4. Когда дед Нелл разорился, он решил уйти с девочкой из дома. Они уех перевод - 4. Когда дед Нелл разорился, он решил уйти с девочкой из дома. Они уех английский как сказать

4. Когда дед Нелл разорился, он реш

4. Когда дед Нелл разорился, он решил уйти с девочкой из дома. Они уехали из Лондона с тем, чтобы никогда туда больше не возвращаться.
5. Они долго ходили из деревни в деревню и, наконец, случайно пришли в большой промышленный город.
6. Наступил вечер, а они все еще бродили по городу (all about the town). Казалось, они бродили уже целую вечность.
7. Огни в домах и магазинах, казалось, насмехались (to mock) над ними, и от этого они чувствовали (это заставляло их чувствовать) себя еще более одинокими.
8. Они жалели, что пришли в этот город, где они никого не знали и где не было никого, кто мог бы им помочь.
9. Увидев темный подъезд (doorway), они решили провести там ночь; они знали, что едва ли найдут лучшее убежище.
10. В этот момент они увидели, что какой-то человек вышел из дома.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
4. When Nell's grandfather went bankrupt, he decided to leave with the girl out of the House. They left London in order to never go there no longer to return. 5. They have long walked from village to village and, finally, accidentally came in a large industrial city. 6. evening Came, and they still roamed the city (all about the town). It seemed they roamed for ages. 7. Lights in homes and stores seemed to be taunting (to mock) over them, and from this they felt (it made them feel) even more lonely. 8. They spared, that came to this city where they knew no one and where there was no one who could help them. 9. Seeing dark entrance (doorway), they decided to spend the night there; they knew that hardly find better shelter. 10. At this point, they saw that a man came out of the House.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
4. When Nell's grandfather went bankrupt, he decided to leave the girl out of the house. They left London in order never to return.
5. They have long walked from village to village and, finally, by chance came in a big industrial city.
6. Evening came, and they are still wandering around the city (all about the town). They seemed to have wandered for ages.
7. The lights in the houses and shops seemed mocking (to mock) over them, and from that they felt (it makes them feel) themselves even more alone.
8. They regretted that come to this city, where they knew no one and where there was no one who could help them.
9. Seeing the dark entrance (doorway), they decided to spend the night there; they knew hardly find a better shelter.
10. At this point, they saw that a man came out of the house.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
4. when grandfather nell went out of business, he decided to go with the girl out of the house. they left london in order to never go back there again.5. they took a long walk from village to village and, finally, accidentally came in a large industrial city.6. the end of the afternoon, and they still roamed the city (all in the town). it seemed they walked for a long time.7. the lights in the houses and shops were used (to can) over them, and that they felt it made them feel) you even more lonely.8. they regret that came to the city, where they knew no one and where there was no one who could help them.9. seeing the dark entrance (doorway), they decided to spend the night. they knew that hardly find a better place.10. at this time, they found that a man came out of the house.
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