«Взялся Леонардо выполнить для Франческо дель Джокондо портрет моны Лизы, жены его, и, потрудившись над ним четыре года, оставил его недовершенным. Это произведение находится ныне у французского короля в Фонтенбло.
Это изображение всякому, кто хотел бы видеть, до какой степени искусство может подражать природе, даёт возможность постичь это наилегчайшим образом, ибо в нём воспроизведены все мельчайшие подробности, какие только может передать тонкость живописи. Поэтому глаза имеют тот блеск и ту влажность, какие обычно видны у живого человека, а вокруг них переданы все те красноватые отсветы и волоски, которые поддаются изображению лишь при величайшей тонкости мастерства. Ресницы, сделанные наподобие того как действительно растут на теле волосы, где гуще, а где реже, и расположенные соответственно порам кожи, не могли бы быть изображены с большей естественностью. Нос со своими прелестными отверстиями, розоватыми и нежными, кажется живым. Рот, слегка приоткрытый, с краями, соединёнными алостью губ, с телесностью своего вида, кажется не красками, а настоящей плотью. В углублении шеи при внимательном взгляде можно видеть биение пульса. И поистине можно сказать, что это произведение было написано так, что повергает в смятение и страх любого самонадеянного художника, кто бы он ни был.
Между прочим, Леонардо прибег к следующему приёму: так как мона Лиза была очень красива, то во время писания портрета он держал людей, которые играли на лире или пели, и тут постоянно были шуты, поддерживавшие в ней веселость и удалявшие меланхолию, которую обычно сообщает живопись выполняемым портретам. У Леонардо же в этом произведении улыбка дана столь приятной, что кажется, будто бы созерцаешь скорее божественное, нежели человеческое существо; самый же портрет почитается произведением необычайным, ибо и сама жизнь не могла бы быть иной»[1].
Результаты (
английский) 1:
"Leonardo Undertook to perform for Francesco del Giocondo, the portrait of Mona Lisa, his wife, and bothering him over four years, left him nedoveršennym. This work is now the French King at Fontainebleau.This picture to anyone who would like to see to what extent art can imitate nature, gives the possibility to comprehend this nailegčajšim way, since it reproduced all the smallest details can convey the subtlety of painting. Therefore, the eyes have the shine and the humidity, which is usually visible to a living person, and around them passed all those subtle reddish and loose hairs, which are image only with the greatest subtlety skill. Eyelashes made like that to really grow hair on the body, where the thick, but where is less common, and respectively the pores of the skin, could be portrayed with greater naturalness. Nose with its lovely pink hole and gentle, it seems alive. Mouth slightly open, with the edges, United alost′û lips, corporeality of its kind, it seems not paints, and this flesh. To deepen the neck with careful look you can see the beating pulse. And indeed we can say that this piece was written so that plunges into confusion and fear any arrogant artist, whoever he may be.Among other things, Leonardo resorted to following enrollment: as Mona Lisa was very beautiful at the time of writing, the portrait he kept people who played the lyre or singing, and here were the Jesters, who supported it joviality and udalâvšie melancholy, which usually reports painting executed portraits. Leonardo same smile in this work so nice, given that it seems as if seems as though you see rather divine rather than human beings; the same portrait of revered work of extraordinary, since life itself could be a "[1].
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
"Took Leonardo perform for Francesco del Giocondo a portrait of the Mona Lisa, his wife, and, having worked on it for four years, left him nedovershennym. This work is now the French king at Fontainebleau.
This image is anyone who would like to see the extent to which art may imitate nature, makes it possible to grasp is the lightest way, because it played all the fine details which could only convey the subtlety of painting. Therefore, the eyes have the shine and the humidity, which is usually seen in a living person, and passed around them all the reflections and reddish hairs that are amenable to the image only when the subtleties of the greatest skill. Eyelashes, made like a really grow as body hair, thicker, and where less and disposed respectively pores of the skin, would be depicted with greater naturalness. Nose with her lovely holes, rosy and tender, it seems alive. Mouth slightly open, with edges connected by Alost lips with corporeality of its kind, it seems not paint, but a real flesh. The deepening of the neck at close look you can see the pulse. And truly it can be said that this work was written in a way that throws into confusion and fear any arrogant artist, whoever he was.
By the way, Leonardo resorted to the following method: as the Mona Lisa was very beautiful, then at the time of writing a portrait he kept the people who play the lyre and sang, and there were always fools who supported it cheerful and removes the melancholy, which is usually performed according to painting portraits. Leonardo, in this work is given as a pleasant smile that it seems to him contemplate the divine rather than a human being; the portrait of the most revered work of extraordinary, since life itself could not have been different ". [1]
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
"come from leonardo to perform to francesco del giocondo portrait of mona lisa, his wife, and bothering him over four years, left his недовершенным. this work is currently at the french king at fontainebleau.
this image to all who would like to see the extent to which art can imitate nature, gives you the opportunity to grasp this наилегчайшим way, since it reproduces all the little detailssome may refer to the painting. therefore, the eyes have the luster and the humidity which is usually visible from a living person, and those around them to reddish отсветы and hairswhich are the only with the greatest skill. eyelashes made like that really grow on the body hair is thicker and less frequently and are located respectively порам skincould be depicted more naturalness. with its cute nose holes, pink and tender, it seems alive. mouth slightly приоткрытый, with the edges of the old алостью lips, телесностью kind.i don't think so, but the real flesh. to deepen the neck closely you can see no pulse. and indeed, we can say that this piece was written aswhat makes the confusion and fear any arrogant artist, whoever he is. - by the way, leonardo resorted to the next reception: as the mona lisa was very beautiful, at the time of the portrait, he kept the peoplewho played the lyre and singing, and there were constantly jokers, who supported her funny and удалявшие melancholy, which is usually performed by painting portraits.in this work, leonardo's smile is so sweet that it seems as if созерцаешь divine rather than human being; the portrait is a work of extraordinary.because life itself could be other "[1].
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