В гарантиях продавца указано "Возврат средств в полном объёме, если товар не получен в течение 60 дней". С момента отправки товара прошло 94 дня. Я думаю, что продавец не отправлял товар. Прошло больше 3 месяцев. Пожалуйста, верните мои деньги!
The seller guarantees "full refund if item is not received within 60 days". From the moment of sending the goods passed 94 days. I think that the seller does not send the goods. It took more than 3 months. Please return my money!
The Seller guarantees given "refund in full, if the goods are not received within 60 days." From the moment of dispatch took 94 days. I think that the seller did not send the goods. It took more than 3 months. Please return my money!
the seller guarantees stated "a refund in full amount, if the goods are not received within 60 days. since the dispatch of the goods was 94 days. i think that the seller does not send the goods. it has been more than 3 months. please return my money!