1. Неужели это было правдой? Я не верила в эту историю, хотя многие доказывали мне обратное. 2. Эта книга у него уже 2 месяца. Неужели он еще не прочитал ее? 3. Уже полночь. Неужели она еще читает? 4. Ты бы не могла помочь мне перевести эту статью, Николь? – Да что ты! Ты не могла не перевести её сама, ты ведь так хорошо знаешь английский! – Она из солидного экономического журнала, поэтому у меня возникли с ней некоторые трудности. 5. Нет, я не верю, что культурные недоразумения могли привести к разрыву их сотрудничества. – К сожалению, это так, я сам не мог поверить своим ушам. – В таком случае, Самюэль, ты бы не мог одолжить мне своё пособие, я хочу избежать таких недоразумений.6. Неужели ты не видишь, что он сейчас упадет? Пойди и помоги ему дойти до комнаты. 7. Ты заплатила 200 долларов? Билеты не могут быть такими дорогими. 8. Неужели она так поступила? Я советую тебе для начала выяснить, что же
случилось на самом деле. 9. Я не понимаю, что он говорит. – Ты могла бы попросить Джона перевести его слова. 10. Ты же стояла в двух метрах от него. Неужели он не заметил тебя?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Is it true? I didn't believe in this story, although many proved me wrong. 2. This book already 2 months. Does he still not read it? 3. Midnight. Is she still reads? 4. Would you couldn't help me to translate this article, Nicole? -Yes that's you! You could not translate it herself, you so well know English! -She is from solid economic magazine, so I've been having some difficulties with it. 5. No, I do not believe that cultural misunderstandings can lead to rupture of their cooperation. Unfortunately, it is so, I myself could not believe his ears. -In this case, Samuel, you would not be able to lend me his allowance, I want to avoid such misunderstandings. 6. Can't you see that he is now dropping? Go and help him to reach the rooms. 7. you paid 200 dollars? Tickets may not be as expensive. 8. Did she came? I advise you to start figuring out what What happened actually. 9. I don't understand what he said. -You could ask John to translate his words. 10. you stood two meters from him. Surely he didn't notice you?
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Was it true? I do not believe in this story, although many proved me wrong. 2. This book had already 2 months. Does he still have not read it? 3. It's midnight. Was she still reading? 4. Would you could not help me to translate this article, Nicole? - Yes, you! You can not translate it myself, you're so good you know English! - She's solid economic magazine, so I am having some difficulty with it. 5. No, I do not believe that cultural misunderstandings can lead to the rupture of their cooperation. - Unfortunately, this is the case, I could not believe my ears. - In this case, Samuel, you could not lend me his allowance, I want to avoid such nedorazumeniy.6. Can not you see that he is now fall? Go and help him get to the room. 7. You pay $ 200? Tickets may not be so expensive. 8. Did she do that? I advise you to start to find out what
really happened. 9. I do not understand what he says. - You could ask John to translate his words. 10. You're standing two meters away from him. Did he not notice you?
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. is it true? i don"t believe in this story, although many proved me wrong. 2. this book has been 2 months. does he have not read it? 3. it"s midnight. is she reading? 4. could you help me to translate this article, nicole? - yes you! you couldn"t move it myself, you know english! is she from solid economic journal, so i"ve been having some trouble with her. 5. no, i don"t believe that cultural misunderstanding could lead to the breakup of their cooperation. - unfortunately, that i myself could not believe my ears. in that case, samuel, could you lend me your payment, i want to avoid such недоразумений.6. can"t you see he"s going to fall? go and help him get to the room. 7. you paid $200? tickets may not be so expensive. 8. did she do it? i suggest you first find out whatreally happened. 9. i don"t understand what he says. - you could ask john to his words. 10. you"re standing on two feet away. does he not see you?
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