1. Он вынужден был признать, что прошло много лет с тех пор, как он бр перевод - 1. Он вынужден был признать, что прошло много лет с тех пор, как он бр английский как сказать

1. Он вынужден был признать, что пр

1. Он вынужден был признать, что прошло много лет с тех пор, как он брал отпуск. 2. Они обожали этого ребенка. Он был их утешением с того момента, как родился. 3. Ее мысли все еще были о матери. Она не видела ее с тех пор, как Ирина уехала в Лондон. Она
не только дала ей и ее брату любовь и поддержку, но и всегда вдохновляла их на достижение всех желаний. Она всегда была им матерью и отцом. 4. Она пожаловалась, что сколько она знала своего мужа, он всегда был трудоголиком. 5. Оксана знала стихотворение наизусть, так как мать научила ее много лет назад. И все это время оно было у нее в памяти (to stay in the mind). 6. Он объявил, что был влюблен в нее с тех пор, как впервые увидел ее. 7. Было ясно, что у мамы не было ни минуты отдыха, с тех пор как мы взяли двух щенков и кошку. 8. Ей было очень жаль, что она много лет не была в городе, в котором родилась. 9. Его владение английским было безукоризненно (flawless). Он воспитывался и получал образование в Англии с тех пор, как его семья переехала туда. 10. Он выглядел как человек, который толь¬ко что получил миллион долларов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. He had to admit that many years have passed since he took a leave of absence. 2. They adored that child. He was their consolation since he was born. 3. Her thoughts were still on the mother. She had not seen her since Irina moved to London. Shenot only gave her and her brother love and support, but also always inspired them to achieve all desires. It was always them mother and father. 4. She complained that she knew her husband, he's always been a workaholic. 5. Oksana knew the poem by heart, because the mother taught her many years ago. And all this time it was in her memory (to stay in the mind). 6. He announced that he was in love with her since he first saw her. 7. It was clear that my mother had no moments of relaxation, since we took two puppies and a cat. 8. She was very sorry that it has not been for many years in a city where she was born. 9. his knowledge of English was impeccably (flawless). He was raised and received education in England since his family moved there. 10. He looked like a man who only ¬ Ko that got a million dollars.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. He had to admit that it has been many years since he took leave. 2. They loved that child. He was their consolation from the moment he was born. 3. Her thoughts were still on the mother. She had not seen her since, as Irina went to London. She
not only gave her and her brother's love and support, but always inspired them to achieve all desires. It has always been his mother and father. 4. She complained that she knew how much her ​​husband, he had always been a workaholic. 5. Oksana knew the poem by heart, as his mother had taught her many years ago. And all this time it was in her memory (to stay in the mind). 6. He declared that he was in love with her ​​since I first saw her. 7. It was clear that my mother did not have a moment's rest, since we have two puppies and a cat. 8. She was sorry that she has not been for many years in the city where she was born. 9. His command of English was impeccable (flawless). He grew up and was educated in England since his family moved there. 10. He looked like a man who tol¬ko got a million dollars.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. he was forced to admit that it had been many years since he took a leave of absence. 2. they loved that kid. he was their comfort since i was born. 3. her thoughts were still on the mother. she hasn't seen her since.as irina moved to london. she
not only gave her and her brother's love and support, but also always inspired them to achieve all the wishes. she's always been their mother and father. 4. she complained,how did she know that her husband, he was a workaholic. 5. oksana knew the poem by heart, as my mother taught her many years ago. and all this time it was in her mind to stay in the mind). 6. he declared,i was in love with her since the first time i saw her. 7. it was clear that mum hasn't had a moment's peace, since we have two dogs and a cat. 8. she was very sorry that she had not been in the city for many years, in which she was born.9. his date of birth was perfect (top quality). he was raised and received education in england since his family moved there. 10. he looked like a man who толь¬ко received a million dollars. "
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