By the end of the second day I was being offered twenty-five thousand. перевод - By the end of the second day I was being offered twenty-five thousand. русский как сказать

By the end of the second day I was

By the end of the second day I was being offered twenty-five thousand. The next day fifty.
When on the fourth day Gerston came in, I immediately took up the subject of the fence. He advised me not to sell the fence yet — and let the Palmer Museum in New York exhibit it for several weeks. He also explained what all the excitement was about. He said one reason was that Lautisse had never before used a bit of white paint.
The fence was taken to New York. I went down myself to have a look, and I couldn't keep from laughing when I saw my fence — it had a fence around it.
The exhibition was to end on a Saturday, and Gerston phoned that day and asked if I would meet him at the museum on Sunday.
He led me to the room where my fence had been exhibited, and 1 did get a shock when we walked in. The fence had been cut up into sections.
"Don't get excited," said Gerston. "Let me show you something. " He pointed to a word in black paint at the bottom corner. It took me a few seconds to recognize it. It was the signature of Lautisse.
"But ... but I don't get it," I stammered. "Why ... what ... where is he? "
"Lautisse sailed for home early this morning," said Gerston. "But last night he came over here, got down on his hands and knees, and signed each of the thirty sections. Now you've got something to sell. "
And indeed I did have. Twenty-nine sections of the thirty sections were sold within a month's time at 10,000 each. I kept the thirtieth, it's hanging now in our living-room.
After it was all over, I went to see Gerston.
"Lautisse was genuinely fond of you and Mrs. Gregg," he said. "He had no idea, when he painted your fence, that it would make such a noise. But when it did, he got a good laugh out of it. And it was his idea to have the fence cut into sections. Then he got down to work and signed each one. "
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
By the end of the second day I was being offered twenty-five thousand. The next day fifty. When on the fourth day Gerston came in, I immediately took up the subject of the fence. He advised me not to sell the fence yet — and let the Palmer Museum in New York exhibit it for several weeks. He also explained what all the excitement was about. He said one reason was that Lautisse had never before used a bit of white paint. The fence was taken to New York. I went down myself to have a look, and I couldn't keep from laughing when I saw my fence — it had a fence around it. The exhibition was to end on a Saturday, and Gerston phoned that day and asked if I would meet him at the museum on Sunday. He led me to the room where my fence had been exhibited, and 1 did get a shock when we walked in. The fence had been cut up into sections. "Don't get excited," said Gerston. "Let me show you something. " He pointed to a word in black paint at the bottom corner. It took me a few seconds to recognize it. It was the signature of Lautisse. "But ... but I don't get it," I stammered. "Why ... what ... where is he? ""Lautisse sailed for home early this morning," said Gerston. "But last night he came over here, got down on his hands and knees, and signed each of the thirty sections. Now you've got something to sell. "And indeed I did have. Twenty-nine sections of the thirty sections were sold within a month's time at 10,000 each. I kept the thirtieth, it's hanging now in our living-room. After it was all over, I went to see Gerston. "Lautisse was genuinely fond of you and Mrs. Gregg," he said. "He had no idea, when he painted your fence, that it would make such a noise. But when it did, he got a good laugh out of it. And it was his idea to have the fence cut into sections. Then he got down to work and signed each one. "
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
к концу второй день я оказывается, двадцать пять тысяч.на следующий день пятьдесят.когда на четвертый день gerston пришел, я сразу взял под забором.он посоветовал мне не продать ограждения еще - и пусть палмер музей в нью - йорке выставку его на несколько недель.он также пояснил, что все волнение было.он сказал, что одной из причин заключается в том, что lautisse никогда не использовал немного белой краской.забор был доставлен в нью - йорк.я пошел сам посмотреть, и я не мог удержаться от смеха, когда я увидел мой барыга - она забор вокруг него.выставка была до конца в субботу, и gerston позвонил в тот день и спросила, буду ли я встретиться с ним в музее в воскресенье.он привел меня в комнату, где мой забор был выставлен и 1 получил шок, когда мы вошли.забор был разрезать на части."не волнуйся", - сказал gerston ".позволь мне показать тебе кое - что. "он сослался на слова в черной краской в нижнем углу.мне потребовалось несколько секунд, чтобы признать это.это стало подписание lautisse."но...но я не понимаю, я запнулся. "почему.что...где он? ""lautisse отправились домой рано утром", - сказал gerston ".но вчера вечером он пришел, встал на руки и колени, и подпись каждый из 30 участков.теперь у тебя есть кое - что на продажу ".и я действительно не было.двадцать девять разделов тридцать участки были проданы в течение месяца на 10 тысяч каждый.я сохранил тридцатой, висит теперь в нашей гостиной.после того, как все закончилось, я ходил к gerston."lautisse действительно любит тебя и миссис грегг", - сказал он.он понятия не имел, когда он покрасил ваш забор, это было бы сделать такой шум.но когда он это сделал, он хороший смех из него.и это была его идея, есть забор нарезать разделов.затем он должен приступить к работе и подпись каждый ".
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