю , що це важливо для різних поколінь , щоб виглядати один одного. Це дуже красиво тут , в горах , і ми отримуємо багато відвідувачів, але під усій красі це абсолютно дике і небезпечне місце. Я повинен знати , тому що я доброволець з місцевої служби гірських рятувальників. Природно, ми отримуємо інструкцію в першої допомоги і як використовувати карти і компаси. Я навіть був у вертольоті. Влітку минулого року, я допоміг знайти ходок , який впав і зламав ногу. Якби ми не дісталися до нього. він би помер. У мене було досить багато особистих проблем , і це було великою підмогою , коли я був в стані зателефонувати і поговорити з ким - то про них. Це було , коли я вирішив , що я хотів би допомогти. В принципі. Я добровольцем на лінії допомоги для молоді. Підлітки , які мають різні проблеми , можете зателефонувати нам і просто говорити про те , що їх турбує. Якщо це що - то дуже серйозне, ми можемо порекомендувати професійну допомогу. Звичайно, ми отримуємо навчання того , як обробляти виклики, і це велике почуття , щоб знати , що ви там для людей , якщо вони потребують в вас. Я бачив це оголошення в пресі закликають добровольців йти і працювати в країнах третього світу для рік. Я вирішив взяти рік перед університетом , і я думав , що це буде прекрасна можливість. Я в кінцевому підсумку допомагає дітям вивчати англійську мову в селі , в Африці. Це було справжнім одкровенням для мене , як ресурси були практично не існує , і класи були набагато більше , ніж я думав , що вони будуть. Тим НЕ менше, я дізнався багато нового про себе бути там і витягли величезну користь з досвіду.

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