На аукционе Sotheby's в апреле 2002 года. Их описание: звезды сапфир и алмаз Кулон брошь, около 1955 года. Большие овальные звездчатый сапфир кабошон весом около 145.00 карат,
At Sotheby's in April 2002 year. Description: star sapphire and Diamond Pendant brooch, circa 1955 year. Large oval cabochon star sapphire weighing approximately 145 k
At Sotheby's in April 2002. Their description: Star sapphire and diamond pendant brooch, about 1955. Large oval cabochon star sapphire weighing about 145.00 carats,
at the auction Sotheby's in april 2002. description: star sapphire and diamond pendant brooch around 1955. large oval star sapphire cabochon weighing about 145.00 carats